
Afghanistan Centers

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Afghanistan Centers


Known Centers based in Afghanistan

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Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium (HRRAC)


Year Established: 2003


Short Historical Background


The Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium (HRRAC) is a non-profit, non-political human rights organization formed by a number of civil society organizations with various objectives but share the mission of promoting human rights in Afghanistan. By this mission, these organizations come together to establish a consortium and concentrate on human rights in Afghanistan. Therefore HRRAC is a unique initiative in Afghanistan that aim to protect and promote human rights in society through research, advocacy and capacity-building to build an equitable society.


HRRAC is committed to promote peace and human rights in Afghanistan as a consortium of twelve national and international organizations. Founded in 2003, HRRAC is an independent Afghan research organization engaged in research, advocacy and capacity-building in the areas of women’s and children’s human rights, workers’ rights, security sector reform, education, justice, and public participation. In 2007, HRRAC member-organizations agreed to register the consortium as non-profit, non-governmental organization with the Ministry of Economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.


HRRAC is the first Afghan-led research organization, and remains the only woman-run organization of its kind in Afghanistan. Its widely cited reports have informed advocacy and policy-making at domestic and international levels on issues such as disarmament, education, and free elections.


HRRAC’s vision: “A just, equitable and peaceful Afghanistan that respects and protects fundamental rights of all people and ensures democratic freedom.”




HRRAC aims

  1. To conduct academic or community-based studies and applied research;
  2. To undertake evidence-based advocacy on just policies and practices that promotes and protects human rights;
  3. To disseminate information on human rights as a means to empower the most vulnerable sections of the society to seek justice and rights;
  4. To bring together national and international organizations to collectively address human rights issues in Afghanistan through meetings, workshops, seminars, symposiums, conferences and any other such events/programs;
  5. To publish articles, media releases, books, newsletters, policy briefs or any other similar documents that contribute to achieving the mission of organization;
  6. To undertake all such activities that promotes human rights and justice, particularly among the most vulnerable sections of the society who face denial of rights and justice.


Programs and Activities


HRRAC’s work is guided by the values of impartiality, independence, professionalism, evidence orientation, gender equality, participatory decision-making, diversity, transparency and accountability.


All HRRAC activities are channeled through research and advocacy. HRRAC implements many activities in addition to these listed below:

  •  Research: one of its main activities, HRRAC conducts academic or community-led research on human rights, justice or related sectors with the aim of advancing rights and justice through finding facts. By this activity, HRRAC also aim to reflect Afghan people’s views on strategies, policies and decision making.
  • Advocacy: by studying the Afghan society, HRRAC needs to undertake appropriate advocacy or campaign to seek policy changes, policy interpretations or policy implementation on human rights, justice or related sectors that seeks to promote rights and justice. All HRRAC advocacy activities (with suggested ideas and recommendations) are based on its own research.
  •  Awareness and Information dissemination: the three decades of war in Afghanistan influenced many Afghan people and kept them backward and uneducated. In response, HRRAC organizes several awareness programs to inform people on issues related to human rights and justice, including public gatherings, meetings, workshops, seminars, symposiums and conferences as well as publication of documents, reports, newsletters, policy briefs, books, manuals, press briefs, leaflets, etc.
  •  Community-based initiatives: HRRAC believes in the sustainable development of Afghanistan, and to promote human rights the Afghan people themselves should be able to combat violence against human rights. HRRAC implements activities in the community by involving them in their efforts to seek rights and justice.


Recently, HRRAC established a human rights reporting system that would enable people to report the violence in their families, community and tribes.




  • Women’s Participation in Peace Process and Negotiation Table (2012)
  • A Broken Relationship (2010)
  • Women and Political Leadership: The Problems Facing Women Leaders in Afghanistan (2010)
  • Securing Human Dignity: The Need to Extend Labour Protection and Security to Afghanistan’s Informal Workers (2010)
  • Parents and Children Speak out (2007)
  • Afghanistan’s Female Home-Based Workers (2010)
  • Fight Poverty to End Insecurity (2009)
  • Report Card - Progress on Compulsory Education [Grades 1-9] (2004)
  • We Voted & We Will Vote Again (2005)
  • Speaking out ? Afghan Opinions on Rights and Responsibilities (2003)
  • Better Elections, Better Future (2007)
  • Take the Guns Away (2004)




Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium (HRRAC)

Kabul, Afghanistan

ph (9320) 221-1084

e-mail: hrrac[a]afghanadvocacy.org.af,





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