
Indonesia Centers

Page history last edited by Jeff Plantilla 4 years, 1 month ago


Indonesia Centers


Known Centers based in Indonesia

If your center is not in this list and you want to be added, please contact HURIGHTS OSAKA and we will assist you.



  1. Indonesia Centers
    1. Association for Community and Ecologically Based Law Reform (HuMa)
    2. Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM Univ Andalas)
    3. Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UNAIR)
    4. Center for Human Rights Studies (Pusham Univ. Bung Hatta)
    5. Center of Development for Human Rights and Democracy (PP-HAM & Dem. FH UNIBRAW)
    6. Center for Human Rights Studies (PSA-HAM UGTLO)
    7. Center for Human Rights Advocacy and Studies (PSA-HAM UNHALU)
    8. Center for Human Rights Research and Studies (PSP-HAM UNHAS)
    9. Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UII)
    10. Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UIR)
    11. Center for Human Rights Studies (PK-HAM UNM)
    12. Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UMK)
    13. Center for Human Rights Studies (PSHH & HAM FH USU Medan)
    14. Center for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (PSA-HAM UNDANA)
    15. Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UNP)
    16. Centre for Human Rights Studies- State University of Medan
    17. Center for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (PSA HAM UNRI)
    18. Center for Human Rights and Terrorism Studies (PK-HAM & Terorisme FH UNSRI)
    19. Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UBAYA)
    20. Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UNSYIAH)
    21. Center for Human Rights Studies (PP-HAM UNTAN)
    22. Center for Law and Local Autonomy (PUSHOD UNTAD)
    23. Center for Public Policy and Human Rights (SKKP & HAM UNILA)
    24. Center for the Study of Law and Human Rights (PKH-HAM FH UNMUL)
    25. Consultation Laboratory and Legal Service (LKPH FH UMM)
    26. Demos - Indonesian Center for Democracy and Human Rights
    27. Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (LBHI)
    28. Indonesian Legal Resource Center (ILRC) 
    29. Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM)
    30. The Habibie Center
    31. Human Rights Center (Sentra HAM UI)
    32. Human Rights Association Faculty of Law (PAHAM FH UNPAD)
    33. Human Rights Law Studies
    34. Human Rights Research and Development Agency (BPP HAM )
    35. Human Rights Research Center (PUSLITHAM USU)
    36. Imparsial, The Indonesian Human Rights Monitor
    37. KALYANAMITRA - Women's Information and Communication Center
    38. Kartini Network for Women’s/Gender Studies in Asia
    39. Legal Resources Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights (LRC-KJHAM)
    40. Research Institute on Human Rights (RIHR)
    41. Research Institute Jakarta State University (PPP SDM & HAM LP UNJ)
    42. Serikat Pengajar Hak Asasi Manusia (SEPAHAM) Indonesia
    43. Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace
    44. Women Research Institute (WRI)



Association for Community and Ecologically Based Law Reform (HuMa)


Year Established: 2001


Short Historical Background


The Association for Community and Ecologically Based Law Reform (HuMa) was founded in Gadog, West Java in February 2001 and formalized in Jakarta in October 2001. Since most of the founding members were with ELSAM for several years, they developed their ideas for HuMa's role based on that experience. HuMa has the vision of accomplishing community-based legal system governed by human right values, justice, cultural diversity and ecosystem conservation in the Indonesian Archipelago.





HuMa aims

  1. To promote the realization of community- and ecology-based law reform on land and other natural richness;
  2. To develop alternative legal philosophy, theory and research methodology (critical-participatory methodology);
  3. To develop information and media system of community legal resources concerning land and other natural resource issues for law reform;
  4.  To develop the organizational capacity for facilitating the development of constituents' capacity and encouraging synergy among different components by acquiring social as well as financial accountability.







HuMa gives priority to activities dealing with capacity development, new discourse development, intervention on policies and laws at national level and its coordination.


Special Concerns




Seri Kajian Hukum (Legal Reviews)

Seri Pengembangan Wacana (Alternative Concepts Development)

Seri Cerita Bergambar Hukum dan Masyarakat (Series of Comic on Law and Society)

Manual Pelatihan (Training Manual)

Reference Books


Other Information


Since its establishment, HuMa has adopted "networking development" work method in implementing its programs. Accordingly, its staff members participate actively in various networks, ranging from non-governmental organizations networks, to individual networks, to multi-stakeholder forums.





Association for Community and Ecologically Based Law Reform

(Perkumpulan Untuk Pembaharuan Hukum Berbasis Masyarakat dan Ekologis - HuMa)

Jln. Jati Agung No. 8,

Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu

Jakarta 12540 INDONESIA

ph (62-21) 788 458 71

fax (62-21) 780 6959

e-mail. huma[a]huma.or.id; huma[a]cbn.net.id





Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM Univ Andalas)

- Andalas University of Padang (West Sumatra)


Year Established:


Short Historical Background


Andalas University, as the oldest state university outside Java Island, acknowledges the importance of establishing a center for human rights studies, besides other centers of studies in the university. Human rights have become one of the main issues in the country beside democracy and environment issues. Traditional values collide with universal human rights standards. Local policies or legal programs lead to human rights violations. There is a collision between local and global perceptions. This situation therefore requires profound studies on these matters to gain harmony without reducing meaning of one another.


On the 56th International Human Rights Day celebration, 10 December 2004, several human rights and law lecturers declared the establishment of the Center for Human Rights Studies. On the same day, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. H. Takdir Rahmadi, S.H., LL.M signed the Dean's Mandate Letter number 246/Sp.X/Fhuk/2004.





The Center aims


  1. To undertake research and studies on human rights and their relevance to actual or customary issues;
  2. To develop strategic programs in the form of tactical and strategic action agenda;
  3. To promote human rights as well as national as well as international instruments relating to human rights;
  4. To hold human rights training for Andalas University students;
  5. To establish communication forum for human rights centers throughout West Sumatra;
  6. To develop cooperation with human rights institutions (such as the National Commission on Human Rights, and others)






Human rights promotion

  1. 1. Participation in talk show/interactive dialogue on women's rights (in "Women and Law" Program SIPP Female Radio station, on the subject of Regulation number 23 year 2004 about Elimination of Domestic Violence, in cooperation with Student Advocacy and Public Knowledge Institution, 31 January 2005)
  2. Submission of opinion articles on human rights to daily newspaper Padang Ekspress, entitled "Human Rights, Human Resources and Corruption Portrayals," April 30 2005 and May 2, 2005)
  3. Participation in public consultation and campaign on National Action Plan for Corruption Eradication 2004-2009, arranged by Ministry of National Development in cooperation with the Faculty of Law, Andalas University in Padang (16 May 2005)
  4. Publication of a human rights book entitled "Under Law Shelter, Human Rights: Notes of an Activists"
  5. Publication of Progresif bulletin (two editions), started in January 2005
  6. Discussion on Conflict Potentials in Local Government Election, May 2005
  7. Seminar on Women's Rights in Regulation number 23 year 2004, June 2005
  8. Human rights socialization for Student Board of Andalas University, July 2005
  9. Preparation of human rights dialogue columns in the mass media
  10. Discussion on Conflict Potentials in Local Government Election, May 2005.


Human rights curriculum development

- Development of Law and Human Rights Subject Curriculum in the university



- Research on development rights in the village government at Minangkabau/West Sumatra


Legislative advocacy

  1. Member of Local Legislation Program Team, West Sumatra - Local Office of Law and Human Rights Department, 2005
  2. Participation in the Committee of National Human Rights Action Plan for West Sumatra 2004-2009.
  3. Participation in the Human Rights Seminar arranged by the Center for Human Rights Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta (PUSHAM UII), Yogyakarta (30 May - 2 June 2005)


Special Concerns





Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies

- Andalas University of Padang (West Sumatra)

Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia

(Pusham Univ Andalas)

Universitas Andalas Padang

Dekanat Fakultas Hukum Unand

Kampus Limau Manis, Padang 25163 INDONESIA

ph (62-751) 729 85

fax (62-751) 778 109






Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UNAIR)

- Airlangga University


Year Established: 2000


Short Historical Background


The vision and mission of the Center for Human Rights Studies was defined during a workshop was held at Airlangga University in November 2000. The workshop was attended by representatives of KOMNASHAM, Department of Justice and Human Rights Affairs and the Surabaya Legal Aid Institution and more than forty participants from East Java (representing universities, non-governmental organizations and community leaders). At the end of the workshop, the Center was formally inaugurated by the university vice-rector.




The Center aims


  1. To generate more sensitive public policies to public sense of justice;
  2. Strengthen consolidation and coordination processes for public and academic strengths, which intensely concerned toward human rights concepts and enforcements improvement;
  3. To cultivate and institutionalize law and human rights awareness among community, academic, state personnel and private sectors.


Programs and Activities


The Center belongs to a network of NGOs, labor unions, media establishments (newspapers and television stations), media associations, universities, and business organizations. The Center utilizes the members of the network in holding its activities.


Following are some of the activities undertaken so far:

  1. Discussion on Court Mob (2001)
  2. Seminar on the Analysis of 2001 Surabaya City Annual Budgets
  3. Network Meetings on the Campaign Preparation for Surabaya City Annual Budget Transparency (2001 onward)
  4.  Join Statement for Parliament Resolution about Semanggi and Trisakti cases (2001)
  5. Public Debate on Future Member of Indonesia National Commission of Human Rights from East Java Area (2001)
  6. Workshop on Institutionalization of Empowerment Movement for Child Housemaid (2001) - this workshop led to the call for prohibition of employment of child housemaids (under fourteen years of age) as well as the protection of those who are already hired as such.
  7. Public Debate and Testimony of "Military-Police Clash and Security Assurance for Community", in cooperation with the Legal Aid Institution of Surabaya - and other NGOs ( 2001).
  8. Workshop on Introduction of Child Rights and its Elements as Integral Part of Human Rights (2001)
  9. Workshop on Research Methodology (2001)
  10. Discussion on Problems in Surabaya (2001)
  11. Movie Showing of "Burning Season" and Discussion (2001)
  12. Human Rights Day Celebration (annual since 2001) - Photograph and Posters Exhibition, Movie Showing and Discussion, Public Dialogue, Stage Performance
  13. Human Rights Year-End Assessment (2001)
  14. Campaign of Handout for 2002 Annual Budget Draft of Surabaya City and hearing with Panggar ( 2001)
  15. Interactive Dialogue at State Television Station (TVRI), and Kosmonita and SCFM Radio Stations (2002)
  16. Public debate and awareness-raising on 2002 Surabaya City Annual Budget Draft (2002)
  17. Public Dialogue on Alternative Solution for Five-feet Vendors Problem at Surabaya (2002) with members of the local parliament members, representatives of the City Government, academicians, NGOs, Five-feet vendors at Tunjungan, Semarang Street, and Malang, and entrepreneurs.
  18. Public Dialogue (in cooperation with the Political Science Laboratory of Airlangga University Faculty of Political and Social Sciences) (2002) on political party independence and participation revolution
  19. Public Dialogue cooperated with Surabaya Legal Aid Institution and Inspirasi (2002) on Draft Anti-Terrorism Regulation
  20. Human Rights Seminar for High Schools Teachers (2002) on education on democracy and human rights discourse with gender Perspective
  21. Movie Showing and Discussion (2002)
  22. Public Dialogue on "Violence in the Community" (2002)
  23. Awareness-raising and Investigation on the Polling Results Performed by Public Voice Committee of Surabaya (2002)
  24. Seminar on Advocacy and Consumer Empowerment (2002)
  25. Public Debate on Anti-Terrorist Regulations (2002)
  26. Workshop on Children House Maid Local Regulation Preparation (2003)
  27. Community-oriented Policing, in cooperation with The Asia Foundation.


Special Concerns






Other Information





Center for Human Rights Studies


Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

Ketintang Tengah Gg. IV No. 7 Surabaya, INDONESIA

ph (62-31) 7058 2908

e-mail: pusham_unair[a]yahoo.com




Center for Human Rights Studies (Pusham Univ. Bung Hatta)

- Bung Hatta University (West Sumatra)


Year Established:


Short Historical Background


The Faculty of Law of Bung Hatta University established the Center for Human Rights Studies to promote and enforce human rights in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra.




The Center aims

  1. To develop and disseminate human rights education and knowledge as comprehensive science and embrace all law studies fields;
  2. To cooperate with institutions concerned in human rights;
  3. To research the human rights attitude and behavior;
  4. To provide service to whoever requires protection of their rights.






Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies

- Bung Hatta University (West Sumatra)

Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia (Pusham Univ. Bung Hatta)

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bung Hatta

Jl. Sumatera Ulak Karang Padang, INDONESIA

ph/fax (62-751) 444 177




Center of Development for Human Rights and Democracy (PP-HAM & Dem. FH UNIBRAW)

- Brawijaya University


Year Established: 2000


Short Historical Background


The Brawijaya University is one of the Indonesian universities that have been fully concerned with human rights and national issues. Since 1994, human rights have been the main subject matter of lectures in the curriculum of the Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University. The lecturers and researchers of the Faculty of Law were committed to actively promote and develop human rights comprehension, that develops in harmony with the political conditions and the public need for respect for the rights of people. This was proven by researches, seminars and workshops attended or arranged by enthusiastic lecturers on human rights issues.


With such enthusiastic lecturers and researchers, increasing consultations by the public and the local governments regarding human rights education and assistance to resolve human rights issues, media attention to human rights and democracy, and the development of the national plan for the establishment of university centers for human rights studies (Human Rights Action Plan, Activity Program 1998-2003, Dissemination and Education Activities), Brawijaya University established the Center for Human Rights and Democracy Development.




The Center aims

To develop conceptual thought of human rights and democracy in state and community life.

To help socialize human rights comprehension for government, private sector, public organization, political parties and other organizations.


Programs and Activities


Education and Training

  1. Education about the realization of human rights in autonomous local government mechanisms
  2. Human rights education for political party activists
  3. Law reform based on human rights principles
  4. Minimize allegation toward Local Government for insensitive policies they produce.
  5. Education curriculum improvement, from basic to tertiary levels.




  1. Level of human rights comprehension among political party activists
  2. Review of national/local regulations' adherence to international human rights standards
  3. Studies on various international human rights instruments that need to be ratified
  4. Drafting of regulations in line with ratified international human rights instruments
  5. Drafting of new regulations in line with international human rights instruments relevant to various sectors based on perceived needs.




This division operates whenever human rights cases arise.


Special Concerns






Other Information





Center of Development for Human Rights and Democracy

- Brawijaya University

Pusat Pengembangan HAM dan Demokrasi (PP-HAM & Dem. FH UNIBRAW)

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya

Jl. MT. Haryono 169 Malang 65145 INDONESIA

ph (62-341) 553 898

fax (62-341) 566 505

e-mail : madrid[a]brawijaya.ac.id



Center for Human Rights Studies (PSA-HAM UGTLO)

- Gorontalo University


Year Established:


Short Historical Background


The complexity of the human rights problems in Gorontalo Province made the Faculty of Law of Gorontalo University to establish the Center for Human Rights Studies Gorontalo University on 30 March 2002, along with the establishment of Legal Aid and Consultation Institution Gorontalo University, to perform dissemination of and advocacy on human rights as well as research and studies on human rights. The Center operates under the authority of the Faculty of Law Gorontalo University.




The Center aims


To become a platform for human rights promotion, protection and enforcement in Gorontalo province that is capable to develop and socialize human rights ideas through profound and continuous academic studies to achieve human beings who uphold human rights, democracy and justice.






Collaboration with the government

  • as member of the Gorontalo Provincial Committee on Human Rights Action Plan
  • Gorontalo Province Regional Office of Department of Justice


Human rights advocacy


  • labor and staffs of PT. Usaha Mina Gorontalo Province
  • community
  • human rights education
  • distribution of human rights materials in seminars and workshops


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies Gorontalo University

Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia


Universitas Gorontalo

Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.247, Limboto,

Kab. Gorontalo, INDONESIA

ph (62-435) 881 369

fax (62-435) 880 370

e-mail:  ugtlo[a]telkom.net 




Center for Human Rights Advocacy and Studies (PSA-HAM UNHALU)

- Haluoleo University


Year Established: 2000


Short Historical Background


The Center was established in Kendari based on Haluoleo University Rector Mandate Letter number 2363a/SK.J29/LL/2000 dated 2 December 2000, containing the agreement between Ministry of Human Rights affairs with Haluoleo University number MOU.014/MENEGHAM/08/2000 and number 1767/SKJ29/KS/2000 dated 19 August 2000.


The University Rector considered the necessity of human resources in human rights promotion, protection and realization for all members of the university community (students and lecturers) and for all members of Southeast Sulawesi community. Therefore, in the first period of its establishment, the Center expectedly developed as a human rights training center, providing human rights information, socialization, education and advocacy (non-litigation) service in pursuit of the University's public service mission.




The Center aims

  1. To socialize human rights values through education, enlightenment and training for lecturers/administration staffs, students and law enforcement officials, which provide public services;
  2. To undertake human rights studies and improve public awareness of their rights and obligations responsibility in daily life;
  3. To perform non-litigation advocacy activities for human rights violation victims, especially vulnerable groups






a. Education

1. Refugees and Human Rights Law Training for Police Officers in Southeast Sulawesi Local Police (2001 and 2002)

2. Law and Human Rights Enlightenment for Air Force members and families (2001)

3. Law and Human Rights Enlightenment for Southeast Sulawesi Local Development Bank Employee's Wives, 2001

4. Awareness-raising on human rights protection and realization for sub-districts and village administration officials of Kendari City (2003)

5. Human rights training for IDPs of Ambon/Maluku in Southeast Sulawesi 2005/2006

6. Human rights training in education for lecturers, 2004/2005

7. Human rights training for freshmen of Haluoleo University, 2004

8. Training for drop-out students in Kendari City, 2004/2005

9. Human rights training for village leader throughout Southeast Sulawesi, 2005/2006

10. Human rights training for IDPs of Ambon/Maluku in Southeast Sulawesi 2005/2006


b. Law reform

1. Prepared and presented the "Integration of Civil and Political Rights in Local Regulations" under request of Southeast Sulawesi Regional Office of Department of Justice and Human Rights (2003)


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Advocacy and Studies

Pusat Studi dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia Universitas Haluleo


Jl. Jendral A. Yani No. 88, Kendari 93117

Sulawesi Tenggara, INDONESIA

Alamat surat untuk Pusadhan Unhalu

D/A Sdr. Salimin A. SH (Hp. 081341507278)

ph (62-401) 391038

fax (62-401) 390607





Center for Human Rights Research and Studies (PSP-HAM UNHAS)

- Hasanuddin University


Year Established:


Short Historical Background


The Government of Indonesia has prepared the Indonesian National Action Plan on Human Rights to support human rights promotion and protection activities. Since the implementation of this national program requires the active participation of all institutions in the country, the Hasanuddin University agreed to take part in the process through a cooperation agreement with the Office of Ministry of Human Rights Affairs. To pursue this agreement, the Rector of Hasanuddin University issued Mandate Letter number 4297/JO4/KP.36/2000 on 17 April 2000 establishing the Center for Human Rights Research and Studies. The Center has a management team with members from various faculties in the university.





The Center aims

To encourage the community to be more sensitive on human rights based on local cultural values

To promote and socialize human rights to the community and its institutions to improve human rights awareness

To assist the community and institutions to defend and protect human rights




Human rights advocacy - such as campaign on the universality of human rights, promotion of the notion that human rights originated from Allah Almighty and are inherent in all human beings as a consequence of being human.


Promotion and dissemination - aimed at the students of the university, development of programs with the cooperation other institutions to build a network for the promotion and protection of human rights particularly concerning human rights violations resolution.





The activities of the Center fulfill the aspiration of the members to consistently promote and protect human rights in the community. These activities are undertaken by individuals as well as by teams under the direct coordination of the Center. This system is made possible by members who come from various disciplines in the University, which enable the activities to be rooted in each discipline yet still related to human rights issues (as in the case of enlightenment and protection of victims of violence).


1. Advocacies and Monitoring

  • Human rights socialization and enlightenment for fisherfolk community in Pangkep District of South Sulawesi (March 2002)
  • Community awareness-raising on customary rights of Bulukumba District, South Sulawesi, with a presentation on human rights advocacy/protection to victims of P.T. Longsum case at Bulukumba District
  • Human rights training for government officials, particularly those who are directly connected with the criminal justice system, for them to perform their duties without violating human rights
  • Human rights seminar for the communities in South Sulawesi areas, such as Sinjai, about the importance of human rights and how to assert them.

2. Dissemination and Promotion

Participation in local, national and international human rights activities, such as:

  • Women's Conference in India on January 2004
  • Database training for human rights violation victims, arranged by South Sulawesi Regional Office of Department of Justice
  • Seminar and meeting on Technical Coordination of Human Rights Research and Development Body of South Sulawesi in Makassar
  • Socialization on human rights law and elimination of violence toward women law in Makassar
  • Human rights and conflict resolution training in Sweden
  • Other activities, such as dialogue or discussion at e-media, such as State and Private Television and Radio, in Makassar.

3. Education

It is aimed at making the students understand the importance of human rights values in promoting, protecting and fulfilling human rights in community life.

To improve the quality and resources of all staffmembers of the Center, the University supports those who want to do postgraduate and doctoral study (on human rights?) in national and international universities.

4. Cooperation

  • The Center cooperates with the Directorate General of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the police in arranging human rights training for South Sulawesi police officers.
  • The Center also cooperates with the local government in preparing local policies (i.e. Local Development Body and Local Parliament) with human rights perspectives.


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Research and Studies Hasanuddin University

Pusat Studi dan Pengkajian Hak Asasi Manusia (PSP-HAM UNHAS)

Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar

Gedung Rektorat Lantai 7 UNHAS

Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10. Tamalanrea 9025 INDONESIA

ph (62-411) 584 002

fax (62-411) 585 188

e-mail  iinsakharina[a]yahoo.com




Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UII)

- Islamic University of Indonesia


Year Established: 2000


Short Historical Background


The Indonesian Minister of Human Rights and the Rector of Islamic University of Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of the Center for Human Rights Studies Islamic University of Indonesia (Letter of Agreement number MOU.01/meneg/HAM/04/2000 underline 381/B.1/IV/2000) on 7 April 2000. Subsequently, the Head of Endowment Board of Islamic University of Indonesia issued Mandate Letter number 9 of year 2000 (dated April 20, 2000) about the establishment of the Human Rights Studies Institution signed by Muhammad Djazman Alkindi and complemented with Rector Mandate Number 44/B.6/Rek/IV/2000 about Management Selection for Center for Human Rights Studies Islamic University of Indonesia signed by Prof. Zaini Dahlan, M.A.


PUSHAM UII is an autonomous institution of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Its activities are independently operated without any university intervention. Founded in 20 April 2000, it is an initiative of several law and human rights experts in UII, and with the support of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. The mission is to promote human rights values in the daily life of the Indonesian people. This mission is realized in each program of three fields, i.e. education, training and research.




The Center aims

  1. To promote human rights principles through dissemination and training for the community
  2. strengthen and enable the state and the community in fulfilling and protecting fundamental rights and freedom.



Programs and Activities


Year 2007


Education and Training

  • National Seminar and Workshop on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Indonesia Phase I: Toward an Effective Monitoring and Enforcement of Economic, Social  and Cultural Rights in Indonesia
  • National Workshop on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Phase II:
  • Enhancing Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Prospects and Challen
  • Advanced Training on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
  • Human Rights Guidebook for Secondary School Teachers in Yogyakarta City
  •  Seminar on Police Role in Social and Political Changes in Indonesia.



  1. 1. Research the Human Rights Dimension of Judges' Verdicts in Five Locations (two series)
  2. Guest Research at Norwegian Center for Human Rights, University of Oslo, Norway


Year 2008



  • Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility



  1. Research on Housing and Education Rights in Yogyakarta, Padang & NTT
  2. Research on Indigenous Peoples' Rights in South Sulawesi, East Kalimantan and Lombok
  3. Research on Unfair Judicial System



  1. Counter-terrorism Program
  2. Community Policing Program



Special Concerns

Generally, but not limited to economic, social and cultural rights




  • Untangle the Complexity of Human Rights (multi-perspectivstudies)
  • Human Rights Textbook for Undergraduate Students
  • Human Rights Textbook for High School Students
  • Nation Without Law: Street lawyer Notes
  • This is Human Rights Book for Police Academy!
  • Violence Agencies: Study on Civil Groups
  • They (HAVE) Changed!
  • Portrayal  of  Fulfillment  of  Education  and  Housing  Rights  in  
  • Local Autonomy Era: Situation Analysis in Three Areas
  • Judges Image through Verdicts: Study on Judges Verdicts with
  • Human Rights Dimensions
  • The Fall of Justice! Politics of Human Rights law in the Reform Era
  • We Are the Future Police
  • Political Tragedy of Human Rights law
  • Intelligence Regime Hegemony: Dark Side of Jihad Command


  • Future Police
  • learn to live Together
  • Reaching the People’s Vote


Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UII)

Islamic University of Indonesia

Gg. Bakung No. 517 A, Jeruklegi Rt. 13 Rw. 35,

Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA

ph (62-274) 452032, fax. 0274-452158

e-mails: pushamuii[a]yahoo.com; pushamuii[a]pushamuii.org






Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UIR)

- Islamic University of Riau


Year Established:


Short Historical Background


After the 1998 reformasi movement succeeded, which aimed at the realization of human rights in the political, economic, social and cultural systems in Indonesia, several members of the faculty of University of Riau established the Center for Human Rights Studies to concentrate on human rights studies and dissemination. In 1999, the Rector of the Islamic University of Riau, Prof. Dr. Ir. T. Dahril, M.Sc officially established the center with the name: Center Of Human Rights Studies.



The Center aims to promote human rights studies and education.







  • Research on Public Customary Rights on Traditional Land in Bengkalis District, in cooperation with Bengkalis District Local Development Body (2001)
  • Collection of newspaper (?) clippings on human rights in Riau (2000-2003)



  • Riau Province Tourism Local Regulation Draft Preparation, which provide protection of public rights to develop tourism, in cooperation with the Tourism, Art and Culture Department of Riau Province (2002)

Human rights education

  • Regular weekly discussion of human rights through the mass media (Suara Kita Daily Newspaper, Riau Mandiri Daily Newspaper, 2000)
  • Weekly discussion of law and human rights in electronic media (RTV - television station) 2003-2004, recorded in digital format.
  • Preparation of two scripts of Holy Friday Sermon for Muballigh/Moslem Preachers containing human rights values from Islamic point of view, 2004,
  • Participation in twelve sessions of a human rights training series (1999-2004) within and outside Pekanbaru town).


Special Concerns




Other Information




Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia Universitas Islam Riau (PUSHAM UIR)

Gedung Rektorat UIR

Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution No. 113, Lantai 1

Pekanbaru, Riau, INDONESIA

ph (62-761) 72126

fax (62-761) 674834

e-mail :  husnu_abadi2003[a]yahoo.com





Center for Human Rights Studies (PK-HAM UNM)

- Makassar State University


Year Established:


Short Historical Background




To provide the community with awareness on fundamental rights and values that inherent and non-separable from human being as Allah Almighty's gift.

To promote the meaning of human rights as universal concepts especially rights on fair legal enforcement, warranty, protection, certainty and the principal of equality before law.

To assist the community and preserve their basic rights in daily life as part of human rights enforcement efforts.






Special Concerns




Other Information





Center for Human Rights Studies

- Makassar State University

Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM)

Gedung Rektorat Lama Lt. III Kamar BA. 312,

Kampus Gunungsari Baru,

Jl. A.P. Pettarani, Makassar, 90222 INDONESIA

ph (62-411) 884534, 587219

fax. (62-411) 868794






Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UMK)

- Muhammadiyah University Kendari


Year Established: 2004


Short Historical Background


As a region that has received the highest number of migrants and internally-displaced persons (IDPs), Southeast Sulawesi is a potential area for human rights violations. The decision to establish the Center was made during the General Management Meeting of Muhammadiyah University Kendari on 8 September 2004. The Center was later on formally established through Rector Mandate Letter number 023/Kep/1 O/D/2004. The General Management Meeting resolution was based on several main considerations, (a) the understanding of the dynamics and historic course toward a new Indonesia era with accelerated reform agenda, (b) the necessity for the Muhammadiyah University to contribute (along with other institutions) ideas and opinions on performing tasks in accordance with the fundamental principles of human rights, and (c) the partnership and cooperation between the Department of Justice and Human Rights and the universities in Indonesia which result is well performing operational units at the local level on reinforcing human rights socialization directed to all community members in fulfilling, protecting and promoting human rights.




The Center aims

  1. To provide information service for human rights enforcement for community and public officials of Southeast Sulawesi;
  2. To disseminate human rights information and provide human rights education for community and public officials of Southeast Sulawesi;
  3. To promote human rights protection for (by?) community and public officials of Southeast Sulawesi;
  4. To monitor and evaluate the realization of human rights in Southeast Sulawesi;
  5. To study human rights issues.






Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies Muhammadiyah University Kendari

Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia (PUSHAM UMK)

The University Campus, Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, INDONESIA

ph/fax (62-401) 393 641

e-mai: pusham_umk_kdi[a]yahoo.com





Center for Human Rights Studies (PSHH & HAM FH USU Medan)

- North Sumatra University


Year Established:


Short Historical Background


In view of the situation in Aceh, several faculty members teaching international human rights law in the Faculty of Law of North Sumatra University established the Center for Human Rights Studies. The center was formally recognized as a center of the university.




  • To provide human rights knowledge to lecturers and students
  • To promote human rights in the community
  • To respond/solve human rights problems
  • To assist the government in solving human rights cases in Indonesia.






Assistance to the local government in the establishment of a Human Rights Court in Medan.


Lectures and seminars for the North Sumatra province on humanitarian issues, refugees,


Development of human rights curriculum in the Faculty of Law (two subjects on human rights and humanitarian laws respectively), along with training for law lecturers on the curriculum.


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies

- North Sumatra University

Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia Fakultas


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Jl. Universitas No. 4 Kampus USU, Medan, INDONESIA

ph/fax (82-61) 8213571

e-mail: fhusu2000[a]yahoo.com








Center for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (PSA-HAM UNDANA)

- Nusa Cendana University


Year Established: 2000


Short Historical Background


Seeing the moral necessity of promoting and defending human rights in Indonesia, the Nusa Cendana University of Nusa Province established the Center for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (University's Rector Mandate Letter number 49/2000 dated 5 April) under Research Institute of the University (and under the responsibility of the University Rector.




The Center aims

  1. To promote and protect human rights, as well as develop their concept;
  2. To research on attitude and behavior of people towards human rights;
  3. To provide service to whoever needs protection for their rights.







  • Training for lecturers in human rights advocacy, through human rights values dissemination for all education staffs of the University
  • Education on human rights values for
    • first year university students
    • students participating in public service program
  • Education on human/child rights values for fourth year secondary students in Kupang City 
  • Human rights education for village administrators and community leaders in four sub-districts in Kupang City
  • Training/seminar/discussion for the members of the Center's Taskforce
  • Discussion about health service in Kupang City health service abuse victims
  • Government policy study based on human rights
  • Study of public health service in the province
  • Assistance to human rights violation victims
  • Assistance in developing human-rights-based policies in local village administration and provincial government
  • Advocacy for the repeal of human-rights-violative government policies
  •  Establishment of system for cooperation with the Center's stakeholders
  • Human rights education in government institutions and the general public through brochures and leaflets
  • Making of human rights profile of the Southeast region of Nusa Province
  • Participation in institutional meetings regarding cooperation with government institutions, universities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
  • Journal production for use in the province.


Special Concerns     




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy

- Nusa Cendana University

Pusat Studi dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (PSA-HAM UNDANA)

Universitas Cendana, Kupang

Jl. Adisucipto Penfui, Kotak Pos 1212,

Kupang 851560 INDONESIA

ph (62-380) 881560

fax (62-380) 881560

e-mail: lemlitundana[a]telkom.net





Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UNP)

- Padang State University


Year Established: 1999


Short Historical Background

First founded as the Center for Human Rights Research (Mandate Letter from Faculty of Social Sciences Dean in 1999 Number: 2751/K12.1.6/PP/1999 dated 24 November 1999), the Center is a response to the encouragement that came from the human rights lecturers’ team in the Civic Education Program. At that time, every subject matter was expected to have marketable values (according to Minister of Education and Culture Resolution number 056/U/1994), where corporate concept in universities took place in 1994 known as “Corporate Culture Development Program in Universities” with Corporate Base Syllabus as the basic thought.
With the support from the National Commission on Human Rights of Indonesian (KOMNASHAM), the Center helps students who take the human rights subject to have practical training in human rights institutions to complete their graduation requirements.
The Center adopted the name “Center for Human Rights Studies” in 2003 based on the members’ suggestion (arrived at in a plenary meeting on 15 August 2003).

The Center aims

  1. To identify potential human rights violations and suggest measures for their prevention in West Sumatra region;
  2. To research and study various local regulations from a human rights perspective;
  3. To publish research and studies results;
  4. To discuss various problems concerning human rights protection,and realization;
  5. To cooperate with various studies, research institutions;
  6. To organize awareness-raising activities, dialogues, and seminars about human rights for the community and the government in order to improve their human rights awareness;
  7. To seek peaceful alternatives for parties in dispute;
  8. To settle cases through various alternatives such as consultation,negotiation, and any other means.

Programs and Activities

  • Research on
    • Synchronization of district/city regulations throughout the West Sumatra Province
    • West Sumatra Provincial Regulations
    • Village-level regulations throughout the districts and cities in West Sumatra.
  • Other research projects on
    • Socialization model of human rights laws (Law number 39/1999) in order to empower the local community of West Sumatra (2001/2003)
    • Inter-religious community social conflicts at South Padang (2001)
    • Village Community Empowerment at West Sumatra (2001)
    • Civil-political-social-culture rights violations at Pasaman, 50 Kota, Bukittinggi and Padang District (2003)

• Joint research with students

    • Employment Discharge (series)
    • Territorial Dispute at Districts/Cities (series)
    • Violence on Children (series)
    • Environment Destruction (series)
    • Investigation Process for Criminal Cases by Law EnforcementOfficials (series)
  • Socialization, Seminar and Discussion
    • Seminar on normative and practical aspects of human rights law with the law enforcement officials in West Sumatra Province
    • Dialogue on normative and sociological analysis of human rights law, with community leaders of West Sumatra
    • Training activities for the education team, Monitoring and Mediation Team for Human Rights Violations, Directive and Monitoring Team on Violence against and Trafficking of Women and Children for Provincial Government of West Sumatra (2001 – present), Independent Investigation Commission of West Sumatra on the case of Major/ Parliament of Payakumbuh City (2001-2002)
  • Support for
    • Women empowerment and the establishment of Women Empowerment Body within the West Sumatra Local Government (dialogue with Ministry of Women Affairs Staff) (2000)
    • Human rights enforcement and promotion by the government and the community, Workshop at Development- Community Protection Body of Padang City
    • Seminar on techniques in applying human rights principles in village level regulations in Agam District, Sawahlunto Sijunjung District and Padang Pariaman District (2001-2003)
    • Human Rights Enforcement and Promotion Efforts at West Sumatra, local government of various districts (2001)
    • Student responsibility in human rights and democracy enforcement, democracy and human rights socialization for Padang State University freshmen (2001)

Center for Human Rights Studies
Padang State University
Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia (PUSHAM UNP)
Universitas Negeri Padang Kampus FIS UNP
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Padang 25131, Sumatra Barat (West
Sumatra), Indonesia
ph (62-751) 445 187/445 128, 50320
fax (62-751) 7055628, 445187



Centre for Human Rights Studies- State University of Medan

(Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia Universitas Negeri Medan)

Year Established: 2008

Short Historical Background

The development of centers for human rights study in numerous universities, both within and outside Indonesia, has become an interesting occurrence. Universities that establish a study center for human rights further demonstrate the presence and role of academic institutions in responding to and designing the constructs of human rights pursuant to universal principles of human rights.


This development becomes interesting when the involvement of universities have been perceived to bring about positive implications in the development of efforts to promote, respect and protect human rights.


The Centre for Human Rights Studies at State University of Medan (Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia Universitas Negeri Medan), also known as PUSHAM UNIMED was established as part of the efforts to meet the needs and urgency to promote and foster a culture of respect and protection of human rights in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra. As one of the implementing units of academic tasks, PUSHAM UNIMED has been tasked to conduct the study and research of human rights.
On Saturday, 15 December 2007, a community of young lecturers of Faculty of Social Sciences State University of Medan held a national seminar on the subject “Human Rights for All: Reflections on 59 Years of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” The seminar keynote speaker was Professor Harkristuti Harkrisnowo (General Director of Human Rights the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights), and also speakers were Mr. Ifdhal Kasim (Chairman of the National Commission on Human Rights), Mr. Suparman Marzuki (Executive Director of Pusham UII Yogyakarta), and Mr. Majda El Muhtaj (Lecturer of Faculty of Social Sciences of Universitas Negeri Medan).
The seminar was attended and officially opened by the Rector of Universitas Negeri Medan, Prof. Syawal Gultom. The strong aspiration to establish PUSHAM UNIMED was welcomed by the Management of Universitas Negeri Medan. At the opening of the seminar, the Rector urged that a center for human rights study materialize and be established in Universitas Negeri Medan. This message subsequently received full support from the Directorate General of Human Rights the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights and centers of human rights study throughout Indonesia.


PUSHAM UNIMED was officially established on 31 January 2008, by the decree of the Rector of Universitas Negeri Medan No. 028/H33.KEP/KP/2008. The Rector has also mandated Mr. Majda El Muhtaj to head the PUSHAM UNIMED to date. It has the following vision: Become the center of data, information and documentation in the field of study and human rights education in North Sumatra.



  1. To support the achievement of the vision of the Universitas Negeri Medan;
  2. To improve the quality and quantity of writing and scientific research in the field of human rights at the Universitas Negeri Medan;
  3. To enhance and uphold human rights in Indonesia, particularly in North Sumatra.


PUSHAM UNIMED has the following programs:

  • Institutional strengthening of the organization of Pusham Unimed
  • Preparation and use of the PUSHAM UNIMED’s library as a center of data and documentation within the scope of human rights in North Sumatra
  • Active involvement in the efforts of education, dissemination, training and advocacy of human rights locally, nationally and internationally
  • Increase the publication of research results and other scientific works on human rights.



  • Human rights education

      PUSHAM UNIMED has special concern on human rights education.Its activities include: (1) research; (2) training; (3) publication;(4) dissemination of information through  seminars, public discussions and workshops; and (5) advocacy.

  • Publication

      PUSHAM UNIMED has been publishing the academic journal HUMANITAS: Jurnal Kajian dan Pendidikan HAM (Journal on Study and Human Rights Education) since 2010. Pusham also published one book in an anthology, Menakar Pembangunan Berperspektif HAM (Measuring Development in Human Rights Perspective) in 2012.

  • Research

      PUSHAM UNIMED carried out the following academic research projects:

    • 2010 - “Pembangunan Berbasis HAM; Pemantauan & Evaluasi Pemenuhan HAM di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Tahun 2009” (Rights-based Approach to Development; Monitoring and Evalution of Human Rights in Serdang Bedagai regency)
    • 2011 - “Peraturan Daerah Berdimensi HAM; Analisis terhadap Tujuh Perda Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai” (Rights-based Approach to Local Regulation; an Analysis of Seven Local regulations in Serdang Bedagai”
    • 2011 - “Right to Access Information in Decentralized Indonesia: A Socio-Legal Inquiry” supported by Raoul Wallenburg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund University, Sweden
    • 2012 - “Menimbang Rekayasa Pembangunan Daerah Berdimensi HAM; Analisis terhadap Lima Perda Kabupaten Serdang Badagai” (Measuring Local Development in Human Rights Perspective; an Analysis of Five Local Regulations in Serdang Bedagai)
    • 2012 - “The Role of Local Government in Business and Human Rights; A Case Study of North Sumatra Province” supported by Raoul Wallenburg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund University, Sweden.

Other Information

PUSHAM UNIMED is affiliated to

  • Serikat Pengajar HAM Indonesia/SEPAHAM (Indonesian Lecturers on Human Rights Association) - Universitas Surabaya (Surabaya University), East Java
  • Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN) - Mahidol University, Bangkok.


Room 14.12, 1st Floor of the Research Institution Building(Gedung Lembaga Penelitian Unimed)
Jalan Willem Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan Estate Kampus Unimed, Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia 20221
ph/fax (6261) 6613319
Cellular Phone +6285372666672
e-mail: pushamunimed[a]yahoo.co.id



Center for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (PSA HAM UNRI)

- Riau University


Year Established:


Short Historical Background


Responding to the human rights violations situation in Riau province, the Riau University saw the need for its participation in minimizing human rights violations and in finding the means to solve them. This became the platform for the establishment of the Center for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy.




The Center aims

  • To examine intensely the human rights situation in the province
    • To research on the symptoms of human rights violations in the community
    • To collect facts and symptoms that indicate human rights violations
    •  To identify the types of human rights violations at Riau Province
    • To determine what laws and regulations relate to those human rights violation;s
  • To find appropriate solution to particular human rights violations;
  • To improve public knowledge on human rights;
  • To assist or shape a culture of openness among community members;
  • To improve public participation in human rights enforcement;
  • To educate the public on developing a legal culture according to their own culture.




Human Rights Studies - comprising of research activities such as inventorry of human rights information and their analysis/processing.

Human Rights Advocacy - provision of services to protect the community from human rights problems.

Human Rights Promotion - dissemination of information and raising of awareness on human rights principles in the community.




  1. Research on Rural Coastal of Batam Island, 2000, in cooperation with the local government of Batam City
  2. Assistance to refugees (2-12 May 2001), in cooperation with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  3. Human rights education
  • Training of trainers (7-9 November 2002)
  • Human rights awareness-raising for the community and local bureaucrats
  • Political parties and social-political organizations in Kuasing District, 2001-2003.
  • Human rights awareness-raising for Riau Provincial Officials in cooperation with Riau Department of Justice and Human Rights Affairs.
  • Provision of resourse persons in interactive dialogue in State Radio of Pekanbaru as well as various human rights meetings.


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy

PSA HAM Universitas Riau


Jl. Pattimura 9 Pekanbaru 2813 INDONESIA

ph/fax (62-761) 40191

email: psaham_unri[a]yahoo.com





Center for Human Rights and Terrorism Studies (PK-HAM & Terorisme FH UNSRI)

- Sriwijaya University


Year Established: 2002


Short Historical Background


The university, as academic institution where an effective study on human rights is feasible, can become an effective socialization agency for public awareness on human rights. This was the justification for the establishment of the Center for Human Rights and Terrorism Studies at the Faculty of Law Sriwijaya University in 2002. The Center is expected to contribute to realization of human rights in Indonesia particularly in South Sumatra Province.




The Center aims to become a prime and active institution in human rights socialization and enforcement efforts and try to eradicate terrorism for peaceful and humane community order.






Human rights training

- for high school teachers in Palembang City

- for human rights lecturers at universities

Monthly seminar about human rights (with invited local, national and international resource persons)


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights and Terrorism Studies

Pusat Kajian HAM dan Terorisme Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya

(PK-HAM & Terorisme FH UNSRI)

Kampus Indralaya Jalan Raya

Palembang-Prabumulih Km. 32 Indralaya

Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Propinsi Sumatera Selatan, INDONESIA

ph (62-711) 580 063

fax (62-711) 581 179

e-mail: amzulian64[a]hotmail.com





Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UBAYA)

- University of Surabaya


Year Established: 1995


Short Historical Background


In 1993, Indonesia experienced a lot of important events. Democratization became the major issue raised by most of the people. With human rights violations occurring in several cities, there was a strong call on the government to establish the National Commission on Human Rights. Based on these events and the development of studies on human rights, the Centre for Human Rights Studies in the University of Surabaya was established on 18 August 1995.


The Centre fully supports the Human Rights Documentation Centre (Documentation Centre), founded six weeks after its establishment. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) through a cooperation program with Human Rights Research and Education Centre of Ottawa University and Raoul Wallenberg Institute assisted the founding of the Documentation Centre. This program focused on assistance on book supply, hardware and software to manage and process the book collections. This program ended in 2002.




The Centre aims

  1. To study and disseminate information on human rights situation, especially the economic, social and cultural rights;
  2. To enhance ideas and initiate efforts at developing a system of governance and society that respect and protect human rights in order to gradually increase equal opportunity and participation in development among women, men, as well as vulnerable and marginal groups;
  3. To establish and maintain a cooperation network with all stakeholders interested in protecting and promoting human rights.



  1. Research or study in the human rights field
  2. Human Rights Dissemination and Education through seminars, focus group discussions, workshops, public dialogues, trainings, and campaigns
  3. Documentation on Human Rights issues through the Human Rights Documentation Centre (books, periodicals and films)
  4. Publication on human rights issues.



  1. Child to Child Training (September 2000), in cooperation with UNICEF
  2. Content Analysis on Women Reproduction and Sexual Rights in East Java Newspapers (2002)
  3. Research on Human Rights Education with Gender Perspective to Empower Teachers and Students in Several Elementary until Senior High School in Surabaya (2003-2005), in cooperation with AusAID.
  4. Human Rights Training with Gender for Teachers on Elementary until Senior High Schools at Surabaya. (2004), in cooperation with AusAID.
  5. Human Rights Training for Government Officials (2004-2005), in cooperation with Raoul Wallenberg Institution
  6. Human Rights Training for Law Enforcement Officers (2004-2005), in cooperation with Raoul Wallenberg Institution
  7. National Seminar on the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Human Rights (December 2006), in cooperation with the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights
  8. Performance Evaluation of the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights (2006-2007)
  9. Human Rights Training with Gender Perspective to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children (2007), in cooperation with AusAID
  10. Human Rights Mapping Research for Poverty Reduction Strategies in East Java, Indonesia (2007-2008), in cooperation Raoul Wallenberg Institute
  11. Annual Activities:
  • Centre’s Anniversary: Seminar, Book Publication, and Film Show
  • Human Rights Day: Campaign, Photography Contest, Poster Contest and Seminar.




  • “Satu Tahun Pusham” (First Anniversary of the Centre), 1996
  • Journal “Dinamika HAM” (periodical)
  • “Toleransi dalam Keberagaman: Visi Abad ke-21: Kumpulan Esai Prof. Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto” (Tolerance in Diversity: 21st Century Vision: A Human Rights Essays of Prof. Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto), 2003
  • “Kompilasi Instrumen Hak Asasi Manusia dan Ratifikasinya dalam Perundang-undangan di Indonesia” (Compilation of International Human Rights Instruments and its Ratification into Indonesia Law and Regulations), 2003
  • “Suara HAM” (Voices of Human Rights) 2005
  • “Sekilas Fakta tentang Perdagangan Orang” (Highlight on Human Trafficking) 2007



Other Information

The Centre has been networking with the following:

  • Centers for Human Rights Studies in Indonesia
  • Indonesian NGOs
  • Government departments, bodies, agencies and offices in Surabaya and East Java
  • International NGOs
  • Universities in Indonesia and abroad, such as Raoul Wallenberg Institution, University of Ottawa, etc.
  • Funding organizations, such as AusAID, CIDA, SIDA, Ford Foundation.





Center for Human Rights Studies

- University of Surabaya

Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia Universitas Surabaya 


Gedung Perpustakaan Lantai IV

Universitas Surabaya

Jl. Raya Kalirungkut Tenggilis Surabaya 60293 INDONESIA

ph (62 - 31) 298 1345, 298 1347

fax (62 - 31) 298 1346

e-mail: pusham[a]unit.ubaya.ac.id






Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM UNSYIAH)

- Syiah Kuala University


Year Established: 2000


Short Historical Background


In response to the human rights situation in Aceh, the Syiah Kuala University established the Center for Human Rights Studies in 2000. The Center has three divisions; i.e. 1) Research and Development Division, 2) Education, Discussion and Seminar Division and 3) Investigation and Advocacy Division.




The Centers aims

  1. To develop a network with national and international human rights education institutions and other institutions concerned in human rights, both government institutions as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs);
  2. To establish a library as human rights documentation center by compiling national and international information and literatures on human rights;
  3. To make human rights education as single subject matter with two credits for all Syiah Kuala University students;
  4. To research on violations, realization, comprehension and awareness of human rights in Aceh Region;
  5. To arrange seminars, workshops, discussion activities about human rights, and cooperate with government and non-governmental institutions concerning human rights realization;
  6. To arrange human rights training for government bureaucrats, teachers, NGO activists and public leaders in order to socialize human rights values;
  7. To arrange human rights enlightenment for the public in order to socialize human rights values;
  8. To do advocacy work and provide legal aid for human rights violations victims in cooperation with the Department of Justice and Human Rights Affairs, National Commission of Human Rights and NGOs working in human rights advocacy and realization in Aceh Region;
  9. To do comparative studies in other Centers of Human Rights Studies in Indonesia to obtain knowledge and experience about human rights studies and education as well as developments in center management.






  1. Routine studies/discussion on various issues concerning human rights (2000-present)
  2. Human Rights and Refugees Law Training for 4200 of police members in Aceh Region cooperated with UNHCR, Jakarta (September 2000-August 2001)
  3. Seminar on "Gender in Islam Perspective", (2 March 2002)
  4. Workshop on "Judicial Body Coordination and Empowerment in order to enforce law and human rights, cooperated with Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia, Jakarta (June 1-July 31, 2002)
  5. Participation in the finalization of Aceh Police Qanun, in cooperation with Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia, by
    • Preparing a draft Aceh Police Qanun (Aceh Police Code) (April-May 2003);
    • Expert Meeting to critique and improve the Draft Aceh Police Qanun (June 2003);
    • Public Review on Aceh Police Qanun (July 2003);
    • Socialization and public hearing on Aceh Police Qanun in State Television and State Radio Station and Newspapers (August 2003)
    • Finalization of the Aceh Police Qanun (September-October 2003);
    • Lobbying and presentation of the Aceh Police Qanun before Local Parliament and Government (November 2003).


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies

Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia Universitas Syiah Kuala (PUSHAM UNSYIAH)

Jl. T. Nyak Arief No. 262 Darussalam

Banda Aceh, Nanggro Aceh Darussalam (NAD) INDONESIA

ph/fax (62-651) 532 16

e-mail: yusrizabidin[a]yahoo.com; khairaniarifin[a]yahoo.com; raiyabilly[a]yahoo.ca 




Center for Human Rights Studies (PP-HAM UNTAN)

- Tanjungpura University


Year Established: 2000


Short Historical Background


Pontianak city, along with West Kalimantan and other districts, suffered from many problems ranging from ethnic conflicts, criminality (theft, assault, murder), and abuse of power by members of the police and the military. Many of these problems are human-rights-related. It is necessary to address these problems in order to prevent negative consequences to community life in terms of security, economy, political, social and cultural aspects. The Center was thus established in 2000 to help in the enforcement of law and the protection of human rights in West Kalimantan, particularly for vulnerable civilians.




As human rights information center for academicians and the public of West Kalimantan, the Center aims to promote the human rights concept through education, research, enlightenment, library improvement, socialization and other activities related to human rights.







  • Training of Trainers for the Police (on refugees and human rights law, and other issues)
  • Human rights socialization for West Kalimantan Regional Office of Department of Justice and Human Rights
  • Workshop on IDPs
  • Empowering institution in human rights socialization


Research on

  • Human rights socialization
  • Madura IDPs and their interactions with local neighborhood at Pontianak, West Kalimantan
  • Fact-finding in Tanjungpura University concerning violent confrontation between police officers and Tanjungpura University students.
  • Encouragement factors of violence toward women in West Kalimantan


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Human Rights Studies Tanjungpura University

Pusat Penelitian HAM Universitas Tanjungpura (PP-HAM UNTAN)

Jl. Daya Nasional (Kompleks UNTAN)

Pontianak, 78124 West Kalimantan, INDONESIA

ph (62-561) 767 945





Center for Law and Local Autonomy (PUSHOD UNTAD)

- Faculty of Law, Tadulako University


Year Established: 2002


Short Historical Background


While law reform introduced the local autonomy system in Indonesia, the implementation of decentralization program of the government has been meeting problems from the very beginning. The central government of Indonesia seems to have a distorted view of decentralization. At the same time, local governments are not performing their functions well and fail to provide a favorable opportunity for local communities to politically and economically develop. Local government powers are mainly used to collect taxes, rather than allow local communities to gain more access to local governance. This situation led to the establishment of the Center for Law and Local Autonomy in the Faculty of Law of Tadulako University. The center envisions a sustained democratic state governance, particularly local governance, on the basis of fair justice, beneficial, and provide certainty by democracy principals and attempt to achieve good governance.




The Center aims

  1. To actively participate in democracy and local autonomy studies and development, evaluate national and local governments and their impact on the social, economic and cultural values of community life;
  2. To actuate diversity requirements, democratic values and good governance;
  3. To actively study and develop programs on community education on and evaluation of responsive, accommodating and participative law and legal measures as well as law enforcement results;
  4. To actively perform arbitration to achieve synergy between community requirements and the broad government policies based on the law and democratic norms and values.


Programs and Activities


a. Local Autonomy Research and Development Division

  • Undertake legal research in governance law, administration law, particularly local government law as well as studies concerning the strengthening of good governance principles.
  • Study and evaluate local autonomy implementation and public policy on local interests.
  • Assist national and local governments in developing democracy and local autonomy, including strengthening of democratic institutions in provincial, district and rural community levels.

b. Local Regulations Drafts and Legal Studies Division

  • Systematize and evaluate laws, regulations, regulatory directories,
  • Arrange and facilitate education and training activities on regulatory drafts.
  • Encourage and stimulate legislators to use their legislative authority properly.
  • Undertake studies on law rulings issued by judicial bodies as well as executive and legislative institutions.

c. Local Regulation/Legal Socialization Division

  • Performing socialization and enlightenment on law and regulations.
  • Disseminate studies and evaluation results on local legal measures to local government personnel and local community
  • Monitor legal process and enforcement results.

d. Nautical Decentralization Studies Division

  • Research on local authority management of nautical and fishery resources
  • Identify and evaluate local legal meaures related to nautical and fishery resources management
  • Performing arbitration and facilitation on community interests (beach areas, fishermen and entrepreneurs) in nautical and fishery sectors.
  • Arrange seminars, symposiums, workshops, scientific discussion and other similar activities in nautical and fishery sectors.


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Law and Local Autonomy

- Faculty of Law, Tadulako University

Pusat Studi Hukum dan Otonomi


Fakultas Hukum Universitas Tadulako

Kampus Bumi Tadulako Tondo, INDONESIA

ph (62-451) 454 446

fax (62451) 454 446

Email: pushod[a]yahoo.com




Center for Public Policy and Human Rights (SKKP & HAM UNILA)

- Lampung University


Year Established:


Short Historical Background


The Center was established based on the grass-root experience of several lecturers of the University. Moreover the reality showed that Lampung Province has quiet high human rights violations. In the performance of Local Government based on extensive autonomy, human rights violation by existing public policies becomes more susceptible. Therefore require control in public policy decision-making process as well as advocacy for interest groups. Individual experience in performing advocacy with NGO put in the picture that university has a strategic role to participate in defending public rights. Based on this consideration, then the Center was founded, which institutionally under the Research Institute, Lampung University.




The Center upholds the principles of being independent from any interest groups or individuals, of being objective in thinking and in undertaking activities on problem analysis and solving regarding public policy and human rights issues. This is for human rights enforcement and appreciation. It aims

  1. To establish database as center for human rights violations data and information;
  2. To identify human rights information issues and proposals;
  3. To identify and study human rights violations cases;
  4. To perform human rights studies and dissemination;
  5. To perform studies on government policy products;
  6. To undertake policy advocy;
  7. To develop a network with similar institutions in universities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


Programs and Activities


  1. Facilitating dissemination activities by local government, Local Office of Department of Law and Human Rights, Local Police of Lampung and other institutions.
  2. Facilitating seminars and discussions about human rights.
  3. Publishing human rights education guidebook
  4. Study and advocate Local Budget of Lampung Province (2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004).
  5. Study and prepare System and Procedure of Local Budget Arrangement of Lamping Province (2003).
  6. Study and prepare a Model on Jarring Asmara in Local Budget Arrangement of Lampung Province (2003).
  7. Become a partner for The Asia Foundation in Indonesia Rapid Decentralization Appraisal Program Phase 2 - 5 (IRDA) (2002-2004)
  8. Several activities concerning local policy review:
    • Local productivity
    • Existed Local Policy Effect (content of analysis)
    • Synchronization toward Local Policy hierarchy
    • Local Policy Making Procedure (public participation)
    • Local Policy Categorization (concerning public service, civil service and security and order function)
    • Optimize local authority and capacity in making local policy.


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for Public Policy and Human Rights Lampung University

Sentra Kajian Kebijakan Publik dan HAM Universitas Lampung (SKKP & HAM UNILA)

Jl. Prof. Sumantri Brojonegoro, Bandar Lampung, INDONESIA

ph (62-721) 705173

fax (62-721) 773798

e-mail: tisnanta[a]plasa.com   





Center for the Study of Law and Human Rights (PKH-HAM FH UNMUL)

- Mularwarman University


Year Established: 2005


Short Historical Background


The respect for, fulfillment and protection of human rights in accordance with the country's legal principles must be improved. And these tasks are part of government duties and responsibilities. But people's participation is absolutely needed. In the framework of participation in order to support the aim of respecting, fulfilling and protecting human rights, within the scope of Mulawarman University in particular and the society in East Kalimantan in general, the Center for Law and Human Rights was established in 2005 (based on SK UnMul Rector No. 107/HK/2005, 6th of April 2005).




The Center aims to do research/study and give scientific recommendation on human rights problems that appear in the scope of Mulawarman Universities as well as in the society.






The Center undertakes the following activities:

  • Cooperation with other institutions on long-term, continuous and synergistic basis
  • Development of the human rights knowledge and capacity for problem-solving regarding issues on law and human rights, as well as leadership and organizational management skills of the members
  • Involvement/participation in the activities of RAN-HAM Provincial Organizing Committee and RAN-HAM Regency or City Organizing Committee in East Kalimantan
  • Involvement/participation in the human rights course curriculum evaluation activities in cooperation with the Director General of Human Rights Protection in the Department of Justice and Human Rights
  • Consultation service to the general public about human rights protection and information dissemination through the mass media
  • Organization of regular discussion session once every two weeks in order to talk about current issues in Mulawarman University and in the society at large
  • Training and awareness-raising activities on human rights to senior high school students and to the people of East Kalimantan
  • Holding of seminars, law discussions, training, workshops, refresher courses about respecting, fulfilling, and protecting human rights
  • Provision of scientific recommendations about problems within the university and in the east Kalimantan society and regarding people with authority based on study and research results
  • Publication of study and research results in the mass media, especially in the Scientific Journal of Law Essays, Faculty of Law Mulawarman University, Samarinda.


Special Concerns




Other Information




Center for the Study of Law and Human Rights (PKH-HAM FH UNMUL)

- Mularwarman University

Pusat Kajian Hukum dan Hak Asasi


Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda

Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara,

Kampus Unmul Gunung Kelua,

Samarinda 75123. Kalimantan Timur, INDONESIA

ph (62-541) 707 2549





Consultation Laboratory and Legal Service (LKPH FH UMM)

- Faculty of Law Muhammadiyah University of Malang


Year Established: 2004


Short Historical Background


The Faculty of Law Muhammadiyah University of Malang established the unit for laboratory and legal service as an advocacy instrument and litigation service for the community. The Unit was meant to actualize the University's vision, especially in education and public service. It was established on September 9, 2004. It begun an increasing numbe of cases relating to civil law, criminal law, administration and the Constitution.




The Unit aims

  1. To develop legal human resources through legal education and training based on competency (study subject);
  2. To provide advocacy and litigation services to the community based on legal supremacy and justice principles.




  1. Regular training in Tax Law, Contract, Legal Audit, Legal Research, Lawyer and Legal Writing
  2. Law Profession Internship Program for Students
  3. Routine twice a week discussion session
  4. Bulletin publication on law discourse
  5. Litigation service
  6. Petition for Judicial Review in the Constitution Court to have an Advocate Statute (April 2004)




To realize its vision and missions, the Unit performs strategic measures, i.e.:

  • legal education and training for law students
  • consultation and litigation service for students
  • regular legal and interdisciplinary studies and research.
  • cooperation with various law and non-law institutions, government agencies, private sectors at the local, national and international levels, which are committed to legal and justice development.


Special Concerns




Other Information




Consultation Laboratory and Legal Service

- Faculty of Law Muhammadiyah University of Malang

Laboratorium Konsultasi dan Pelayanan Hukum (LKPH FH UMM)

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiya Malang

Jalan Raya Tlogomas No. 276,

Masjid AR. Facruddin Lt. 1 Kampus III UMM.

Malang, Jawa Timur 65152 INDONESIA

ph (62-341) 464 318, ext. 193, 466 412

fax (62-341) 460 782

e-mail: sumali[a]umm.ac.id  




Demos - Indonesian Center for Democracy and Human Rights


Year Established: 1987

Short Historical Background

Demos - Indonesian Center for Democracy and Human Rights is an association whose main activities consist of research and advocacy on issues regarding democracy and human rights.

Organizations such as the Institut Studi Arus Informasi (ISAI), KONTRAS (Komisi untuk orang hilang dan Korban tindakan kekerasan), and INTERFIDEI (Institute for Inter-faith Dialogue in Indonesia), as well as individuals comprised of activists, academics and journalists supported the establishment of Demos in 2002.


The research and advocacy activities of Demos are connected to each other. The conduct of advocacy activities is based on data that are collected and processed through research activities. The research approach itself is action-oriented, aimed at facilitating democratic movement, while one of the purposes of advocacy activities is to increase the influence of the people in conducting social transformation.

In order to facilitate and strengthen pro-democratic actors in democratic governance activities, Demos has initiated the establishment and development in structured ways of various social organizations. These organizations aim to overcome the existing political fragmentation as well as to prevent the domination of politics by a single party. These organizations aims to create a popular representation system that internalizes the values of human rights, covering civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights.


Demos aims to improve and develop the capacity of people in Indonesia to promote democracy and human rights.

Programs and Activities

Based on its strategic plan for the next three years (2012 - 2015), Demos is working to Build Citizenship and Realize Substantive Democracy. In doing this, it addresses these strategic issues:

  • How Demos as an organization would be able to improve itself as a capable, accountable, transparent, participative and sustainable organization
  • How Demos with pro-democracy actors would be able to promote the role and capacity of citizens to promote democracy
  • How Demos would be able to establish and develop a strategic scientific and social community that provides counter-discourse to the hegemonic electoral-liberal democracy discourse through the development of alternative democracy as the basis of practical experimentation of ideas.


Demos undertook the following research projects:

  • Problems and Options of Democracy in Indonesia (2003-2005, continued with a re-survey in 2007-2008)
  • The Reform of the Political Party Regulation (2007)
  • Pro Democratic Candidate, Strategic in Local Elections (2008)
  • Social Pact based on Labor Rights (2008)
  • The Politicization of Aceh Democracy: Striving for Meaningful Democracy based on Human Rights (2008)
  • The Re-Politization of Social Movement to Substantial Democratization (2009)
  • Democatization without Representation: Problems and Options of Democracy in Four Districts (Batang, Ogan Kemuring Ilir, Tangerang, Pontianak) (2012)
  • Indonesian Democracy on Asian Democracy Index, in collaboration with Puskapol UI (2011 and 2012)
  •  The Fulfilment of Economic, Social and Cultural (Ecosoc) Rights (2011)
  • Popular participation through participatory planning and/or participatory budgeting (2011)
  • The Representation on Legislation Function : Case 00Study about the Drafting of the Coal and Mineral Minning Regulation (2012).



  • Gerakan Demokrasi di Indonesia Pasca Soeharto (2003)
  • Politisasi Demokrasi (2005)
  • Menjadikan Demokrasi Bermakna:Masalah dan Pilihan di Indonesia (revised edition, 2007)
  • Pendidikan Politik di Aceh - Panduan untuk Fasilitator (2009)
  • Demokrasi di atas Pasir (2009)
  • Strategi Kandidat Pro Demokrasi dalam Pilkada (2009)
  • Blok Politik Demokratik - Panduan Pelatihan (2009) Mengintegrasikan Pendekatan Berbasis Hak dalam Fungsifungsi Legislatif: Manual Untuk Fasilitator (2010)Asmara Nababan : Oase Bagi Setiap Kegelisahan (2011)
  • Analisis Qanun-Qanun Aceh Berbasis Hak Asasi Manusia (2011)
  • Pembuatan Kebijakan Publik Berbasis Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) (2011)
  • Representasi Popular dalam Penganggaran Partisipatif (2011)
  • Demokrasi Tanpa Representasi : Masalah dan Pilihan Demokrasi di Empat Daerah
  •  Buku Pluralisme di Cerita Tentang Rakyat Yang Suka Bertanya (2009)
  • Peran Representasi dalam Fungsi Legislasi Studi Kasus UU No. 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara (2011).



Other Information


In order to establish a substantial democratic process, Demos cooperated with some elements of civil and political society by establishing the Regional Assessment Council (RAC) and The Working Group of Democracy Network (KKJD) in six regions in Indonesia. These activities continued with the initiation of political activities of the democratic bloc, which is a recommendation from a survey report entitled “The Problems and the Democracy Choices in Indonesia.”

During the 2006-2011 period, Demos also worked in Aceh to strengthen civil society elements and the local parties in the region in their involvement in the political process. Demos implemented several programs such as research and increasing actors’s political capacity programs. Demos continues to work in Aceh with its program on increasing the capacity of legislatures in formulating human rights-based public policies.


Demos - Center for Democracy and Human Rights Indonesia
J. Tebet Dalam 1E No. 1A RT/RW 01/01
Tebet Jakarta Selatan 12810 Indonesia
ph (62-21) 830 8782
fax (62-21) 837 83 911
e-mail: office[a]demos.or.id




Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (LBHI)


Year Established: 1969


Short Historical Background


The Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) was established during the Third Congress of the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradin) in 1969. The initiative was approved by the Peradin central management Board through Order No 001/Kep/10/1970 of 26 October 1970 which stipulated the establishment of the Legal Aid Foundation/General Advocate Institutions, and which was made effective on 28 October 1970. After ten years in operation, LBH’s legal status was expanded to create the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) on 13 March 1980 with 28 October as its anniversary day. Initially, the Foundation was set up to provide legal assistance and protection to disempowered Indonesians including those living in poverty, victims of forced eviction, marginalized communities, victims of partial dismissal and victims of human rights violations.




LBH aims

  1. To establish, promote and disseminate the values of democratic and just legal-based state, and uphold human rights in all social segments without condition;
  2. To establish and promote independence and empower the marginalized people in such a way that enables them to formulate, articulate and struggle for and sustain their collective and individual interests;
  3. To develop systems, institutions and other supporting instruments to increase effectiveness of the efforts to fulfill the rights of the marginalized people;
  4. To initiate, encourage, advocate and support law development programs, enforcement of legal justice and national legal reform in line with the viable Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
  5. To promote and develop programs that contain dimension of justice in politics, socio-economic, culture and gender, particularly for the marginalized people.




  1. Case advocacy (litigation and non litigation)
  2. Education on and development of people’s legal resources
  3. Policy research/study (legal reform)
  4. Network development (national and international)
  5. Campaign and publication





Special Concerns




• Jurnal Demokrasi dan Hak-hak Asasi Manusia HAM (Journal of Democracy and Human Rights)

• Journal Media Watch

• Annual Reports


Other Information





Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI)

Jl. Diponegoro No. 74 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310 INDONESIA

ph (6221) 3104510

fax (6221) 31930140

e-mail:  info[a]ylbhi.or.id  





Indonesian Legal Resource Center (ILRC)

Year Established: 1997

Short Historical Background

The Indonesian Legal Resource Center (ILRC) was established in Jakarta in 1997 because of concern for the lack of meaningful and effective human rights and social justice education in Indonesia. In particular, there was a gap between the academics and civil society organizations (CSOs) in raising awareness of human rights as well as social justice education for the marginalized groups/people in Indonesia. To bridge the gap, ILRC decided to encourage the CSOs and the academics to cooperate in these tasks. Moreover, ILRC decided to facilitate cooperation between the academics and CSOs in responding to emerging social justice and human rights issues in the country.


ILRC aims

  • To facilitate cooperation between academics and the civil society in raising awareness on human rights and social justice among the marginalized groups; and
  • To help create a strong network among academics, marginalized groups, and CSOs on human rights and social justice education, and in responding to human rights and social justice issues.


The ILRC programs provide human rights and social justice education for marginalized groups by strengthening their access to legal aid, and encouraging their participation, especially in higher-level education on law, in the promotion of the principles of human rights and social justice.

The ILRC has a Clinical Legal Education program that aims to develop and strengthen the legal clinics at the Faculties of Law through the  Association of Clinical Legal Education in  Indonesia, which has 16 member-law schools including  those in the University of Pelita Harapan in Jakarta, University of Krisnadwipayana in Jakarta, University of  Pasundan in Bandung, University of Stikubank in Semarang,  the State University of Semarang in Semarang, Indonesian  Islamic University in Yogjakarta, University of Cendrawasih  in Jayapura Papua, University of Lampung in Bandar Lampung, and the University of Hasanudin in Makassar. The ILRC encourages the reform of Higher Education Law based on human rights and social justice, and the development of a system of organizing activities and teaching under the Higher Education Law that is oriented towards strengthening human rights and social justice perspectives.

The ILRC has an advanced paralegal training program for marginalized groups and students that provides a variety of needed teaching materials (which can strengthen the perspective of human rights and social justice). Through this training, the ILRC can help strengthen the protection and fulfillment of the human rights of marginalized groups.



  • Provides resource materials on the human rights and social justice education;
  • Develops various intervention activities such as assistance, research/study, public lecture (general lecture), workshop, networking, publishing, training, and others;
  • Provides capacity-building activities on human rights and social justice for academics, CSO staff, and members of the marginalized groups;
  • Enhances networking among CSOs, the academics, and the marginalized groups to be able to respond to social justice and human rights issues.  

Special concerns


  • Access to justice (paralegal)
  • Religious freedom
  • Business and human rights



  • Jurnal Keadilan Sosial No.5 Tahun 2015: Peradilan Kasus Kebebasan Beragama/Berkeyakinan (Journal of Social Justice No. 5 Year 2015: Criminal Procedure on Freedom of Religion/Belief)
  • Pendidikan Hukum Klinis (Clinical Legal Education) Dalam Implementasi UU Bantuan Hukum -- (Clinical Legal Education in the Implementation of the Legal Aid Law [2014])
  • Menjadi Sahabat Keadilan: Panduan Menyusun Amicus Brief (Becoming a Friend of Justice: A Guide to Establishing Amicus Brief [2014))
  • Kompilasi Hasil Penelitian Putusan Pengadialan dan Kebijakan Daerah terkait Hak-Hak Atas Kebebasan Beragama/Berkeyakinan (Compilation of Judicial Decisions and Regional Policies on Rights to Freedom of Religion/Belief [2014])
  • Menghukum Pengemplang Pajak: Hasil Eksaminasi Publik atas Putusan Makamah Agung Dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Pajak dengan Terdakwa Suwir Laut (Punish Tax Evasion: Result of Public Examination of Supreme Court Decision In Case of Tax Crime with Defendant Suwir Laut [2014])
  • Putusan Makamah Agung Dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Pajak dengan Terdakwa Suwir Laut (Decision of the Supreme Court in Case of Tax Crime with Defendant Suwir Laut [2014])
  • DIM Rancangam Tentang Hukum Acara Pidana (DIM The Design of Criminal Procedure Law [2013])
  • Jurnal Keadilan Sosial Edisi 3 (Journal of Social Justice, Issues 3 [2013])
  • Ketidakadilan dalam Beriman/Injustice in Belief (2012)
  • Panduan Pemantauan: Tindak Pidana Penodaan Agama dan Ujaran Kebencian atasa Dasar Agama (Monitoring Guidance: Crime of Blasphemy and Hate Speech on the Foundation of Religion [2012])
  • Melindungi Hak-Hak Anak: Kompilasi Peraturan dan Kebijakan Terkait Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum (Protecting the Rights of the Child: Compiling the Rules and Related Policies of Children Against the Law [2012])
  • Hak Anak adakah HAM: Modul Pelathihan ABH untuk Anak Jalanan (Child Rights are Human Rights: ABH Training Module for Street Children [2012])
  • Prinsip-Prinsip dan Panduan PBB: Tentang Akses terhadap Bantuan Hukum dalam Sistem Peraddlan Pidana (United Nations Principles and Guidelines: About Access to Legal Assistance in the Criminal Justice System [2012])
  • Bantuan Hukum adalah Hak Kita -- (Legal Aid is Our Right [2012])
  • Menyebarakan Kebencian Atas Dasar Agama Adalah Kejahatan (Spreading religious hate speech is a crime)
  • Bantuan Hukum Untik Semua: Brief Paper tentang Undang-undang Bantuan Hukum dan Implementasinya (Legal Aid for All: Brief Paper on the Legal Aid Law and its Implementation)
  • Anak Berkonflik dengan Hukum (Children in Conflict with the Law)
  • Jurnal Keadilan Sosial Edisi 2 (Journal of Social Justice, 2nd Edition)
  • Diskiriminasi Pendidikan Agama di Perguruan Tinggi Umum (Discrimination of Religious Education at Public Higher Education)
  • Generasi Muda: Generasi Berbhineka Tunggal Ika -- (The Young Generation: The Multiple Single Generation of Ika)
  • Apakah pendidikan hukum yang salah? -- (Is law education wrong?) (2010)
  • Memahami Kebijakan Rumah Ibadah -- (Understanding House Worship Policy)
  • Memahami Pendapat Berbeda (Dissenting Opinion) (Understanding Different Opinions [Dissenting Opinion])
  • Jurnal Keadilan Sosial: Mempromosikan Hak Asasi Manusia dan Keadilan Sosial (Journal of Social Justice: Promoting Human Rights and Social Justice)
  • Position Paper RUU Bantuan Hukum dan Peran LKBH Kampus -- (Position Paper of Legal Aid Bill and Campus LKBH Role)
  • Metode Pembelajaran Hak Asasi Manusia (Human Rights Learning Methods)
  • Mengelola Legal Clinic: Panduan Membentuk dan Mengembangkan LBH Kampus (Managing Legal Clinic: Guidance on Establishing and Developing Campus LBH)
  • Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk Keadilan (Community Service for Justice)
  • Mengajarkan Hukum yang Berkeadilan: Cetak Biru Pembaruan Pendidikan Hukum Berbasis Keadilan Sosial (Teaching the Justice Law: Blueprint Renewal of Justice-Based Social Law Education)
  • Memaknai Kebebasan Beragama: Modul Pelatihan Paralegal (Meaning of Religious Freedom: Paralegal Training Module )
  • Memahami Mekanisme Pengaduan -- (Understanding the Grievance Mechanism)
  • Memahami Diskriminasi (Understanding Discrimination)
  • Memahami Kebijakan Administrasi Kependudukan (Understanding the Population Administration Policy)
  • Jaminan Hukum dan HAM Kebebasan Beragama (Legal and Human Rights Freedom of Religion)
  • Pendidikan Hukum Klinik: Suatu Pengantar (Clinical Legal Education: An Introduction)
  • Menggugat Bakor Pakem: Kajian Hukum terhadap Pengawasan Agama dan Kepercayaan di Indonesia (Suing Bakor Pakem: Legal Study of the Supervision of Religion and Belief in Indonesia)


Indonesian Legal Resource Center (ILRC)
Jalan Tebet Utara I E Number 6 Jakarta, INDONESIA
ph/fax: 62-21 83798646
e-mail: ilrc-indonesia[a]cbn.net.id




Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM)


Year Established: 1993


Short Historical Background


The Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM) was established in 1983 to encourage the development of a democratic political order by strengthening civil society through advocacy and promotion of human rights in Indonesia. With more than six years of work on promoting accountability mechanism for gross human rights violations (civil and political rights in particular), ELSAM initiated in 2002 the advocacy work for the development of accountability mechanism on economic, social and cultural rights violations. This decision was made pursuant to the principle of indivisibility and interdependence of the two categories of rights.




ELSAM aims

  1. To encourage and promote effective mechanisms of accountability of gross human rights violations of civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights;
  2. To promote responsibility for past human rights violations by revealing the truth, use of sanctions, and seeking reparation;
  3. To establish acknowledgeable, democratic and sustainable association.




  1. Advocacy on accountability for gross violations of civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights;
  2. Advocacy on assumption of responsibility for past human rights violations by revealing the truth, using sanctions, and demanding reparation;
  3. General service and institutional development.





Research and study of alternative policy development


This is designed to provide substantive analysis in the development of alternative policies. The activity covers three main areas: (1) study of policy or legal impacts on human rights, particularly the policy regarding the settlement of past human rights violations, and the policy that has legal impact on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, (2) study of international human rights instruments and mechanisms, (3) study on accountability mechanism for gross violations of economic, social and cultural rights, (4) drafting of alternative legal policies.


Advocacy and Campaign

This is designed to gain and foster public opinion regarding current human rights issues through seminars, conferences, public debates, focused group discussion, and media activities.




This is designed to collect and process data related to human rights violations and to disseminate information to networks and the society at large including production of publications.


Workshop and training


This is designed to offer human rights education and training in the priority regions of the country and for sectoral networks of ELSAM. Besides human rights training, ELSAM also provides workshops on economic, social and cultural rights monitoring, human rights mechanism in general (for students), human rights defenders and lawyers.


Monitoring and investigation


This is designed to address the ongoing rapid changes in the political structure of the country and their implication on human rights violations. It also aims to gather the necessary data for the study and research on the development of alternative policy on preventing gross human rights violations.




This is designed separately from advocacy and campaign activities in order to intensify its work on policy advocacy. This activity specifically addresses the importance of adopting policies that employ the human rights perspective and standards by lobbying the parliament and related government institutions.




ELSAM has been establishing or facilitating networks with human rights defenders, human rights lawyers associations, groups monitoring and promoting economic, social and cultural rights, organizations that work for the victims of past human rights violations, and organizations of human rights violations victims in different regions of the country. It networks with government institutions, members of parliament, and the national human rights institution (Komnas HAM). It also networks with human rights organizations in other countries.


Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation


This is designed to develop good planning, monitoring and evaluation system to support the implementation of overall programs of ELSAM. Internal evaluation of the implementation of each program is done once in a year, in addition to the overall evaluation every three years.





2003 Human Rights Report


- The Decreasing Capacity in Upholding Human Rights: Debt, Poverty and Violence


Other Information




Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM)

Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Masyarakat

Jl. Siaga II No. 31, Pejaten Barat, Jakarta 12510, INDONESIA

ph (62-21) 7972662, 79192564

fax 62-21) 79192519

e-mail: office[a]elsam.or.id, advokasi[a]indosat.net.id  






The Habibie Center


Year Established: 1999


Short Historical Background


The Habibie Center was founded by Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie and family, as an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization on 10 November 1999 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Its vision is to promote the modernization and democratization of Indonesian society based on the morality and integrity of sound cultural and religious values. It aims to serve as a platform for the strategic development of its agenda in democracy and human rights, human resources in science and technology, media and information, maritime resources, socialization and dissemination of technology, networking and cooperation.




The Habibie Center aims

  1. To establish a structurally and culturally democratic society that acknowledges, honors and promotes human rights, as well as to study and advocate issues in the development of democracy and human rights;
  2.  To promote and advance effective human resources management and the socialization of technology.


Programs and Activities


Weekly television talkshow "Bincang-Bincang THC" aired on QTV and Swara TV stations and local television network stations


Research projects:

  • Democracy and Local Political Culture: Continuity and Change, a study in West Sumatra, East Java, South Sulawesi and Bali, 2007-2009
  • Regional Budget: Viewed from Political Economy Perspectives (The Case of Jakarta, 2002-2007 Period) Economic Growth Analysis and Social Welfare Analysis, 2008
  • Local Election of DKI Jakarta: Challenges, Opportunities and Its Implication, 2007
  • The Role of Bureaucracy in Jember Local Election, 2005
  • The Conduct of Death Penalty in Indonesia: Its Urgency and Relevance, 2004
  • The Change and Continuity Pattern of Corruption in Indonesia: from New Order to Reform Era, 2004
  • Redefining the Role of Press Council in post-New Order Regime, 2004
  • The Growth and Decline of Social Capital and its Implication on the Democratization and Economic Development, 2004
  • The Actualization of Women's Political Participation at the 2004 Elections, 2004.



  • International Conference "Indonesia's Decade of Democratization: The Rise of Constitutional Democracy," 21-22 May 2008
  • Asia-Pacific Regional Security Seminar "Regional Security Challenges: Perspective from Taipei," 22 August 2007
  • Conference on "Indonesia's Reformasi: Reflections on the Habibie Era" March 26-27, 2007
  • International Symposium on "the Challenge and Implication of Avian Influenza on Human Security: Sharing Problems, Sharing Solutions," 13-14 July 2006
  • The 2nd Indonesia-Canada Bilateral Symposium: "Cooperation in a Time of Change," 8 December 2005
  • THC National Symposium "Achieving the National Goals: Managing the Uncertain Transition" (in cooperation with Muhammadiyah Malang University) 30 November - 1 December 2005
  • National Seminar, "Protection and Enforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Human Rights in the Transition Era" 23 November 2005
  •  National Seminar, "Agenda on Development Governance," 30 November 2004
  • Seminar "Evaluation of Reformation towards Democratization," 29 October 2002
  • Symposium the 4th German-Indonesia Forum "Human Resources Development" 26 July 2002
  •  Seminar and Workshop on "Drafting Amendments to the 1945 Constitution," 1-4 October 2001
  • "Indonesian Economic Recovery within the Southeast Asian Context," 13-14 November 2001
  •  "Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in Achieving National Reconciliation," 23-24 May 2000



Young Leaders' Dialogue:

  • Indonesia-Taiwan Young Leaders' Dialogue, "Indonesia-Taiwan Relationship within the Context of Asian Socio-Economic Challenges," 12-14 June 2007
  • Australia-Indonesia Young Leaders' Dialogue, "Indonesia-Australia Relations Post Tsunami," July 16-19, 2005
  • Australia-Indonesia Young Leaders' Dialogue, "Mutual Trust and Cooperation in an International, Regional & Local Climate of Fear & Insecurity: Building an Achievable Action Agenda," 2003
  • Australia-Indonesia Young Leaders' Dialogue, "Partners in Regional Cooperation and Democracy" 22-24 May 2002



  • • Roundtable Expert Forum, "Questioning the Crucial Issues on Law in Politics," (in cooperation with TiFA Foundation) 9 August 2007
  • Experts' Discussion: "Civil Society and Transition Toward Democracy in Indonesia: the Role of Political Parties and Civil Society," (in cooperation with HSF) 17 July 2007
  • Fraternity Forum, "Exploring the Nation's Journey: Episode of Transitional Era and the Future Challenges" 7 June 2007.
  • Roundtable Discussion and Seminar, "Enhancing the Quality of Lawmaking in Indonesia," (in cooperation with HSF) February-March 2007
  • Roundtable Experts Discussion, "Collaborations between Executive Power, Legislative and Judicial: To continue Constitutional Court Decision," 3 October 2006
  • Roundtable Discussion, "Examining the Consequences of Constitutional Court Verdict on Judicial Review of 2006 APBN Law to the Development Especially to Education Sector," 18 April 2006
  • Expertise Discussion Forum, "Achieving the National Goals: Managing the Uncertain Transition" October 2005
  • Joint Commitment Forum in Humanity, October 2002
  • "National Defense and Security System from an Indonesian Perspective," 21-22 November 2000
  • Roundtable Discussion, "Economic and Political Development Post-MPR's Special Session: Efforts to Restore Development Momentum," 1 August 2001



  • Workshop on Result of Disseminations, project Asia-Link Programmed of the European Commission, "Upgrading Institutional Capacity of Industry Relation Offices," 13-15 March 2006
  •  International Workshop "Comparing Access to Justice in Asian and European Transition Countries" (in cooperation with ASEF and HSF), 27-28 June 2005
  • Workshop on "Faith and Development," 20 December 2004
  • Symposium and Workshop "Completing the Amendment to the 1945 Constitution: Is A Fifth Amendment Required?" (in cooperation with HSF) 16-18 September 2004
  • Short Course on Human Rights (in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice) 24-27 May 2004
  • Workshop on "Development, Pluralism, State and Security: Understanding non-Traditional Security in a Changing East Asia," 12-13 March 2004
  • Workshop "System Management for the Management of Education Foundations" 4-5 October 2002
  • Workshop "Inventory of Problems Concerning Democratization and Human Rights Enforcement in Indonesia: A Projection of Needs for the Next Decade," June 2000


Reflection/Perspectives by THC senior fellows:

  • Reflection on 2007 and Perspective on 2008: "The Prospect on Improving the Quality of Democracy," 18 January 2008
  • Reflection Night of Independence: an Appreciation of Chairil Anwar's Poetry and Ismail Marzuki's Songs, 16 August 2007
  • Reflection on 2006 and Perspective on 2007: "Level of Poverty and Unemployment is Worrisome," 10 January 2007
  • Reflection on 2005 and Perspectives on 2006: "Strategic Steps in Overcoming The Keep-on-Uncertain Transition," January 4, 2006
  • Reflection Night "60 Years of Independence of Indonesia" and Poetry Night "For You Indonesia," 16 August 2005
  • Reflection on 2003 and Perspectives on 2004: "Hope for a Successful General Election," January 7, 2004
  • Reflection on 2002 and Perspectives on 2003
  • "Reflection and Reconstruction of the Face of Indonesia in 2002" 16 January 2002
  • "Reflection on the Future of the Nation," 20 May 2001


Election Monitoring Activities:

  •  "The Threat of Money Politics During the Regional Elections" 14 April 2005
  • Discussion: "Controversy in Having a Stance on the Proposal on Party-Owned Enterprise," 16 May 2007
  • Talkshow, "The Importance of Political Party Role on the Election and Democracy Consolidation," 20 May 2005
  • Talkshow, "Considering the Format of the General Elections Commission (KPU) in the Future: Does KPU need Repositioning?" 27 May 2005
  • Discussion "The Structure and Composition of the New Cabinet," 21 October 2004
  • Discussion "The Balance of Power between the Executive and Legislative Branches," 30 September 2004
  • Discussion "Electoral Pattern on the Second Round of Presidential Election: Change or Continuity?" 9 September 2004
  • Discussion "Cabinet format in the New Government," 9 August 2004
  • Discussion "Coalition Configuration on the Second Round of the Presidential Election," 9 July 2004
  • Discussion "Economic Platforms of the Presidential Candidates: Reducing the Unemployment Rate and Eliminating the Poverty," 16 June 2004
  • Discussion "Political Coalition: Platform Uniformity or Support Base Extension?" 18 May 2004
  • Discussion "Political Constellation after the Parliamentary Election," 14 April 2004
  • Launch of website on Election Monitoring, www.pantaupemilu.or.id, 2004
  • Discussion "Problems in the Distribution of Election Territories and Spare Seats in the 2004 Election," 12 August 2003
  • Discussion "Corruption in the Elections & the Role of a Monitoring Institution," July 31 2003
  • Discussion "The Consequences of Direct Voting for President towards Voting for Local Leaders," 7 July 2003
  • "Issues and Prospects of the People's Consultative Council Yearly Assembly," 26 July 2002
  • "Technical Mechanism of the Election and Selection of President," 30 July 2002


Bureaucratic Reform Activities:

  • Launching of website reformasibirokrasi.habibiecenter.or.id, 2006
  • Discussion and Advocacy on Reform of Bureaucracy in Sulawesi, 3-5 May 200
  • "A21 Dialogue: Reinventing Accountability in Indonesian Public Service: Delivering Human Security," 19 December 2006
  • National Seminar, "Reforming Bureaucracy to Improve Local Economic Competitiveness," 16 November 2006
  • Discussion, "Reforming Bureaucracy to Improve National Economic Competitiveness" 23 Mar 2006


International Executive Forums:

  • "Enhancing Indonesia-Brazil Relations within the framework of Regionalism and Globalization", 17 April 2008
  •  "More Perspective on US Elections 2008", (in cooperation with USINDO) 14 April 200
  • "Democratic Development in Southeast Asia," 15 January 2008
  • "Annapolis and After: The Role of Indonesia in the Middle East Peace Process," (in cooperation with Waspada Group) 17 December 2007
  • "The Improvement of Indonesia-Malaysia Relationship Towards the Just and Prestigious Global Life System," 29 October 2007
  •  "Indonesia's Foreign Policy towards the 'Normal' Japan: Stability and Changes," (in cooperation with the Japan Foundation) 12 September 2007
  • "The Indonesia-India's Strategic Partnership: Opportunities and Challenges," 5 September 2007
  • "US Policy on China," 2 August 2007
  • "Commission of Truth and Friendship Indonesia - Timor Leste: The Way Forward," June 2006
  • "European Union's Fifth Enlargement and the Future of Central Europe," 10 May 2006
  • "Indonesia's Perception of China and US Security Roles in East Asia: A Chinese Observation," 16 February 2006
  •  "Problems and Prospects for Security in the Asia Pacific Region," 13 October 2005
  • "Indonesia in the Politics of International Security Cooperation on Human Rights," 8 February 2005
  • "Asia and Europe: Creating a New Politics of Trust for Better Governance," 10 February 2004.
  •  "Multilateralism under Threat," 22 July 2003
  • "Three Challenges Facing Afghanistan," 23 April 2003
  • "Women's Right and Global Civilization," June 2001


Series of Inter-history Figures Speak Out:

  • "Arousing National Spirit with Chairil Anwar Poetries", 15 April 2008
  •  "Rediscover National Awakening Path: Revealing Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana's Thought," 19 March 2008
  • Testimony of Misbach Yusa Biran and Ajip Rosidi: "Artists' life during the 50s," 1 November 2007
  •  "Remembering the figure of Bung Tomo" and Book Review "Bung Tomo's Romanticism", 2 October 2007
  • Testimony of Rosihan Anwar: "Press Freedom in Indonesia before and after Independence," March 2007
  • Testimony of Taufiq Ismail: "Reflection on the Creation of Protest Poetry," 7 February 2006
  • Testimony of Let.Col. Ventje Sumual: "The Problem around Special Autonomy Demand, Reflection of PRRI/Permesta Case," 13 September 2005.


Media Watch Discussions:

  • "The Law on Freedom of Public Information and the Realization of a Corruption-free Indonesia" 28 February 2008
  • "Public Information Bill and Realization Prospect: Good Governance in Indonesia," 20 September 2007
  • "Journalism Education in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges." 12 April 2006
  • "Draft Act of Freedom to Access Public Information and Implementation of Good and Clean Governance," 11 August 2005
  • "Media Watch and Its Relevancy on improving the Quality of Press Freedom," 14 July 2005
  • "Media Workers: Who Protects their Mental Welfare?" 30 June 2005
  • Caricature Exhibition and Discussion, "The Role of Caricature as a Media of Critic," (in cooperation with HSF) 2004
  •  One Day Seminar "Peaceful Journalism and the Election Coverage," 16 March 2004.
  • Book Launching "Tragedies & Journalists: A Guide to More Effective Coverage" and Dialog "How should a Journalist covers Traumatic News," (in cooperation with Yayasan Pulih) 03 March 2004
  • "57 Years of Indonesian Press: Testing Freedom of Speech, Answering Challenges," 20 February 2003
  • "Election Law on Media Intervention and Campaign Schedule," 2003
  • "Protecting the Public's Rights in the Media for the 2004 Election," 2003
  • Workshop "Defining Pornography," 27 March-10 April 2003
  •  "Media Violence," 24 April 2002
  • "Broadcasting Law Local TV and TV Networks: Prospects and Problems," 17 September 2002
  •  "Internet Regulation: A Possibility?" 23 January 2002
  • "Pornography in Television," 13 March 2002
  • "Team-7 Meeting on Anti-Pornography Law," 15 July 2002
  • "Freedom of Expression on Religious Issues," March 2001
  • Disseminating Banner and Sticker on "Anti-Pornography Society" October-December 2001
  • "The Exploitation of Children and Women in Television," 2000
  • Seminar "Law, Ethics, and Freedom," June 2000
  • Seminar "Democracy and the Freedom to Obtain Information," 2000


Maritime and Environment Discussions:

  • "Environmental Destruction vs Natural Disaster: Indonesian Human Latent Threat?" 26 January 2006
  • "Long-term Maritime Development," 24 May 2006
  • "The Marasmus in West Nusa Tenggara: Is it a Problem of the System, Sociocultural, or Economy?" 23 June 2005
  • "The Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster in Aceh: Why it happens, and what is the meaning and urgency of Mitigation?" 16 February 2005
  • Press Conference "Efforts in Organizing the Maritime Law as an Implementation in Maritime Vision becomes a New Paradigm of Future National Development," February 2003
  • Press Conference "Efforts in Structuring the Maritime Bill for the Implementation of a Maritime Perspective as a New Paradigm of Development for the Future," 13 February 2002
  • "Planning and Monitoring of the Implementation of Basic Safety Training (BST) STCW'95," 2001


Institute of Democracy and Socialization of Technology:

  • National Seminar, "Democracy 2.0: Enhancing Citizen Participation," December 2007
  • MoU Signing of IGADD, Lecture on "Broadband Enabled Sustainable Development" 24 July 2007
  • Call for Action Investor Group against Digital Divide (IGADD) 3 May 2007
  • "Information Technology and the Development of Democracy in Indonesia," 26 March 2002
  • "Political Technology to Improve the Nation's Competitiveness," 3 April 2002
  • Seminar and Workshop in Parepare "Information Technology Solution for Regional Autonomy," 13-14 August 2002
  • Workshop "First Step of e-Government Information Technology," 2001
  • Training "TAKALAR Centralized Information System Management," 2001
  • Internet Acces through VSAT Technology for Pare-pare, 2001
  • Information System on Trade and Service, 2001
  • "Public Information Center for Developing Local Competitiveness (Sentra Informasi Masyarakat untuk Pengembangan Unggulan Lokal/SIMPUL)" 25-27 August 2000
  •  "Intellectual Property Rights," July 2000
  • Workshop "Processes and Benefits of Venture Capital for the empowerment of SMEs in Agriculture and Fishery," 14 June 2000
  • "Importance of Creating a Vision of Science and Technology in Children as a Part of the Effort to Develop Human Resources in Facing Global Competition," 1 March 2000


Other Public Discussions:

  • Public Lecture "International Humanitarian Law and its Relevance with Some Actual Problems in Indonesia," (in cooperation with ICRC Indonesia) 29 April 2008
  • Lecture on "Public Opinion and Democracy," (in cooperation with US Embassy) 28 January 2008
  • Discussion on "Globalisation - A New Challenge to International Think Tanks and Political Foundation," (in cooperation with HSF) 9 March 2005
  • Discussion, "Opening the way toward Aceh Reconstruction through the Aceh Authority Body?" 2 February 2005
  • Discussion, "Political Conflict over Religious Identity in Java - Past and Present," 28 July 2004
  • "Islam, Radicalism, and Democratization in Indonesia," 18 February 2004
  • Public Dialogue, "Solutions in Fighting Bribery," (in cooperation with KADIN Indonesia) 5 February 2004.
  • "Foreign Investment in Indonesia: How Much should Labor be Blamed for its Low Levels," 26 August 2003
  • "Revitalization of Commodity Based Local Economy System as Alternative to Global Economy," 9 July 2003
  • "Research Management System of Batam Region in the Local Autonomy and Free Market Era," 2003
  • "Batam: Regionalize the Development of Riau Isles in Facing Globalization and AFTA," 2003
  • "Indonesian Recovery post-IMF," 9 April 2003
  • "Death Penalty in Indonesia: Its Relevance and Significance," 7 May 2003
  • "Instrumentation of the Law and Democracy," 2003
  • "Understanding the Islamic Movement (National and Global): Classifying Fundamentalism, Radicalism and Terrorism," 28 November 2002
  • "Consolidation of Islamic Political Power Post Bali Tragedy," 15 November 2002
  • "State Terrorism: Motive, Implication and Consequences" September 2002
  • "Instrumentation of the Law and Democracy" 20 February 2002
  • "Scenario on Future Leadership," 2001
  • "Grassroot and Communalism in Democracy 2001,"
  • "Humanitarian Law in Internal Armed Conflict," June 2001
  • "Review on the Limitation of National secret," June 2001
  • "Elementary Education and the Implementation of Regional Autonomy," 11 October 2000
  • "Upholding Independency of the Judiciary," October 2000
  • "Education, Democracy, and Human Rights," July 2000
  • "Democratization through the Acceleration of the Process of Regional Autonomy," 23 February 2000
  • "Dissemination of Information on Democracy and Human Rights at Local Level," 2000
  • "Human Rights and International Law: Development and Paradoxes," 2000



Launching and Exhibitions:

  • Book Launching and Discussion, "Ke-Indonesia-an dalam Budaya," 14 November 2007
  •  Painting Exhibition "Terima Kasih kepada Para Pejuang," 29 May - 6 June 2007
  • B.J. Habibie's Book Launching "Decisive Moments: Indonesia's Long Road to Democracy," September 2006
  • Discussion, "Democratic Turbulence in South East Asia: Political, Security and Diplomacy Aspects" & Dewi Fortuna Anwar's Book Launching "Indonesia at Large," 8 June 2006
  • The Launching of "PALE ROSE" ("MAWAR PUCAT") a Collection of Poetry and The Painting Exhibition of Ten Painters, 29 May - 2 June 2006
  • VCD Launching "Democracy in Living Colors: The Role of Civil Society in the U.S. and Indonesia," 27 March 2006
  • Discussion and Book Launching "Development, Migration and Security in East Asia," 6 March 2006
  • The Launch of Video Series on Lesson in Democracy "Democratization in the U.S and Indonesia: Between Ideas and Reality," 28 April 2005.



  • Contest of Essay Writing for High School Students around Jabotabek area, "My Vision," October 2007
  • Speech Contest for Junior High School Students "Nationalism, Democracy, and Human Rights", October 2005


SDM-IPTEK (Human Resources for Science and Technology) Foundation:

  • Inauguration of "Habibie Award" for chosen scientists (once a year)
  • Scholarship for Doctoral Degree in domestic Universities (twice a year, for five spectrums of science)
  • Math Training for 290 Junior High School Teachers and Students in Parepare, 22-23 February 2003
  • Career and Educational Expo 2001
  • Seminar "Quality Improvement of Higher Education through International Cooperation and Joint Research," 9 November 2000
  • Seminar "Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Elementary Education for a Standardized Elementary Service," 12 October 2000
  • Seminar "Increasing the Equality of Learning Opportunities at the Elementary Level," 5 July 2000


Humanitarian Program:

  • "Help Indonesian Tsunami Victims," 2005-2007
  • Emergency and Post Flood services, February-March 2002




  • Jurnal Demokrasi dan Hak-hak Asasi Manusia (Indonesian, twice a year)
  • Journal of Democracy and Human Rights (English, once a year)
  • Jurnal Media Watch (Indonesian, monthly)
  • Annual Reports (English and Indonesian)
  • Monthly Review PostScript (English)
  • Research and Discussion Proceedings
  • "An Indonesian Perspective on Security and Terrorism" by Prof. Dr. Hasjim Djalal (Indonesian and English)
  • "Development, Migration and Security in East Asia" by Prof. Dr. Dewi Fortuna Anwar, 2006
  • "Indonesia at Large" by Prof. Dr. Dewi Fortuna Anwar, 2006
  • "Decisive Moments: Indonesia's Long Road to Democracy" by Prof. Dr. B.J. Habibie, 2006
  • "Human Rights, Democracy and the Development of Human Resources and Technology
  • "Toward a New World Secure Society," BJ Habibie, 2002
  •  "Information Technology and Development of Democracy in Indonesia," 2002
  • "Democratization Must Go On," 2002
  • "Democratization, Human Rights, and Law Reforms in Indonesia," 2002




The Habibie Center

Jl. Kemang Selatan No. 98

Jakarta 12560 INDONESIA

ph (62-21) 781-7211

fax (62-21) 781-7212

e-mail: thc[a]habibiecenter.or.id





Human Rights Center (Sentra HAM UI)

- Indonesia University


Year Established: 2000


Short Historical Background


While the Center was formally established in 2000 through the Mandate Letter of the Dean of the Faculty of Law dated 19 February 2000, the will and the urgency to establish an institution concentrated on studying human rights issues existed long before. The political change in Indonesia which necessitated government attention to human rights and the performance of its duties in partnership with other institutions, the call for foreign institutions to support the effort to protect and promote human rights, and the important role for intellectuals in this regard moved several lecturers in the Faculty of Law (led by Professor Harkristuti Harkrisnowo) to initiate establishing the Center.




The Center aims to help enliven an Indonesia that protects and promotes human rights according to its capability through planned research, education, socialization and advocacy programs as well as programs requested by other national and/or international institutions in pursuit of this objective.


Programs and Activities


The education program includes trainings, workshops and seminars. The Center had held the following training activities:

  1. Training for Timorese law graduates on the Indonesian legal system and the appropriate legal system to be implemented in the new country of Timor Leste, in cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
  2. Training for Jakarta Local Government Bureaucrats and Jakarta public officials. It included the research and preparation of a guidebook on human rights, with full funding support from the Jakarta Local Government.
  3. Training for the police about labor rights (both in labor relations and human rights contexts) in cooperation the International Labor Organization (ILO). A handbook for trainers was prepared for the training.
  4. Awareness raising on international human rights instruments through their translation into Bahasa Indonesia and the holding of workshops and seminars.
  5. Other seminars and workshops on human-rights-related issues such as the Indonesian criminal legal in comparison with systems in other countries.


The research program includes study on rehabilitation of victims of gross human rights violations, the access of people with disability, and access of defendants to legal aid. This program is being undertaken in cooperation with Center for Research and Human Rights Improvement, Department of Justice and Human Rights Affairs. The Center also organized several workshops and seminars on the drafting of the law on the establishment of a Human Rights Court, in cooperation with the Secretariat General of Indonesia Parliament (DPR). The Center has not yet undertaken activities regarding documentation of human rights violations at the regional/local and national levels.


Human rights advocacy program


Special Concerns




Other Information




Human Rights Center

- Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

Sentra Hak Asasi Manusia Universitas (Sentra HAM UI)

DRC, Building F, 3rd Floor
Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia
Jalan Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, Depok,
Jawa Barat 16424 Indonesia

ph (62-21) 786 3442

fax (62-21) 727 0052

e-mail: drc-law[a]ui.ac.id; patricia.rinwigati[a]ui.ac.id



Human Rights Association Faculty of Law (PAHAM FH UNPAD)

- Padjadjaran University


Year Established:


Short Historical Background




The Association aims to provide education, illumination, research and dissemination of human rights to:

  • develop human rights awareness and traditions to be implemented in the community
  • improve human rights promotion, protection and realization.


Programs and Activities



In cooperation with the Faculty of Law Padjadjaran University and Research and Development Body of Department of Justice and Human Rights, on

  • Human Rights Protection of Indonesian Illegal Worker Expelled from Malaysia (2003)
  • Public Participation in Legislation Process as their Political Rights implementation (2003)


Human rights education

  • Syllabus reinstatement meeting and teaching technique improvement of human rights law as mandatory learning subject
  • Stadium General on relation between Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law (in cooperation with the Association and International Commission of Red Cross)
  • Human Rights Training for political parties, public organization and non-governments organizations, phases I to III (2003), in cooperation with the Faculty of Law Padjadjaran University and the Welfare Development Community Protection Body of Local Government of West Java
  • Stadium General and Advanced Short Course on Human Rights (2004), in cooperation with the Association, Raoul Wallenberg Institute, SIDA


Other activities


  • Qualitative Discussion on Discrimination in Workplace, in cooperation with the Faculty of Law Padjadjaran University and Legal Reform Program (LRP)/AusAID and International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • Initiation of proposal for the establishment of Centers for Human Rights Studies and Lecturers Association, in cooperation with the Center for Human Rights Studies Islamic University of Indonesia and Center for Human Rights Studies Surabaya University



Special Concerns




Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Journal


Other Information


Special Library for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law




Human Rights Association Faculty of Law

Paguyuban Hak Asasi Manusia Fakultas Hukum (PAHAM FH UNPAD)

Universitas Padjadjaran

Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 21 Bandung, INDONESIA

ph/fax (62-22) 250 8514

e-mail: risangayu[a]yahoo.com, risangayu[a]hotmail.com



Human Rights Law Studies

- Faculty of Law, Airlangga University


Year Established: 2006


Short historical background


The Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of Law, Airlangga University established the Human Rights Law Studies Center in September 2006 to help strengthen higher education institutions and communities in improving awareness for human rights advancement toward critical legal education




The Center aims

  1. To promote human rights laws toward critical legal education;
  2. To empower human rights teaching methodologies and researches through participatory methods for changing political economy policy;
  3. To build strategic network for progressing human rights policy at local, national and international level.


Programs and Activities



  • Human Rights: Critical Thought on Law for students and community (training program) - February 2008
  • Roundtable Discussion on Human Rights - monthly
  • Lecture on Human Rights: Gender Discrimination Minorities in International & Comparative Human Rights Law (presented by Prof. Robert Wintemute, LL.M., PhD, University of London) - 6 September 2007
  • Workshop on Human Rights Teaching Methodologies - December 2007



  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission - April-July 2007
  • Fair Trial Perspective on Labor Courts in Indonesia - July-December 2007
  • Freedom of Expression: Law and Practice in Indonesia’s Post Constitutional Court Decisions - 2007-2008


Legal/policy reform advocacy

  • Legal Opinion for Human Rights Cases (Lapindo Case, Land Rights in Mojokerto, and Alas Tlogo Case) - ongoing
  •  Alternative Policy or Report (Shadow Report on Elimination of Racial Discrimination) - July-August 2007





Human Rights Law Journal


Other information




Human Rights Law Studies

Faculty of Law, Airlangga University

Constitutional Law Departement, Campus B

Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan 4-6 Surabaya 60286 INDONESIA

ph (62-31) 5023252 Ext. 132

fax. (62-31) 5020454

e-mail: hrls[a]unair.ac.id; hrls[a]yahoo.com



Human Rights Research and Development Agency (BPP HAM )

Year Established: 2001

Short Historical Background

Since the unification of the Ministry of Human Rights Affairs with the Justice Department in May 2001, the Human Rights Research and Development Agency (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hak Asasi Manusia or BPP HAM) has been implementing various programs related to human rights. It has undertaken research and developed policy proposals regarding the relationship between human rights, governance, democracy, decentralization, law reform and development.
It has taken as a priority at present and in the future the mainstreaming of human rights values into all the Ministries of the government. It adopted the cross/inter-sectoral and multidisciplinary approaches in linking the fields of civil and political rights, economic rights social and cultural rights, and the right to development. BPP HAM’s mandate to implement research and policy development programs in the field of human rights is based on Presidential Order no. 9/2006 that amended Presidential Order no. 10/2005 regarding the ministry regulations on law and human rights.


BPP HAM aims to conduct research and policy development in human rights fields under the supervision of the Minister of Law and Human Rights.


BPP HAM undertakes the following activities:

  • human rights research
  • organizing seminars
  • publishing human rights related handbook
  • human rights evaluation research
  • other collaborative research activities.

Special Concerns

Research and development activities covering four major aspects:
civil and political rights; economic, social, and cultural rights;
conflict transformation; and special groups rights.


Jurnal HAM (bi-annual human rights journal)
Humanis Magazine


Human Rights Research and Development Agency (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hak Asasi Manusia or BPP HAM)
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav 4-5, South Jakarta, Indonesia
ph (62-21) 2525015
fax (62-21) 2526438



Human Rights Research Center (PUSLITHAM USU)

- University of North Sumatra

Year Established: 2001

Short Historical Background

PUSLITHAM USU (Human Rights Research Center University of North Sumatra) was established by Rector’s Decree of the University of North Sumatera number 2100/UN5.1.R/SK/PRS/2011.

It adopted the following vision: To become the center of reference for the understanding of respect, appreciation, and assessment of the values of Human Rights (HAM) in accordance with the character of the Indonesian nation.



  1. To improve public understanding and knowledge about the values of human rights;
  2. To build and strengthen cooperation/networking between stakeholders who have concern for, and move to address, human rights issues;
  3. To take part in encouraging compliance with the values of human rights for citizens in accordance with the character of the Indonesian nation;
  4. To increase public awareness for mutual respect and appreciation for human rights in all aspects of life;
  5. To provide scientific basis for developing policies and formulating legislations whether at the local, national and international levels based on human rights.



  • Activities relating to the Draft Sahih Test about Land Rights Law in cooperation with the Ad Hoc Committee (Panitia AdHoc I or PAH I) Regional Representative Council Republic of Indonesia
  • Public discussion on The Examination of Dispute Settlement on the Expired Right of Cultivation in Perusahaan Terbatas Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) II’s Land in cooperation with The Joint People’s Forum (FRB) of North Sumatra
  • Discussion on the implementation of the Joint Decree on Handling Cases of Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH) and Social Rehabilitation of Children in Conflict with the Law (issued by Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia [Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia]), held with the Indonesian Child Protection Commission of North Sumatra
  • Public Discussion during the International Commemoration Day in Support of Victims of Torture in 2012 with the theme “Stop And Rehabilitation of Torture Victims”, implemented by PUSHAM UNIMED
  • Socialization Seminar and Advocacy on Protection of Human Rights for Women and Children in North Sumatra Province, held by the Regional Secretary of North Sumatra Province.


Human Rights Research Center - University of North Sumatra (PUSLITHAM USU)
Library Street Number 3A, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jl. Universitas No. 4, Kampus USU
Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
ph (82-61) 8211515
fax (82-61) 8221202
e-mail: puslitham_usu[a]gmail.com



Imparsial, The Indonesian Human Rights Monitor


Year Established: 2002


Short Historical Background


IMPARSIAL, The Indonesian Human Rights Monitor, was established in June 2002 by seventeen of Indonesia's most prominent human rights advocates who shared the same concern: the increasing tendency of state power assertion to the detriment of civil society. The founders of IMPARSIAL are: T. Mulya Lubis, Karlina Leksono, M. Billah, Wardah Hafidz, Hendardi, Nursyahbani Katjasungkana, Binny Buchory, Kamala Chandrakirana, HS Dillon, Munir, Rachland Nashidik, Rusdi Marpaung, Otto Syamsuddin Ishak, Nezar Patria, Amiruddin, and Poengky Indarti.


Ironically, although the new era after the fall of the New Order regime of President Suharto in 1998 has opened the way for greater public advocacy activities, the strength of human rights and other civil society groups has tended to decrease in recent years.





  1. To formulate a standardized approach to reporting and documenting human rights protection matters;
  2. To prepare and campaign for an alternative human rights policy; and
  3. To work as a partner of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM).




Human Rights Defender: Imparsial advocates for the protection of human rights defenders, and support the proposed legal mechanism for their protection. It also monitors their situation and condition in Indonesia particularly in Papua, Poso and Aceh (areas that are in conflict and post-conflict situations respectively)


Security Sector Reform: Imparsial advocates for a change in the governance of the defence-security sector according to human rights and democracy values, professionalism, and good governance principle including reform in the defence-security institutions (intelligence, police and military forces).


Human Rights in General: Imparsial highlights some cases, such as those relating to death penalty, freedom of religion and belief, civil liberties (terrorism-related cases) and violations done by the intelligence agency and police.


Alternative Human Rights Policy – Imparsial develops and campaigns for an alternative human rights policy as a measure to improve State policy (including change in government regulations) based on human rights principles. This initiative started with a study of state policies that resulted in a publication for policy lobby. The publication is also distributed to local, national and international network partners of Imparsial.





Public Discussion:

- "Intelijen dan Pasal pengecualian dalam Rancangan Undang-undang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik"

- Pluralism

Exhibition: “THE FACE OF 1000 WOMEN" Wajah Perempuan Perdamaian

National Human Rights Defenders Meeting

Human Rights Defenders Training

Crisis Center for Human Rights Defenders Formation

Security Sector Reform Training

Research and campaign about death penalty and civil liberties.


Special Concerns

Human Rights Defenders

Security Sector Reform




  • Pluralisme Dalam Implementasi Hak Asasi Manusia (Pluralism in Implementing Human Rights) - Gufron Mabruri (2007)
  • Who's afraid of independent candidates? - Bhatara Ibnu Reza and Al Araf (2007)
  • Demokrasi yang Selektif terhadap Penegakan HAM
  • (Laporan Kondisi HAM Indonesia 2005)
  • Buletin Huridocs Imparsial
  • Book series: Alternative Policy
  • Evaluasi Kinerja BIN di masa Transisi- Imparsial Team





Imparsial, The Indonesian Human Rights Monitor

Jl. Diponegoro 9, Menteng, Jakarta 10310 INDONESIA

ph (62 21) 391 3819

fax (62 21) 319 00627

e-mail: office[a]imparsial.org 






KALYANAMITRA - Women's Information and Communication Center


Year Established: 1985


Short Historical Background


On 28 March 1985, five women of different backgrounds who shared mutual concern on women-related issues founded Kalyanamitra in Jakarta. Kalyanamitra started as an independent women organization that initially brought up issues on women workers, by processing information into discussion materials for them. Kalyanamitra also take sides with oppressed women among farmers, fisherfolk, and informal sector workers by promoting awareness of women’s rights. Therefore, Kalyanamitra collects data on any aspect of women and discuss them in seminars, trainings and public dialogues participated in by the common people.


The 1994 state closure of Tempo Magazine, the 1995 murder of Marsinah, and the rapes in Acan family triggered Kalyanamitra’s campaign against violence against women.


The 1998 rape cases involving ethnic Chinese women led Kalyanamitra to develop a movement on anti-violence against women either as a result of gender inequality or state violence.


Kalyanamitra, in performing its role, adheres to a set of values including taking the side of the weak, poor and oppressed women, non-violence, non-discrimination, and being democratic. The principles it adheres to include upholding women’s rights in achieving civilized life, transparency, taking sides of the victims, independence and accountability.






Women are free from any kinds of violence



  • To increase knowledge and understanding about the different conditions of women and their positions in the community
  • To build its role in advocating pro-women policies on any kind of violence
  • To build a movement that raises women’s rights in the community with other groups by disseminating relevant information
  • To improve the capacity of women’s groups by enabling them to organize themselves and eradicate gender injustice in order to reach a more democratic and just society.



Programs and Activities


Facilitating the Community - Kalyanamitra prioritizes the increase in critical awareness and the use of local knowledge in the community or women groups. Community facilitation primarily aims at forming a civilian and human community system that upholds democratic values, transparency, economic welfare, and gender justice in politics and the economy. It aims at women empowerment and transformation of the social system that is considered oppressive to the community or women.


Kalyanamitra holds activities to increase people’s awareness such as seminars, public dialogue, discussions at grassroots communities, discussion with university students, and trainings and education.


Policy Advocacy – while Kalyanamitra does not engage in litigation or other legal measures, it promotes feminist advocacy that stresses the important and determining role and position of women. This advocacy aims to facilitate the development of gender justice and the establishment of equality-based community system. It is directed at structural changes in the community (considered oppressive to its members or women), and also changes at the personal level.


Kalyanamitra networks at the national level to advocate for pro-women policies by lobbying the parliament and government institutions, and by mass action. Kalyanamitra initiates and leads the CEDAW Working Group Initiative (CWGI) that monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Indonesia, and makes non-governmental organization (NGO) shadow report for submission to the United Nations CEDAW Committee.


Knowledge, Information, and Documentation - Kalyanamitra manages information and makes documentation in a sustainable way to increase people’s awareness on women’s rights. As a resource center, Kalyanamitra has a women library that contains two hundred thirty-two books, 168,226 working papers/newsletters, magazines, clippings on women articles from newspapers, and audio-visual collections. Kalyanamitra also publishes information (printed and digital formats) as books, fact sheets, comics on women’s rights, bulletins, films, and website articles. Kalyanamitra produces interesting campaign tools on various women issues such as stickers, posters, pins, t-shirts, bags, and mugs. These materials are distributed to the communities and common people.



Special Concerns


Violence against women, the impact of pop culture on women subordination and stereotyping, and monitoring of the implementation of CEDAW in Indonesia.





  • Ibunda, Maxim Gorky
  • Hak Reproduktif Antara Kontrol dan Perlawanan, Sita Aripurnami
  • Bila Perkosaan Terjadi, Adrina Taslim, Henny Supolo Sitepu, Liza Hadiz, Sita Aripurnami
  • Kaum Perempuan dan Strategi Ekonomi Internasional, Mariarosa & Giovanna F. Dalla Costa
  • Gerakan Perempuan di Amerika Latin, Jane S. Jaquett (ed.)
  • Reproduksi dan Perjuangan Feminis, Sylvia Frederici
  • Kuntilanak Wangi, Saskia Wieringa
  • Asal Usul Keluarga: Kepemilikan Pribadi dan Negara, Frederick Engels
  • Pergolakan Pemikiran dan Politik Perempuan (essay), Nawal el Sadawi
  • Perempuan Merdeka, Gerakan Perempuan Timor Leste, CIIR
  • Berbagi Pengalaman, Merajut Perlawanan, Kisah Perjuangan Survivor ( Domestic Violence Victims), Paguyuban Mitra Kasih




  • Ketika Mata Jiwa Bicara (Incest/Rape case)
  • Menguak Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Domestic violence)



Other Information


Kalyanamitra encourages people who support its objectives to make financial contributions.





KALYANAMITRA - Women's Information and Communication Center

Jl. Kaca Jendela II No. 9

Rawajati, Kalibata

Jakarta, 12750 INDONESIA

ph (62 - 21) 7902109

fax (62 - 21) 7902112

e-mail: ykm[a]indo.net.id






Kartini Network for Women’s/Gender Studies in Asia


Year Established: 2003


Short Historical Background


The Kartini Network for Women’s/Gender Studies in Asia was formally established in Manila in May 2003 after two years of preparation, during which time the network was called GINA, Gender Institutes Network in Asia. Kartini, named after the Indonesian pioneering feminist writer and activist, aims to create synergy between women’s/gender studies and feminist activism in the region. Kartini members are women’s/gender studies centres or institutes and feminist organizations in Asia and elsewhere.


The approach of Kartini research and activism is cross-cultural and comparative within the Asian context, incorporating both empirical work and theoretical reflection. Tailor-made advanced training courses will be organized both in research methodologies and in women’s theories around particular themes identified by the network.


Kartini has an open, dynamic and flexible structure. The participating institutes all have their own dynamics, interests, capacities and needs. Each member institution of Kartini has a track record of credible work in women’s studies and in gender and development in Asia. As such, a member institution brings to the network its capacities and activities that contribute in a meaningful way to the realization of Kartini goals. Through the network, member institutions promote each other’s programs, complement existing initiatives, and jointly build up projects of common interests.




The Kartini Network aims

  1. To increase the knowledge base of the participating members;
  2. To strengthen their inter-disciplinary research skills;
  3. To contribute to the development of comparative and collaborative research programs that respond to the needs of women in the region; and
  4. To create an open, flexible platform of exchange in the area of women’s/gender studies between Asian scholars/activists working within academic institutes and in women’s organizations through regular Kartini Network Asian Women’s Studies conferences.


The network also aims to incorporate women’s rights in cultural and religious institutions and movements.


Programs and Activities




India-Indonesia Comparative Research on Non Normative Sexuality of three constituencies: sex worker, widow and young urban lesbian, supported by Ford Foundation, New York. The objectives of the research are:

  • To gain a deeper understanding of issues related to sexual practices of women inside and outside the institution of heterosexual marriage;
  • To document sexual strategies that are empowering for women, the conditions under which they occur and the legal, political and religious context in which they take place
  • To develop indicators of sexual empowerment
  • To evolve a culturally sensitive sexual rights framework for advocacy and consciousness raising
  • To elaborate on principles of feminist research methodology related to the issue of sexualities and the right to sexual expression and empowerment
  • To make the issue of sexuality more visible within the countries of research through publication of material in regional languages including the outcome of the research on sexuality
  • To strengthen the research capacity within universities and NGO’s on the issue of sexuality, and to contribute to teaching activities in this field
  • To produce material to be used both for advocacy and for academic teaching purposes based on the research outcomes
  • To contribute to the building of a theoretical and methodological framework to analyze sexualities in an Asian context.




This project is a sequel and runs parallel to a proposal funded by the Ford Foundation on Sexual Rights and Women’s Empowerment. The Ford project entails comparative research in India and Indonesia. It coordinated by the Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia.


The Ford-funded project is primarily research-oriented and is undertaken from a human/women’s rights perspective. The present project is advocacy-oriented and is likewise based on a women’s rights perspective. It aims to disseminate the results of the research project among the wider public in India and Indonesia, stimulating a process of women’s sexual empowerment in both countries.


In India the activities under the Hivos supported project commenced only in March 2006, once the first phase of the project (supported by the Ford Foundation) on comparative research of Non-Normative Sexuality was completed. Due to financial constraints it was decided to cut the funds into two. The part to be spent within Indonesia, it was sent directly to Jakarta. It arrived only in August, hence activities there commenced later.


Specific objectives of the current project:

  • To produce a manual guide book/hand book on women’s sexual rights, in both English, Hindi and Indonesian, for use both by trainers on issues of sexuality and in the wider women’s movement in India and Indonesia, as well as in the region
  • To implement one research project on media analysis of sexuality
  • To hold two dissemination workshops in which the results of the research component will be discussed with relevant policy makers such as officials in charge of curriculum development
  • To hold two TOT workshops in which ten trainers each will be trained on women’s sexual rights. These workshops will also be attended by scholars and activists
  • To hold thirty training sessions in each country on women’s sexual empowerment, by the trainers trained in the TOT workshops, and with the use of the manual
  • To hold two press conferences in which the results of the research.


Special Concerns




Other Information




Women and Gender Studies Network in Asia (KARTINI ASIA NETWORK)

Menara Kartika Chandra, 8th FL, Suite 810F

Jl. Melati Blok B No. 15

Rt 001/012, Mekarsari Permai, Cimanggis, Depok 16952 INDONESIA

ph (62-21) 93694912

fax (62-21) 8715778

e-mail:  kartiniasia[a]gmail.com; secretariat[a]kartiniasia.org






Legal Resources Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights (LRC-KJHAM)

Year Established: 1998

Short Historical Background

The Legal Resource Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights(Legal Resources Center Keadilan Jender dan Hak Asasi Manusia) or LRC-KJHAM is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established for the purpose of promoting the values and principles of gender equity in policy decision-making based on the movement for the promotion, respect and protection of women’s rights as human rights. LRC-KJHAM mainly focuses on places where women and children may potentially become victims of trafficking, female prostitutes and migrant workers.

LRC-KJHAM envisions the use of gender equity principles and women’s rights perspective as bases of policymaking processes at all levels. Therefore, LRC-KJHAM aims to fulfill its main goal as a legal resource center on the elimination of discrimination against marginalized women.




  1. To provide guidance and legal assistance free of charge to women who are poor, marginalized and vulnerable;
  2. To campaign for the rights of women and the improvement of policies affecting them;
  3. To research, monitor and document the violations of women’s rights in Central Java in order to help implement the women’s human rights policy in Indonesia;
  4. To undertake women’s human rights education to promote gender justice;
  5. To work for legal and policy reforms to improve the legal basis of the protection and fulfillment of human rights of women who are poor, vulnerable and marginalized.



  • Monitoring of women’s rights abuses - started in 1998, LRCKJHAM monitors cases involving violence against women and discrimination against women in Central Java.
  • Policy advocacy – this program aims 1) to encourage fair gender budgeting, such as having fair contribution of budget on women issues or making the budget capable of making impact on the elimination of discrimination against women, rights of beneficiaries or improvement on status of women in various sectors based on the highest attainable standard of the state; and 2) improvement of the level of local government policies on women.



  • Modul Pendidikan Paralegal (Paralegal Education Module) (2013)
  • Bantuan Hukum - Perspektif Gender (Legal Aid - Gender Perspective) (2012)
  • Upaya Advokasi Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan (Advocacy Efforts on Violence Against Women) (2011)
  • 10 Tahun Perjalanan Perempuan Meretas Keadilan (Ten Years Paved the Way for Women’s Justice) (2011)
  • Modul Case Handling (Case Handling Module) (2011)
  • Buletin Interaksi (Interaction Bulletin) (2011)
  • Guidelines on the Establishment of the Integrated Center for Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence (2010)



  • Hak Buruh Migran Perempuan di Negara Tujuan (Rights of Women Migrant Workers in the Destination Countries) (2011)
  • Hak Buruh Migran Saat Perekrutan (Rights of Migrant Workers under Current Recruitment) (2011)
  • Hak Buruh Migran dari berangkat hingga di negara tujuan (Rights of Migrant Workers in the Destination Countries) (2011)
  • Hak Buruh Migran di Penampungan (Rights of Migrant Workers in Shelters) (2011)

Policy Briefs

  • Kertas Posisi Peningkatan Kebijakan Pemberdayaan Perempuan di Kabupaten Kendal (Improved Position Paper on Women’s Empowerment Policy in Kendal District) (2013)
  • Mundurnya Upaya Perlindungan Perempuan Korban di Jawa Tengah (Withdrawal of Protection for Women Victims in Central Java) (2012)


  • Mimpi Seorang Buruh Migran (Dream of Migrant Workers) (2012)


Legal Resource Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights
(LRC-KJHAM) Jl. Panda West No. III, 1 Semarang Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
ph/fax: (62-24) 6723083
Hotline: (62-24) 70558000
e-mail: lrc_kjham2004[a]yahoo.com



Research Institute on Human Rights (RIHR)

- Jember University

Year Established: 2010

Short Historical Background

The Research Institute on Human Rights (RIHR) was established in September 2010 by the Faculty of Law of Jember University as a center of excellence. RIHR was designed to respond to human
rights issues by undertaking research, organizing activities such as seminars, workshops, symposiums, training activities, and publishing academic writings.
The staffmembers of RIHR have different academic backgrounds and excellent human rights experiences as human rights advocates, researchers and teachers of human rights. They have been
involved in national and international academic forums such as conferences, trainings as well as short courses.


RIHR aims to encourage the Indonesian government to fulfill the human rights of the people in the country, and to stimulate and promote people’s awareness regarding their rights.

Programs and Activities


Until recently, RIHR has co-hosted human rights activities with other institutions such as the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights, local government, migrant workers institutions, religious institutions as well as the United States Consulate and U.S.
Department of State.

Special Concerns

RIHR has several human rights issues as special concerns such as, but not limited to:

  • minority protection especially religious and ethnic minorities
  • promotion of gender equality values
  • right to education for marginalized people
  • enforcement of freedom of the press, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly
  • human rights dissemination.


Research Institute of Human Rights
Faculty of Law, Jember University
Pusham Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jember
Jl Kalimantan 37 Jember Jawa Timur
68121 Indonesia
fax (62331) 330482
e-mail: rihr[a]unej.ac.id




Research Institute Jakarta State University (PPP SDM & HAM LP UNJ)


Year Established: 2001


Short Historical Background


Starting as the Education Research Bureau, its was changed to the Research Institute of Jakarta State University in 1995. The Center for Human Resource and Human Rights Research and Development which engages in human rights studies, it is a part of the Research Institute.





The Research Institute aims

  • To become a qualified research center in science, technology, education and art
  • To become a qualified scientific information center in science, technology, education and art
  • To produce fruitful researches and gain the capability to solve problems at the local, national and international levels.
  • To use and implement research results in science, technology, education and art academically, professionally and civilized
  • To cooperate with other university-based research institutions, other concerned institutions as well as national and international industries.



Programs and Activities  

Research on learning models for integrating human rights concepts into Competency Based Curriculum

Development of human rights teaching materials for schools

National seminars on teaching human rights concepts in schools



Special Concerns




  • Membangun Masa Depan Anak Jalanan/Developing Future of Street-Children" (about child's rights) (2000)
  • Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Pembangunan Masyarakat Indonesia di Era Global/ Human Rights in Indonesia Community Development at Global Era (2000)


Other Information




Research Institute Jakarta State University

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan SDM dan HAM Lembaga Penelitian (PPP SDM & HAM LP UNJ)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Gedung Sarwahita Lt. II Kampus Universitas Negeri Jakarta,

Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur, 13220 Indonesia

ph/fax (62-21) 489 0856

e-mail:  lemlit[a]unj.ac.id 




Serikat Pengajar Hak Asasi Manusia (SEPAHAM) Indonesia


Year Established: 2010


Short Historical Background

Some Indonesian human rights lecturers, mostly from higher education institutions and who met after the International Conference held by the Southeast Asia Human Rights Study Network (SEAHRN), felt the need to organize themselves into a formal organization in the hope that their knowledge on human rights could be used to push for the improvement of the human rights condition in Indonesia. Consequently, the Serikat Pengajar Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia (Indonesian National Educators on Human Rights) or SEPAHAM INDONESIA was established.


SEPAHAM INDONESIA aims to take part in improving the human rights condition in Indonesia.


Programs and Activities


SEPAHAM Indonesia holds seminars, conferences, training activities, and produces publications.
It also organizes discussion sessions, and releases statements regarding current issues on human rights. In March 2011, SEPAHAM INDONESIA issued a statement entitled “Protect the Victims, Not Defend the Violators” regarding a local ordinance prohibiting the activities of Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia.

Other relevant information

SEPAHAM INDONESIA holds a national conference on human rights every two years. It held its first conference with the theme “Rethinking Rule of Law and Human Rights” in Surabaya on 20-21 September 2011. It will hold its second national conference in Medan, North Sumatra in 2013.



e-mail: manunggal.wardaya[a]gmail.com




Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace

- Toward An Equal Society

Year Established: 2005

Short Historical Background

SETARA Institute was founded by individuals who were dedicated to the ideal that everyone should be treated equally while respecting diversity, giving priority to solidarity, and upholding human dignity. It was founded by people who would like to eliminate discrimination and intolerance on the basis of religion, ethnicity, tribe, skin color, gender, and other social statuses, and promote solidarity with the weak and victims of discrimination and intolerance.


SETARA Institute believes that a democratic society allows progress and mutual understanding, uphold honor, and recognize diversity.
However, discrimination and intolerance still exist and even lead to violence.


Therefore, measures that strengthen respect for diversity and human rights through broad participation of people should be undertaken to advance democracy and peace.
SETARA Institute is promoting the creation of conditions that would lead to an open political system based on respect for diversity, defense of human rights, and elimination of intolerance and xenophobic attitude.


The existence of Setara Institute constitutes another influence in promoting pluralism using the secular approach, which differs from another institution that works on similar issues using the theological approach.



Setara Institute aims

  1. To promote pluralism, humanitarianism, democracy and human rights;
  2. To study and advocate pluralism, human-centered public policy, democracy and human rights;
  3. To launch a dialogue on conflict resolution; and
  4. To undertake public education activities.

Program and Activities


  • Human rights monitoring, particularly with regard to freedom of religion and belief, and the annual publication of Human Rights Performance Index
  • Policy review of presidential issuances (such as the President Instruction No. 2 year 2013 on handling internal security disorder)
  • Policy advocacy on Religious Life Harmony Legal Draft, National Security Legal Draft, Mass Organization Legal Draft, etc.
  • Case Tracking System (CTS) – an online database system on violations of religious freedom and belief
  • Short Messages Service (SMS) gateway on violations of religious freedom and belief
  • Research on a number of issues:
  • MP3EI/ master plan on Indonesian economic acceleration and development, and also human rights fulfillment
  • Accountability performance for a decade of terrorism eradication
  • Understanding Minority Rights in Indonesia
  • National educational system and the issues on violence of Freedom of Religion and Belief
  • Urban dynamics and the tension of social religious life
  • Citizen’s constitutional rights fulfillment index: A decade of constitutional court and Indonesian Republic Constitutional amendment.
  • Internet, freedom of expression and radicalism
  • Conference: national consultation for victims of Freedom of Religious and Belief
  • Advocacy for religious freedom.

Special Concern


  • Freedom of religion and belief: a pluralistic nation-building in Indonesia demands the strengthening and guarantee of freedom of religion and belief to ensure that the Indonesian nation would not be divided.
  • Law and human rights: regular monitoring and reporting on the human rights condition in Indonesia, and the publication of the Human Right Performance Index.
  • Minority rights: protection of minority rights intersects the issues that framed the founding of Setara Institute. While the international human rights instruments and the Indonesian Constitution guarantee the protection of the rights of minority groups, the mechanism under Indonesian law that would guarantee such rights is still weak.
  • Business and human rights: this program aims to make sure the adoption and integration of human rights principles in business practices, especially in implementing the policy of MP3EI/ masterplan on Indonesian economic acceleration and development 2011-2025.
  • Constitutional democracy: the practice of constitutional democracy decades after the amendment of Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia) still could not protect the citizens, provide welfare, and dispense justice. A research on this area would develop an evolving framework with indicators on consistent institutionalization of democracy in the constitutional life of the country.



  • Human Rights Enforcement Performance Index – 2009-2010
  • Human Rights Performance Index – 2010-2012
  • Report on Freedom of Religion and Belief in 2007-2009 - State Should Take Action (2010)
  • Report on Freedom of Religion and Belief in 2010 - Denial by the State (2011)
  • Recognizing the Locus of Discrimination in Joint Ministerial Regulation (2010)
  • Ahmadiyah dan Keindonesiaan Kita (2011)
  • Religion Radicalism in Jabodetabek and West Java -
  • The Faces of Islam ‘Defenders’ (2011)
  • Organizing Religous Life, Assuring Freedom? The urgent need on legal draft of Freedom of Religion and Belief Guarantee (2011)
  • Ahmadi and Our Indonesianism (2011)
  • Religion and Report on Freedom of Religion and Belief in 2011-Political Discrimination by the SBY Regime (2012)
  • From Radicalism Towards Terrorism (2012)
  •  It’s Not About Atheism, its Freedom of Opinion! (2012)
  • Policy document on erasing the discrimination of religious and belief (2012)
  • Policy Paper - Tentang Pemenuhan Hak-hak Korban Pelanggaran Kebebasan Beragama/Berkeyakinan (2013)
  • The Condition of Freedom of Religion/ Belief in Indonesia 2012 (2013)
  • Policy Paper - Fulfillment on Freedom of Religious and Belief Violation Victims Rights (2013).


Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace
Jl. Danau Gelinggang No. 62 Blok C-III
Bendungan Hilir, Indonesia 10210
ph (62-21) 70255123
fax (62-21) 5731462
e-mail setara[a]setara-institute.org; setara_institute[a]hotmail.com






Women Research Institute (WRI)

Year Established: 2002

Short Historical Background

The Women Research Institute (WRI) was established in 2002 by a number of women activists who had concerns about three issues that marginalize women from the decision-making processes:
First, limited access of women to resources and decision-making Second, low level of women representation in public decisionmaking making institutions
Third, limited capacity of women’s representatives to influence formal as well as informal policy making processes.
To WRI, these three issues are the main obstacles that prevent women to from participating in public decision-making institutions. For that reason, WRI conducts research and investigations on efforts aimed at increasing women’s access to resources and decision-making, enhancing the representation of women in decision- making institutions, and empowering women’s representatives
to enable them to influence decision-making processes.
WRI conducts researches and investigations by using the feminist methodology. Since feminist methodology sets out from the experience of women, it allows WRI to look at, and amplify, the interests of women.



WRI aims

  1. To raise the critical awareness of men and women that issues in the private sphere are as important as those in the public sphere (the personal is political);
  2. To increase the access, number, and capacity of women to participate in decision-making processes so that the needs and interests of women can be expressed;
  3. To mainstream feminist research methodologies;
  4. To establish WRI research findings as the bases for changes in discourse, behavior as well as policymaking founded on justice and equality for both women and men.

Programs and Activities

• Research program

  • To research and investigate women’s problems by utilizing a feminist methodology so as to identify the needs and interests of women in every development sector in the context of regional autonomy
  • To strive for the availability of data, based on research on the needs and interests of women in every development sector, that can be used as input for policy makers at the local and national levels
  • To develop a study center for discussing feminist theory and methodology as well as mutual sharing of discourse and research input.

• Gender budgeting program


  • To socialize ideas on the importance of gender budgeting to the government and the broad community
  • To increase the knowledge, understanding and capacity of the executive and legislative institutions in the application of gender budgeting
  • To build the capacity of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in advocating for gender budgeting.

• Capacity-building program

  • To enhance the awareness and critical understanding of gender relationships that have to be formulated into policies at the local level based on the interests of marginal groups, especially women, and in the context of regional autonomy
  • To enhance the advocacy capability of multi-stakeholders on participatory planning systems and gender budget allocations
  • To strengthen the capacity of women’s organizations at the local level through training, discussions and workshops to be able to give voice to their own needs and interests
  • To enhance through skills formation the capacity of the executive and legislative institutions at the local level to implement a participatory planning system by inputting the voice and interests of women in developing a budget allocation process that would help enhance the quality of life of the community, including women.
  • To develop study groups and a study center to formulate a good governance system by promoting participatory planning systems and the implementation of gender budgeting in the context of local governance strengthening.

• Publications program

  • To socialize the results of WRI’s research to policymakers and the broad community
  • To enrich the discourse of books using feminist analysis for the broad community, and provide materials on the condition and position of women to organizations in the various regions of Indonesia
  • To strengthen advocacy activities on gender mainstreaming in various regions
  • To document the results of research that has a feminist perspective in the form of books, modules, fact-sheets and journals
  • To utilize a website as a campaign medium and tool for information exchange, and repository of data on the results of WRI’s research, books, or other publications.



  • In Search of a Spearhead for Reduce[d] Maternal Mortality in Indonesia, Edriana Noerdin, editor (2011)
  • MDGs Target in Reducing the Number of Material Mortality - Difficult to Achieve in Year 2015, Aris Arif Mundayat, Edriana Noerdin, Erni Agustini, Sita Aripurnami dan Sri Wahyuni (2009)
  • To Survive in the Village or to Endure Life in the City - The Ballad of Women Workers, Aris Arif Mundayat, Erni Agustini, Keppi Sukesi, Margaret Aliyatul M. (2008)
  • Decentralization as a Narrative of Opportunity for Women in Indonesia, Edriana Noerdin and Sita Aripurnami (2007)
  • The Study on the Impact of Gender Budgeting Advocacy, Aris Arif Mundayat, Edriana Noerdin, Sita Aripurnami (2006)
  • The Portrayal of Poverty Experienced by Women, Edriana Noerdin, Erni Agustini, Diana Teresa Pakasi, Sita Aripurnami, Siti Nurwati Hodijah (2006)
  • Training Module on Gender Analysis and Gender Budgeting, Edriana Noerdin, Sita Aripurnami, Siti Nurwati Hodijah, editors (2005).


Women Research Institute (WRI)
Jl. Kalibata Utara II No. 78
Jakarta 12740, Indonesia
ph (62-21) 791.87149, 798.7345
fax. (62-21) 798.7345
e-mail: office[a]wri.or.id


Peran Representasi dalam Fungsi Legislasi Studi Kasus UU No. 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara (2011).

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