
Saudi Arabia

Page history last edited by Jeff Plantilla 4 years, 12 months ago

Saudi Arabia Centers


Known Centers based in Saudia Arabia

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Al Adala Center for Human Rights (ACHR)

Year Established: 2011

Short Historical Background

Although the Adala Center for Human Rights (ACHR) is a recently- established organization, it evolved from a series of developments in the human rights movement in Saudi Arabia over the years. In 2003, a small human rights group was established mainly to monitor violations. By 2006, the group was named Rights Activists Network (RAN) to coordinate the work of the activists around the country and to implement training programs for capacity-building of its members. In December 2011, ACHR was established as a fullfledged human rights organization.


ACHR aims to promote human rights in Saudi Arabia through training and education, documentation and monitoring of human rights violations, and supporting victims of such violations legally and financially. Specifically, it aims

1. To promote the human rights culture and values, and facilitate capacity-building in the community;
2. To support human rights activists and coordinate their efforts;

3. To strengthen the relationship between human rights organizations and the media;
4. To monitor and document human rights issues;
5. To teach citizens – men and women – about their rights and duties and the importance of independent civil society organizations in developing the society;
6. To support victims of abuses; and
7. To work towards building and developing a basic foundation for human rights work and to contribute in building capabilities and expertise.


ACHR engages in the following activities:
• Training in many fields of human rights;
• Provision of financial and psychological support for the victims’ families;
• Provision of legal support for individuals;
• Reporting on the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia;
• Communication with officials regarding human rights issues;
• Coordination of work with national, regional and international human rights organizations.


Special Concerns

ACHR pays special attention to specific human rights issues in Saudi Arabia relating to freedom of expression and assembly, religious freedom, discrimination of and equality among citizens, women empowerment, minorities’ rights, and defense of prisoners.


• Freedom of Expression Faces Danger (2012)
• Freedom in Shackles (2012)
• Children Behind Bars (2012)

Other relevant information

ACHR adheres to the following values:
• Commitment: willingness to put in the effort and time to achieve ACHR’s objectives
• Creativity: development of unique methods as well as employment of available technical methods
• Collective efforts: decision-making and coordinating work collectively and in an institutionalized manner.
• Peace: adherence to peaceful strategies in all activities and programs.
• Solidarity: humanitarian concern through caring for and defending the victims of human rights violations
• Credibility: stressing the importance of the accuracy of the information and news published.

The work of ACHR depends on a number of principles and standards which are based on:
• International human rights law and as well as the regional agreement on human rights;
• The Basic Law for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and local law and regulations concerned with human rights; and
• ACHR invites cooperation with human rights organizations of common interest.


Adala Center for Human Rights (ACHR)
Eastern Province
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
ph (966) 505916554, (966) 566 450450
e-mail: info[a]adalacenter.net





Human Rights First Society (HRFS)

Year Established: 2002

Short Historical Background

The Human Rights First Society is a non-governmental institution, founded by Ibrahim Al Mugaiteeb, aiming to monitor reported human rights abuses and advocate for the victims in Saudi Arabia. It applied unsuccessfully for a governmental license in 2002, but was allowed to function informally.



The Human Rights First Society (HRFS) is dedicated to protecting and defending human rights in Saudi Arabia, in accordance with Islamic teachings. HRFS stands for applying the rule of law, freedoms of expression and association, and abolishing all discrimination in Saudi society on the basis of gender or religious belief.

All peaceful means are used to advocate that the Saudi government respects and defends all human rights.

Programs and Activities

HRFS communicates its concerns to and shares information with Saudi citizens, the media, government agencies and officials, and members of the Consultative Council (Majlis Al-Shura) in its efforts to achieve its goals.

Mr. Almugaiteeb works on the ground in Saudi Arabia to defend and draw attention to the many human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. In addition to his ongoing work in Saudi Arabia he coordinates and works with human rights groups in other Persian Gulf States, the Middle East and in the international arena to achieve HRFS’ objectives. He remains the permanent full-time leader and activist of HRFS.


• Unholy Trespass – annual report


Human Rights First Society
P.O. Box 3508, Al Khobar 31952
Saudi Arabia
ph (966) 505 820 658
e-mail: hrfssaudiarabia[a]gmail.com

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