Israel Centers
Known Centers based in Israel
If your center is not in this list and you want to be added, please contact HURIGHTS OSAKA and we will assist you.
Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
Year Established: 1996
Short Historical Background
Adalah is an independent human rights organization registered in Israel. It is a non-profit, non-governmental, and non-partisan legal center. Established in November 1996, it serves Arab citizens of Israel, numbering over one million people or close to 20% of the total population. Adalah (“Justice” in Arabic) works to protect human rights in general, and the rights of the Arab minority in particular.
Adalah aims
1. To achieve equal individual and collective rights for the Arab minority in Israel in different fields, including land rights, civil and political rights, cultural, social, and economic rights, religious rights, women’s rights, and prisoners’ rights
2. To raise public awareness of the Arab minority rights in particular, and human rights in general
3. To train stagiaires (legal apprentices), law students, and newArab lawyers in the field of human rights.
Programs and Activities
• Legal Advocacy - advocating for legislations that will ensure equal individual and collective rights for the Arab minority. These rights include: land rights, civil and political rights, cultural, social,
and economic rights, religious rights, women’s rights, and prisoners’ rights. Adalah’s legal advocacy is done through: filing petitions to the Supreme Court of Israel, filing appeals and lawsuits to the District, Magistrate and Labor Courts, submitting pre-petitions to the Attorney General’s Office, filing complaints with Mahash (the
Ministry of Justice Police Investigation Unit) of police brutality, and sending letters to government ministries and agencies, detailing legal claims and demanding compliance with the law.
• International Advocacy – appealing (through press releases, publishing and contributing to reports and notes, participating in international conferences, and other activities) to international institutions
and forums in order to promote the rights of the Arab minority in particular, and human rights in general.
• Legal Consultation - providing legal consultation to individuals, student committees, non-governmental organizations, and Arab institutions.
• Special Reports - producing reports and petitions which deal with specific issues facing the Arab Minority in Israel such as issues concerning home demolitions, the Jewish National Fund Law, family unifications, Gaza fuel and electricity, and much more. A significant publication of Adalah is the “Democratic Constitution”.
Published in 2007, the tenth anniversary of Adalah’s founding, the Democratic Constitution is a constitutional proposal for the state of Israel, based on the concept of a democratic, bilingual, multicultural state in order to respect the freedoms of the individual and the rights of all groups in equal measure, gives proper weight to the
historical injustices committed against Arab citizens of Israel, and deals seriously with the social and economic rights of all.
• Public Awareness - organizing study days, seminars, and workshops, and publishing reports and newsletters on legal issues concerning the rights of the Arab minority in particular, and human rights in general.
• Legal Training - training stagiaires (legal apprentices), law students, and new Arab lawyers in the field of human rights. Internship programs are also offered.
Apart from regular Press Releases and contributions towards International Reports that advocate for the human rights of the Arabs in Israel, Adalah publishes newsletters, reviews, and reports (in English, Arabic, and Hebrew) such as the following:
• The Democratic Constitution (2007)
• Adalah’s Review
»» Volume 5 – On Criminalization (Spring 2009)
»» Volume 4 - In the Name of Security (Spring 2004)
»» Volume 3- Law and Violence (Summer 2002)
»» Volume 2 – Land (Fall 2000)
»» Volume 1 – Politics, Identity and Law (Fall 1999)
• Adalah’s Report
Nomads Against Their Will: The attempted expulsion of the Arab Bedouin in the Naqab
The EU and the Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel (2011)
Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel (2011)
The Accused Part II - Failures Investigating October 2000 (2011)
The Accused - Failures Investigating October 2000 (2006)
Prohibited Protest (2009)
Discriminatory Laws
“The Accused” regarding criminal and public responsibility for the killing of Arab citizens in October 2000 (2006)
Institutionalized Discrimination (2001)
• Journals
On Torture June 2012
MAKAN Volume 1 - The Right to the City (Spring 2006)
MAKAN Volume 2 - The Right to a Spatial Narrative (2010)
Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
Main Office
94 Yaffa Street, PO Box 8921
Haifa, 31090 Israel
ph (972-4) 950-1610
fax (972-4) 950-3140
e-mail: adalah[a]
Naqab Office
28 Reger Ave # 35
Beer el Sebe
ph (972-8) 665-0740
fax (972-8) 665-0853
Adva Center
Year Established: 1991
Short Historical Background
The Adva Center was founded in 1991 by activists from three social movements: the movement for equality for Mizrahi Jews, the feminist movement, and the movement for equal rights for Arab
Adva Center is a non-partisan policy analysis institute whose mandate is to examine Israeli society from the perspective of equality and social justice. Adva’s studies of Israeli society present critical
analyses of public policy in the areas of budgets, taxation and social services – education, health, housing, social security and welfare and transportation - including their implications for Israeli
society as a whole and for each of its major social groups.
• Research
• Education
• Advocacy
• Monitoring
Adva undertakes a number of activities such as the following:
• Databases – Adva develops databases that enable it to monitor developments in the areas of economic development and social justice.
• Policy recommendations - Adva makes policy recommendations and engages in advocacy work and public education. Adva connects social needs with public policy, especially budget policy.
It plays a pivotal role in the framing of issues that have become central to the Israeli public discourse.
• Projects - Adva conducts projects designed to empower disadvantaged groups.
• Study courses - Adva conducts study days and courses on socio-economic issues. Its teaching staff includes Adva Center staff members, university lecturers connected with the Adva Center, and leaders of non-profit organizations that are experts in their fields.
• Community action – Adva trains civil society groups and assists them to become active in their communities.
Special Concerns
Public Policy, Social Justice, Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming
Adva policy reports and position papers are posted on its website.
Adva publications provide vital information to public officials, non-profits, the media and all persons working for a more equitable distribution of resources in Israel. Following are some of the publications:
• Israel: A Social Report (annual report)
• Labor Report: The Division of National Income Between Employers and Employees (annual report)
• Gender Analysis of the National Budget Proposal (annual report)
• The Cost of Occupation: The Burden of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (semi-annual report)
• Numerous budget analysis reports
• Numerous gender equality reports
• Education Reform: Making Education Work for All Children, Shlomo Swirski and Noga Dagan-Buzaglo (2011)
• Gender analyses of the programming and budgeting of national ministries and of local governments
Other Information
The basis of Adva’s work is policy analysis. It also has gender equality and community action projects.
Adva Center
P.O. Box 36529
Tel Aviv 61364
8 Mikve Israel st. Tel Aviv, Israel
ph (972 3) 560 8871
fax (972 3) 560 2205
e-mail: advainfo[a]
The Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA)
Year Established: 1988
Short Historical Background
The Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA) was founded in 1988 by lawyers and community activists. It is an independent, grassroots, non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in Israel. The HRA works to promote and protect the political, civil, economic, and cultural rights of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel from an international human rights perspective. The HRA holds a unique position locally and worldwide as an indigenous organization that works at the community, national and international levels for equality and non-discrimination, and for the domestic implementation of international minority rights protection.
The HRA aims to promote and protect the political, civil, economic, and cultural rights of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel from an international human rights perspective. It also aims to extend its advocacy for Palestinian Arab minority rights to the International Community.
Programs and Activities
• Human Rights Education and Community Outreach - Based on our belief that knowledge of rights is the first phase in their defense and promotion, the HRA provides human rights education and programs that aim to help the Palestinian Arab youth who live in Israel develop a critical understanding of human rights and responsibilities, as well as develop the attitudes, behaviors and skills to apply them in everyday life. The program aspires to raise public awareness of human rights as values and concepts recognized locally and internationally with a focus on issues of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel by providing youth with the necessary tools through human rights education so that they themselves can bring about a positive change in their lives. The program combines the knowledge gained with mobilization of the youth to serve their community voluntarily. The program is implemented through youth forums and groups in local secondary schools and centers run by young facilitators. The program recruits university students as facilitators, offering them training and teaching experience in the field of human rights, leadership skills, working with groups and concepts of community building. These facilitators then run forums of secondary school students imparting knowledge on human rights issues, students’ rights, leadership and counseling skills. The forums meet
and learn about human rights and together with the facilitator plan out activities for their community, reaching around 12,000 – 15,000 persons per year.
• Research and Reporting - Since the establishment of the program in 2003, the HRA has strived to produce accurate and timely reports on a wide range of topics and issues pertaining to human rights violations that the Palestinian minority in Israel faces. This has become extremely important with the increasing discrimination, racism and suspicion that the Palestinians in Israel are exposed to. Therefore, the need for human rights documentation and reporting of these abuses is more vital than ever. In the spring of 2012, the HRA began a groundbreaking exploration of the human stories of Palestinian life in Israel. With its extensive experience, the HRA is able to present the true experiences of Palestinian citizens in a manner that respects their national identity and collective history.
• International Advocacy – This program aims to put the human rights issues related to the Arab minority inside Israel on the international agenda and to impact the international discourse towards a more rights-based approach concerning Israel. It both informs the international community and protects the local Arab community. Moreover, over the years, the HRA has become a reliable resource for diplomats to assess the situation inside Israel regarding the Arab minority. HRA is in contact or tries to establish correspondence with national and internationals institutions related to human rights. The HRA’s office in Nazareth welcomes international delegations seeking information on the discrimination facing the Palestinian minority. As a part of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, the HRA plays a vital role advocating for the protection of Palestinians’ human rights in the European Parliament.
Some publications of HRA:
• Stripping Citizenship: The Impact of the Citizenship Law Amendments on Palestinian Families in Israel (2012)
• Uprooting People: Violation of the Right to Adequate Accommodation and the Policy of Demolishing Palestinian Homes in Israel (2012)
• On the Margins; Annual Review of Human Rights Violations of the Arab Palestinian Minority in Israel (2006)
• Suspected Citizens; Racial Profiling against Arab Passengers by Israeli Airports and Airlines (2006)
• Behind the Walls: Separation Walls between Arabs and Jews in Mixed Cities and Neighborhoods in Israel (2005)
Other details of these and other publications are available at:
The HRA also hosts a blog to document discrimination (
The Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA)
P.O. BOX 215, Nazareth 16101, Israel
ph (972-4) 6561923
fax (972-4) 6564934
e-mail: hra1[a]
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)
Year Established: 1972
Short Historical Background
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is Israel’s oldest and largest human rights organization and the only one that deals with the entire spectrum of human rights and civil liberties issues in Israel and the Occupied Territories. ACRI’s work encompasses litigation and legal advocacy, education, and public outreach as the most effective way in which to build toward its long-term vision of a just and democratic society that respects the equal rights of all its members.
ACRI aims
1) To bring precedent-setting litigation to the Supreme Court
2) To issue and disseminate high-profile reports on key human rights issues
3) To offer free legal information and advice through a public hotline
4) To run human rights education programs for school teachers
5) To provide expert opinions before the Knesset
6) To conduct human rights training workshops for security forces
7) To mount public outreach campaigns in order to place human rights concerns high on the public agenda.
Programs and Activities
• Legal Program - ACRI’s Legal Department takes on cases that have the potential to set precedents, raise issues of principle, and effect broad-based policy change. Every year, ACRI argues dozensof precedent-setting cases before the Supreme Court, and also seeks redress before district and labor courts, government ministries, and Knesset committees.
• Public Outreach Program - publishes high-profile reports and information leaflets, organizes lectures, conferences, film screenings and other public and community events covering a wide range of human rights issues. In 2009, the program established an Annual Human Rights March marking International Human Rights Day. Moreover, it runs a Public Hotline to assist people whose rights have been infringed. In addition, ACRI’s Public Outreach staff conducts
extensive media outreach work in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, and other languages. The department also maintains Israel’s largest collection of civil and human rights materials, much of which can be accessed through ACRI’s website.
• International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Project - ACRI aims to raise public awareness of the harsh implications of harming a civilian population in the course of armed combat, and of the military’s obligation to prevent such injuries. In the framework of its project, ACRI offers educational workshops to social activists, students, educators, youth movement counselors, and students at pre-military academies.
• Educational Program - ACRI’s Education Department conducts human rights training programs for thousands of individuals across the country each year, produces high-quality educational curriculum in Hebrew and Arabic, and organizes conferences and lectures on human rights education. The Department believes that working with key agents of change - teachers in the Jewish and Arab school systems, students, security forces personnel, and social and community workers - is an effective method to influence attitudes and contribute toward building a more tolerant and just society. ACRI has an online forum for teachers and educators, which contains ideas and resources on how to integrate human rights values into the classroom through the discussion of current events. This site has become the preeminent resource for human rights education in Israel (Hebrew Website:
• State of Human Rights Reports (2006, 2007)
• ACRI's Annual Report (2005-2006, 2006-2007)
• ACRI's Position Paper - Democracy and Occupation (2007)
• ACRI and B'Tselem Joint Report: Ghost Town - Israel's Separation Policy and Forced Eviction of Palestinians from the Center of Hebron (2007)
• Violation of the Right to Family of Migrant Workers (2007)
• Workers' Rights Report (English summary) (2006)
• State of Human Rights Reports (2012)
• ACRI Position Paper – The Right to Water (2012)
• “Between Realization and Dehydration: Israeli Government’s
Methods for Draining Social Services” (2012)
• ACRI and Ir Amim – “Failed Grade: The Failing Education
System in East Jerusalem” (2012)
• “Unlimited Privatization: The Case of the Proposed Mandatory
Arbitration Law” (2012)
ARCI publishes and distributes bimonthly e-newsletters in English, Hebrew, and Arabic.
Other Information
ARCI runs a wide database containing its research studies and documents in forms of Fact Sheets, Position Papers, Press Releases, Publications and Articles. These studies include topics such as Citizenship and Residency, Migrant Workers, Lesbian-Gay-Transgender (LGBT) Rights, Issues in the Occupied Territories, Rights of Workers, and more.
ACRI's expansive library - located at ACRI's National Headquarters in Jerusalem - contains a wide selection of books, reports, and other publications on human rights and law in Israel and abroad.
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)
National Headquarters
Street Address: Kanfei Nesharim 3
P.O. Box 34510
Jerusalem 91000 Israel
ph (972-2) 6521218
fax (972-2) 6521219
e-mail: mail[a]
Tel Aviv Branch:
Nahalat Benyamin 75
Tel Aviv 65154 Israel
ph (972-3) 5608185
fax (972-3) 5608165
Haifa Branch:
Haazmaut 102, 1st Floor
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 33709
Haifa 31336 Israel
ph (972-4) 8526333/4/5
fax (972-4) 8526331
B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights
Year Established: 1989
Short Historical Background
B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was established in 1989 by a group of prominent academics, attorneys, journalists, and Knesset members. B'Tselem combines research, advocacy and public education strategies in order to promote human rights in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
B'Tselem in Hebrew literally means "in the image of," and is also used as a synonym for human dignity. The word is taken from Genesis 1:27 "And God created humans in his image. In the image of God did He create him." It is in this spirit that the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights."
1. B’Tselem’s primary goals are to protect human rights in the Occupied Territories and to generate commitment among the Israeli public to human rights principles. The strategies to achieve these goals are the following:
2. Providing information to the Israeli public and the international community about violations of human rights in the Occupied Territories
3. Recommending and advocating for policy changes to ensure greater protection of human rights
4. Fostering debate and discussion within the Israeli public in order to generate commitment to human rights principles and their application in the Occupied Territories.
Programs and Activities
• Research and Publications - B’Tselem has published over a hundred reports, some comprehensive in scope, covering the full spectrum of human rights issues.
• Resource and Information Center - B’Tselem compiles statistics on casualties and other human rights issues, issues a monthly electronic update and serves as a primary source of information for policymakers, researchers and various organizations. It works extensively with the Israeli and international media. It maintains an extensive website (in English, Hebrew and Arabic) that provides access to all of the organization’s publications, maps, statistics and video, as well as providing updates on current events.
• Advocacy and Public Education - B’Tselem conducts a range of activities to educate the Israeli public about human rights, and to advocate for specific policy change. Public education and advocacy tools include advertising campaigns, “reality tours” of the West Bank, briefings for target audience, distribution of video clips and multimedia presentations, and organizing public events.
• Video Advocacy - B’Tselem is now pioneering the use of video as a tool for human rights advocacy. B’Tselem produces short video clips, maintains an extensive video archive and conducts a camera distribution project (entitled “Shooting Back”) where Palestinians 42 Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) in high-conflict areas are given cameras to document their reality.
Below are some of the publications of B’TSELEM:
• 2010 Human Rights Review - January 2009 to 30 April 2010
• By Hook and by Crook: Israeli Settlement Policy in the West Bank (2010)
• The Right to Demonstrate (2010)
• Void of Responsibility: Israel Military Policy not to investigate Killings of Palestinians by Soldiers (2010)
• Kept in the Dark: Treatment of Palestinian Detainees in the Petach- Tikva Interrogation Facility of the Israel Security Agency
• Joint report with Hamoked - Center for the Defense of the Individual (2010)
• Caution: Children Ahead: The Illegal Behavior of the Police toward Minors in Silwan Suspected of Stone Throwing (2010)
• Dispossession and Exploitation: Israel’s Policy in the Jordan Valley and Northern Dead Sea (2011)
• No Minor Matter: Violation of the Rights of Palestinian Minors Arrested by Israel on Suspicion of Stone-Throwing (2011)
• Show of Force: Israeli Military Conduct in Weekly Demonstrations in a-Nabi Saleh (2011)
• Under the Guise of Legality: Declarations on state land in the West Bank (2012)
• 2011 Human Rights Review - January 2010 to 30 April 2011
P.O. Box 53132, Jerusalem 9153002, Israel
ph (972-2) 6735599
fax (972-2) 6749111
e-mail: mail[a]
I’LAM - Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel
Year Established: 2000
Short Historical Background
I`lam Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel is a non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Nazareth. It was founded in 2000 by a group of Arab Palestinian journalists and
academics. I`lam is the only Palestinian media NGO which seeks to strengthen the media cadre, raise awareness and educate Palestinian society in Israel in media practices. It also seeks to democratize
media policies and practices within the local Arab and Hebrew language medias, towards the realization of media rights in Palestinian society.
I`lam aims
• To promote democracy, human rights and freedom of expression and information for Arab society in Israel, and to advocate for fairness, equity and impartiality in Israeli media coverage
• To protect and promote the media rights of Arab media practitioners and media institutions
3. To professionalize the work of Arab media practitioners and institutions and to advocate for progressive and pluralistic norms
4. To raise awareness of Arab journalists about their professional rights and Arab society of their communication rights
5. To empower and equip Palestinian citizens of Israel to build effective and sustainable relationships with the Israeli, Arabic and global media landscapes.
Programs and Activities
• Promoting media rights
I`lam’s work with the Arabic Media includes lobbying for media rights of Arab journalists within their media institutions and before the Israeli authorities. In addition, following the development of
the code of ethics in 2007, The Media Charter, I’lam followed with monitoring of the Arabic media and engaging journalists in order to build a culture for ethical journalistic practice among Palestinian
journalists in Israel. It has also produced a number of documentaries to build local Arab production capacity and inform diverse audiences on Palestinians in Israel.
• Empowerment
Capacity building for journalists, media practitioners, local Palestinian media institutions, civil society actors, youth and media students
• Advocacy
The advocacy of media regulatory bodies serves to build a culture for objective, pluralistic and human rights-sensitive media work in the Hebrew media landscape. Further, it builds capacities of Arab journalists/editors in the active role they will be invited to play in advocacy. I’lam conducts advocacy at official decision-making and regulatory media bodies, and in 2012 it launched an advocacy group in the Israeli Knesset for the communication rights of Arab Palestinian society in Israel.
• International Relations
I’lam pays particular attention to the development of its international cooperation activities in order to develop a network of international contacts with foreign journalists, media organizations, and international NGOs. Another aim followed by I’lam in terms of international networking is to facilitate the contacts between Palestinian journalists in Israel and the international community and provide them the tools to cooperate with international networks.
Special Concerns
Promotion of media rights, empowerment of Arab journalism
• The Marginality of Human Rights Discourse in the Local Israeli Media (2012)
• The Discourse of Human Rights in the Israeli Media (2012)
• The Challenges to Journalistic Professionalism (2012)
• Arab Reporters needed for the Hebrew press (2011)
• Media Violations 2004
• The culture of media consumption among national minorities: the case of Arab society in Israel (2006)
• Israeli media coverage of war on Gaza (2009)
• Arab Leadership in the news of Arab commercial newspapers in Israel (2006)
• Bed and Breakfast (Juna Suleiman)
I`lam Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel
P.O. Box 101
Attn. Haneen Zoubi
16000 Nazareth, Israel
ph (972-4) 600 1370
fax (972-4) 600 1418
e-mail: ilam[a]
The Minerva Center for Human Rights
Year Established: 1993
Short Historical Background
The Hebrew University Law Faculty and the Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace established the Center for Human Rights in 1993, with the generous support of the Ford Foundation, as the first academic center of its type in Israel. In January 1997, the Center became a Minerva Center, funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research through the Minerva Foundation. The primary goal of the Minerva Center is to promote awareness and to enhance research and academic interest in human rights. The Center’s activities are geared to encourage research in this field among scholars and students, and to serve as a resource center for the human rights community and other
groups in the Israeli society. The Center is currently housed at the Hebrew University Law Faculty and has a sister Center at Tel Aviv University. The Center also serves as a center that links between academics and the agents in the field of human rights, underscoring the inter-related nature of academic inquiry and the knowledge derived from the actual practice of human rights. The Tel-Aviv branch of the Minerva Center for Human Rights works together with the Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law and the Clinical Legal Education Programs, both situated within the faculty. The Minerva Center is part of the faculty’s assembly of research institutions, as well as an integral part of the faculty’s commitment to contribute to the community.
The Minerva Center aims
1. To serve as an academic framework for interdisciplinary research and the study of human rights
2. To promote scholarly exchange among Israeli and international academics, and in particular - to foster academic cooperation between Germany and Israel
3. To serve as a resource center for Non-Governmental Organizations, state-officials, lawyers and judges who seek information and critical reflection on topics related to human rights
4. To ensure that the protection and fulfillment of human rights in Israel will be constantly on the academic and public tables.
Programs and Activities
To facilitate these objectives the Minerva Center engages in a broad range of activities, including financial and logistic support for research, conferences and workshops on human rights.
• Promotion of Human Rights Research - The Minerva Center promotes inter-disciplinary research in human rights by awarding research grants and fellowships to scholars and students in the field. The recipients of grants and fellowships come from diverse disciplines at universities across Israel and from different sectors within the Israeli society. The Center also initiates research projects on cutting-edge academic issues. The research projects are often conducted as collaborative efforts between Israeli researchers and scholars from abroad. Some of these projects seek to advance laws and assist decision-makers and public bodies in the realm of human rights. Other studies result in publications or international conferences.
• Conferences and discussions - International and local conferences constitute a large part of the work of the Minerva Center for Human Rights. The Center organizes at least one international conference annually, along with several local conferences, colloquiums, panel discussions and lectures.
• Public Education - The Minerva Center runs a wide range of public education programs, with an emphasis on courses. These activities are an effective tool for reaching out to diverse groups and sectors within Israeli society, offering professional enrichment and training in the area of human rights. Among these groups are students
and lecturers, Israeli and Palestinian teachers, staff members and activists of Jewish and Arab non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as the legal community - judges, Civil Service attorneys and legal advisers.
• Exchange of Scholars - As part of the efforts to place human rights on the public agenda and raise awareness on current issues in this field, the Minerva Center invites scholars from abroad to attend conferences, participate in seminars and workshops and lecture in diverse forums.
The Minerva Center publishes research studies, conference proceedings, Human Rights Readers and other publications in human rights related issues.
Other Information
Resource Center: In its website, the Minerva Center has established an on-line human rights library which serves as a resource for students, scholars, teachers, the legal community, NGOs activists and others. The library includes: historical documents, human rights instruments, select legislation, International and regional Courts as well as UN bodies, select jurisprudence, reports, human rights organizations and a "rights index" offering links to local and international resources on specific human rights issues.
The Minerva Center for Human Rights
The Faculty of Law
The Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus
Jerusalem 91905 Israel
ph (9722) 25881156
fax (972) 25819371
e-mail: mchr[a]
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