
East Timor Centers

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Timor-Leste (East Timor) Centers


Known Centers based in Timor-Leste (East Timor)

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Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP)



Date Established: 2001


Short Historical Background


JSMP was established in April 2001 to monitor the processes of the Ad Hoc Human Rights Tribunal in Indonesia and the Special Panels for Serious Crimes in Timor Leste. JSMP very quickly extended court monitoring and judicial system analysis to include the operations of Timor Leste’s District Courts. JSMP also undertakes legislative analysis.


JSMP undertakes extensive outreach work in Dili and through out Timor Leste. Initially the aim was to inform East Timorese people of the decisions of the Ad Hoc Tribunal and Special Panels for Serious Crimes. JSMP’s outreach work has expanded to include human rights training, training of judicial officials and district workshops explaining judicial processes and civil and political rights.


In 2004 JSMP created the Women’s Justice Unit to focus on cases involving women victims of domestic violence as a result of its research on the situation of women in the formal justice sector. In 2005 JSMP has established a Victim’s Support Service, a legal referral and legal aid service for women.






JSMP aims to be the foremost independent organization in Timor Leste that contributes to the development and improvement of the justice and legislative system through objective monitoring, analysis, advocacy and training in order to:


1. Support and advance the rule of law and human rights

2. Advance the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession and the administration of justice in full compliance with standards of international law

3. Promote the adoption and implementation of international human rights standards and other legal rules and principles that advance human rights and the rule of law

4. Promote the establishment and enforcement of a legal system which protects individuals and groups against violations of their human rights

5. Promote understanding of and compliance with the rule of law and human rights and provide assistance to those to whom the rule of law and human rights are denied

6. Promote equality and the right of everyone to receive equal and fair access to justice and treatment under the law.



Programs and Activities


1. Legal Research


This program involves trial observation (monitoring of court cases, interviewing judges, court registrars, public defenders, investigators, public prosecutors and other people concerned) and Judicial System Analysis.


2. Women's Justice


Monitoring and Reports – JSMP monitors the progress of women-related cases at the District Courts and generates reports on issues found significant. It also monitors and reports on actions of all justice sector actors regarding sexual assault and domestic violence cases.


Training - JSMP provides training on domestic violence guidelines for prosecutors; on formal justice system and domestic violence and sexual assault for members of the police, local government leaders and women’s groups at the districts level.


Public Education Materials – JSMP produces and distributes education materials (include posters, brochures and a radio program and a TV Show) on bringing gender-based violence cases to the formal justice system.



3. Victim Support Service (VSS)


This program is meant to provide information, advice and support to women victims for their empowerment and the improvement of their ability to access the formal justice sector. The VSS hopes to assist in the successful prosecution of cases involving sexual assault and domestic violence and improve the efficiency of the formal justice sector.




Special Concerns





Thematic Reports



• Digest of the Jurisprudence of Special Panels for Serious Crimes (English,

• Torture Survivors : Their Experiences of Violation, Truth and Justice (English, Indonesia


• Progress to Date in the Cases of Rogerio Lobato and Mari Alkatiri (Indonesia English, Tetum)

• Victim Support Service Mid-Year Report(English, Indonesia, Portuguese)



• Undang-Undang (Decree Law) No 13/2005 " Undang-Undang yang mengesahkan kitab Undang-Undang hukum acara pidana".{Terjemahan JSMP} (Indonesia)

• The Law of Gender-Based Violence in Timor-Leste (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• JSMP Training in the Districts of Timor-Leste 2005 (English, Bahasa)

• Overview of Timor Leste Justice Sector 2005 (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• Land Law Report (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• The Role, Practice and Procedure of the Court of Appeal (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• Comentários à Proposta de Lei N. 32/2004 - Estatuto do Ministério Público (Portuguese)

• Analysis of Decisions in Cases involving Women and Children Victims: June 2004 - March 2005 (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• The Paulino de Jesus Decisions (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• Torture and Transitional Justice in Timor Leste (English, Bahasa)

• Overview of the Justice Sector: March 2005 (English)

• Draft Penal Code (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• Statistics on Cases of Violence Against Women in Timor Leste (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• The Case of X: a Child Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)

• Police Treatment of Women in Timor Leste - (English, Bahasa, Portuguese)


Judicial Monitoring Updates



• The Right to Vote (Indonesian, Portuquês, English)

• Restrictive Measure, Pre-Trial Detention, Parole and Suspension of the Execution of a Prison Sentence (Indonesian, Portuquês, English)

• The Court Needs Witness Testimony to Establish The Material Facts (Indonesian, Tetum, English)

• JSMP Comment On the Draft Legislation On East Timorese Lawyers (Indonesian, Tetum, English)

• Statement by the President of National Parliament Considered to be Incompatible with the Principle of Separation of Powers (Indonesian, Tetum, English)

• The Court Conducted a Hearing for one the Witnesses in the Presence of Other Co-Witnesses to at the Courtroom (Indonesian, Tetum, English)


(For information on publications in the previous years, and please visit www.jsmp.minihub.org/Language_English/reports_english.htm)



Other Information






Judicial System Monitoring Programme

Rua Setubal, Kolmera, Dili, Timor-Leste

Postal Address: PO Box 275, Dili, Timor-Leste VIA DARWIN

ph/fax: (670) 3323 883

e-mail: info@jsmp.minihub.org





La'o Hamutuk(Institutu Timor Lorosa'e ba Analiza no Monitor Rekonstrusaun/The East Timor Institute for Reconstruction Monitoring and Analysis)



Date Established:


Short Historical Background


La'o Hamutuk is a joint East Timorese-international organization that seeks to monitor and to report on the activities of the principal international institutions present in Timor Lorosa'e as they relate to the physical and social reconstruction of the country. The institute operates under the assumption that the people of East Timor must be the ultimate arbiters of the reconstruction process and, thus, that the process should be as democratic and transparent as possible. In this regard, La'o Hamutuk provides non-partisan analysis of international activities in the territory with the goal of facilitating greater levels of effective East Timorese participation in the reconstruction and development of the country.




To improve communication between the international community and East Timorese society

To provide resources on alternative development models, and To facilitate links between East Timorese groups and groups abroad.







Special Concerns





La'o Hamutuk Bulletin (English and Bahasa Indonesia)

Annual Reports


Other Information




La'o Hamutuk

(Institutu Timor Lorosa'e ba Analiza no Monitor Rekonstrusaun/The East Timor Institute for Reconstruction Monitoring and Analysis)

1/1a Rua Mozambique, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste

P.O. Box 340, Dili, East Timor

Mobile: +61(408)811373;

ph (670390)325-013

e-mail: info@laohamutuk.org


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