Timor-Leste Centers
Known Centers based in Timor-Leste
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Human Rights Center, National University of Timor Leste
Year Established: 2019
Short Historical Background
In 2019, the Global Campus of Human Rights, the world’s largest network of universities offering post-graduate training on human rights, was entrusted by the EU-DG DEVCO to lead a new capacity building project: "Development of Human Rights Education and Research at the National University of Timor-Leste." The 23-month project, financed through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and implemented in close coordination with the European Union Delegation in Dili, aims at contributing to the promotion of human rights, democracy and development in Timor-Leste through the establishment of a Human Rights Center within the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Timor Leste (NUTL).
The Center, whose creation follows the recommendations of the post-conflict truth and reconciliation commission (CAVR) advocating for the development of human rights curricula and resources, will engage in training, research activities and international networking, and is envisaged to become a partner within the Global Campus Asia-Pacific regional hub with universities of neighboring and ASEAN countries.
Programs and Activities
The inauguration ceremony of the premises of the Center, which took place in August 2019 as part of the official State celebrations for the twentieth anniversary of the independence referendum, was attended by State and diplomatic delegations and notable figures, including the Peace Nobel Laureate Josè Ramos-Horta. Since then, a new generation of future lecturers, researchers, experts and managers is being forged through three structural "Studies & Training Programmes" for which twenty-seven professors, renown human rights defenders and young graduates were selected. These resource persons will be the protagonists of the mainstreaming of human rights courses within the University curriculum from 2021, contributing to a more just and equitable Timor-Leste.
In the meantime, the Center is also growing as a lively hub for learning, discussing and engaging for most pressing local human rights causes, thanks to weekly public events involving hundreds of youngsters, and thanks to several outreach activities linking to local civil society organizations (CSOs), as well as all key national and international stakeholders, as for instance the Office of the Ombudsperson for Human Rights and Justice, and the United Nations system in Timor-Leste.
Special Concerns
Following a period of in-depth structural consultations with every UNTL Faculty, few thematic issues are identified as priority for the future action of the Center, among these are child rights, women’s rights and gender issues, as well as environmental rights.
Other Information
1. Project Brief – about capacity building at UNTL in a nutshell (link)
2. Video-animation – What is “Development of HR Education & Research at UNTL?” (link)
3. Infographic 1 – the project actions, step by step (link)
4. Infographic 2 – the capacity building of human resources, our core business (link)
5. Infographic 3 – the parallel activities of the growing HR Center at UNTL (link)
6. Infographic 4 – the 27 Timorese protagonists of the ‘’Human Rights Studies & Training Programmes’’ (link)
Human Rights Center
Faculty of Social Sciences
National University of Timor Leste
Avenida Balide, Caicoli Campus
Dili, Timor Leste
ph +670 3310045
e-mail: hrc-untl[a]gchumanrights.org
Facebook official page – www.facebook.com/HumanRightsCenter.UNTL
La’o Hamutuk (Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor
Dezenvolvimentu /Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring
and Analysis)
Year Established: 2000
Short Historical Background
La’o Hamutuk (LH) was founded in 2000 in Timor-Leste at the start of its transition to independence after the 24-year Indonesian occupation. LH started as a joint initiative of Timorese civil society leaders and international solidarity activists to address the major influence of international organizations and systems (the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank), aid agencies, multinational oil companies, global commodity trade, etc. on the new nation. Today, LH is a Timor-Leste organization with some international participation that monitors, advocates about and reports on the activities and impacts of international institutions and systems as they relate to the physical, economic and social reconstruction and development of Timor-Leste. LH believes that the people of Timor-Leste must be the ultimate decision-makers in the development process, and that the process should be as sustainable, inclusive, democratic and transparent as possible. In this regard, LH provides non-partisan analysis with the goal of increasing effective Timorese knowledge about and participation in the development of the country.
La’o Hamutuk’s mission:
- To monitor, analyze and advocate on Timor-Leste’s development process, including international systems and institutions;
- To promote social justice, including empowering women and other vulnerable groups;
- To facilitate communication and relations between Timorese and international institutions which are actively involved in Timor-Leste;
- To support the participation of Timorese women and men in the national development process;
- To share information and to educate;
- To promote development alternatives;
- To support struggles for self-determination and human rights around the world.
LH researches and investigates several broad issues, including the following:
- Natural resources, especially oil and gas. Timor-Leste is one of the most petroleum-export-dependent countries in the world; 97% of state revenues and 75% of gross national income (GNI) are from selling off non-renewable oil and gas reserves. This includes petroleum dependency, revenue management, regulation of oil companies, environment, transparency, accountability, sustainability, equitability and human and community rights;
- Agriculture and food sovereignty, including agriculture policy, land rights, markets, international trade, and other aspects of life in rural areas;
- Governance, including justice for past crimes, security, rule of law, human rights, corruption prevention, civic education, elections, legislation, state institutions, decentralization, solidarity and government administration.
- Research - through analysis of documents, interviews with policy-makers and impacted communities, and consultation with experts from around the world
- Written and oral submissions to Parliament, conferences and other decision-making processes
- Publishing electronic information via website, blog and email lists
- Broadcasting radio program “Igualdade”
- Holding public meetings that bring together panels of decision-makers and civil society
- Giving trainings and briefings for state agencies, civil society groups and others
- Maintenance of a resource center (library) with books, electronic and audio-visual materials
- Advocacy through the media, Parliament, organizing coalitions,and direct personal contact
- Information dissemination to the international and local media, both through press releases, interviews and by writing articles.
- La’o Hamutuk Bulletin (English and Tetum)
- Annual and other special reports (see www.laohamutuk.org/ reports.html)
- Books
- Sunrise LNG in Timor-Leste: Dreams, Realities and Challenges (English and Indonesian, 2008),
- Tansa Mak Tenke Kuba (Tetum, 2005)
- Kekuasaan, Gender dan Perubahan Social: Memoria Intercambio Nicaragua-Timor Lorosa’e (Indonesian, 2003)
La’o Hamutuk
(Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor Dezenvolvimentu /
Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis)
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Mobile: (670-) 7723 4330
ph (670) 332 1040
e-mail: info[a]laohamutuk.org; laohamutuk@gmail.com
Blog: http://laohamutuk.blogspot.com/
Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP)
Year Established: 2001
Short Historical Background
The Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP) was established in April 2001 to monitor the Ad Hoc Human Rights Tribunal in Indonesia and the Special Panels for Serious Crimes in Timor Leste. JSMP has since expanded its activities to include monitoring of all Timor-Leste courts and analysis of the judicial system and formal justice sector more broadly.
In 2004 JSMP created the Women’s Justice Unit to increase the focus on cases involving women victims of gender-based violence. Shortly after, in 2005, JSMP established the Victim’s Support Service, a legal referral and legal aid service for women. The Victim’s Support Service is due to become an independent organization in 2013.
JSMP aims to be the foremost independent organization in Timor-Leste that contributes to the development and improvement of the justice and legislative system through objective monitoring, analysis, advocacy and training in order:
- To support and advance the rule of law and human rights;
- To advance the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession;
- To promote the adoption and implementation of international human rights treaties;
- To promote the establishment and enforcement of a legal system that protects individuals and groups against human rights violations;
- To promote understanding of the rule of law and human rights and provide assistance to person’s whose rights are violated;
- To promote equality and the right of all people to receive equal and fair access to justice and treatment under the law.
• Legal Research Unit
The Legal Research Unit monitors trials in all Timor-Leste courts, undertakes judicial system analyses and analysis of pending bills in the National Parliament, and advocates to inform improvements in legislation and implementation of the law. The Parliamentary Watch Program, which sits within the Legal Research Unit, monitors the National Parliament to ensure that the legislative drafting process is appropriate and holds training for community members concerning the roles and responsibilities of Parliament.
• Women’s Justice Unit
The Women’s Justice Unit monitors the progress of cases concerning gender-based violence (GBV) in all District Courts and generates reports on significant issues concerning legislation, gender sensitive interpretation of the law, and gender biases during judicial procedures. The Women’s Justice Unit also provides training on domestic violence and the formal justice system for members of the police, local government leaders and women’s groups at the districts level, and distributes public education materials including a radio program, TV show, posters and brochures relating to women’s rights and the law. As of 2013 the Women’s Justice Unit seeks to become the Women’s and Children’s Justice Unit, with increased focus on the law and judicial procedures as they relate to child victims and perpetrators of crime and children who are affected parties in GBV cases.
• Victim Support Service (VSS)
The Victim Support Service provides legal information, advice and support to female victims of crime in order to empower women to make informed choices as concerns their legal rights and responsibilities and enable women to access the formal justice system as required. The VSS aims to assist in the successful prosecution of cases involving sexual assault and domestic violence and improve the efficiency of the formal justice sector.
• Outreach Unit
The Outreach Unit disseminates public educational materials and legal information, and facilitates training on human rights and the judicial system to members of community.
- Incest in Timor-Leste: An unrecognized crime
- Overview of the Timor-Leste Justice Sector in 2011
- Parliamentary Privilege and Immunity in Timor-Leste: How to ensure equality before the law
- JSMP Institutional Report
- Parliamentary Watch Program Annual Report - Building Together a Strong Democracy for the Future
- Gender Based Violence Manual
- Overview of the Timor-Leste Justice Sector in 2010
- Progress and Challenges of the National Parliament in 2010: Lessons for the Future
- A report on the trial relating to the shooting of President Jose Ramos Horta in 2008 - The 11 February 2008 Case: More Questions than Answers
- Facing the Challenge of Domestic Violence in Timor-Leste, Can the New Law Deliver Results?
- A Report on Legal Protection for Victims of Gender-based Violence - Laws Do Not Yet Deliver Justice
- Strengthening the Capacity of Health Professionals and Lawyers to Understand and Apply the New Penal Code and Domestic Violence Law Using a Human Rights Framework.
- Relatoriu Anual Obsevasaun Parlamentar 2021 (Tetum)
- Relatoriu Institusional (Tetum) (English)
- Relatoriu Asisntesnsia legal ba vitima violensia bazeia ba jeneru (Tetum) (Indonezia)
- Relatoriu tematiku: Ema ho Defisiénsia ho nia dezafiu sira:Estatu ratifikasaun Konvensaun Internasional kona-ba Ema ho Defisiensia-Dezembru-2021 (Tetum)
- Relatóriu Obseravsaun Jeral Setor Justisa-2020
- Overview of the Justice Sector-2020
- Relatóriu Anual Observasaun Parlamentar-2020
- Annual Report of the Parliament Watch Program-2020
- Relatóriu Institusionál-2020
- Relatoriu tematika-mekanizmu garante Konstituisaun no Impeachment ba Prezidente Republika-2020
- Sumáriu relatoriu kona-ba Implementasaun Estadu Emerjénsia Dahuluk No Daruak ba Prevensaun no Kombate COVID-19: Impaktuba Direitu Umanu-Agostu-2020
- Relatoriu Observasaun: Rede Defensor Direitu Umanu EE I-2020
- Relatoriu Observasaun Rede Defensor Direitu Umanu EE II-2020
- Relatóriu temátiku ba pagamentu Subsídiu Covid-19: Asegura Transparánsia, Justisa no Boa-Governasaun-2020
- Relatóriu Anuál Observasaun Parlamentár-2019
- Annual Report of Parliament Watch Program-2019
- Relatóriu Institusionál-2019
- Relatóriu no Rekomendasaun sira ba reforma prosesu sivíl iha Timor-Leste-Fevereiru-19
- Report and Recommendations for civil law litigation reform in Timor-Leste-February-19
All JSMP publications, including JSMP’s institutional report for 2011, are available at: https://jsmp.tl/
Judicial System Monitoring Programme
Rua Beco Lakateu, Aldeia Manu fuik,
Suku Colmera, Administrativu Vera Cruz
Dili, Timor-Leste
ph (670) 3323 883; 77040735
e-mail: ana@jsmp.tl
Facebook: www.facebook.com/timorleste.jsmp
Postal Address:
PO Box 275, Dili, Timor-Leste VIA DARWIN
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