
Bangladesh Centers

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Bangladesh Centers


Known Centers based in Bangladesh

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Ain o Salish Kendro (ASK)


Year established: 1986


Short historical background


Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) is a legal aid and human rights organization in Bangladesh. It was established in 1986 with the purpose of providing free legal aid to the disenfranchised from the rights perspective. In time, it realized that legal aid could not be the only aspect of a necessary holistic strategy to create an enabling environment for the disenfranchised to assert and enjoy their rights. From that realization, ASK consequently developed programs that spread out in multiple areas, such as, investigation, advocacy, media campaign, documentation, training and action research with a view to creating an enabling environment for demanding good governance, non-discrimination and social justice. Currently, ASK has been implementing its programs under sixteen separate units and one component. It obtained Special Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. ASK has the following vision: A society established based on the principles of human rights, gender equality, equity, secularism, rule of law, social justice and democracy.




ASK aims to protect and promote the human rights of the disempowered/disadvantaged people through community activism and social mobilization, capacity building, legal services, advocacy and policy intervention by using rights-based approach that encompasses the principles of human rights, equality, equity, secularism, rule of law, social justice and democracy.




ASK carries out following activities:


  • Provision of free legal aid to the distressed individuals and communities
  • Provision of temporary facility of shelter to victims of violence
  • Offering of psychosocial counseling to the survivors of violations
  • Human rights awareness raising
  • Advocacy for the promotion of the rights of working children
  • Campaigns for relevant legal and policy reforms
  • Mobilization of communities to inculcate and promote gender and social justice
  • Research on human rights, advocacy and policy issues
  • Monitoring and documentation of cases of human rights violations; and fact-finding missions where needed.





The following are some of the ASK publications:
English Language


  • Human Rights in Bangladesh
  • Agency, Inequality and Human Rights, Amartya Sen/ Salma Sobhan Memorial lecture
  • Twenty years on the front line, Dina Siddiqi/out of print
  • Children Cry Alone, Lubna Marium/ out of print
  • Her Unfearing Mind (Women and Muslim Laws in Bangladesh), Sultana Kamal/ out of print
  •  Rights and Realities
  • Complaint file at NHRC- Manual for HR Activist Bangla Language
  • Bangladeshe Jongi tatporata o tar bichar (An Account of Militancy in Bangladesh and the Trials)
  • RAB: Santras Nirmul Na Rastrer Santras (Stop Terrorism or Terrorism by the State)
  • Janasarthe Mamla (Public Interest Litigation)
  • Narir 71 O Juddha Porobarti Kothoo Kahini
  • Smriti o Kotha - 1971
  • Dhorshon-Porobarti Aini Lorai
  • Aine Nari Nirjatan Proshongo
  • Amar Prithibi - Khursheed Erfan Ahmed
  • Adhikar o Bastobota
  • Paribarik Aine Bangladesher Nari
  • Manober Nishanka Mon, Sultana Kamal and Salma Sobhan
  • Manobadhikar Bangladesh 2012
  • Chikitsha Obohela (Medical negligence)
  • Jhuddhaporadh
  • Bangladesher Ovvontorin Bastochuto Baktibarga
  • Attmoprotikriti English and Bangla Languages
  • United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms, Qumrunnessa Nazly




Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK)

26/3 Purana Paltan Line, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

ph (88-02) 8315851, 9337173,9360336

fax: (88-02) 8318561

e-mail: ask[a]citechco.net





Center for Human Rights Studies (CHRS)


Year Established: 2012

Short Historical Background

The Center for Human Rights Studies (CHRS) is a society for the promotion of human rights in Bangladesh. The form and shape of the CHRS developed over a number of years. Bangladesh has an active and vibrant civil society where, artists, community leaders, activists, lawyers, academics, students and journalists come together to raise issues of social concern. Activists working on human rights education were keen to use this resource for initiating a practice of reflection and action among activists, youth, students, community leaders and others on social justice and human rights issues. The idea was to use alternative mediums of communication to spread awareness about human rights and humane values and to raise critical consciousness among the citizens.

Human rights education activities in 2010 and 2011 organized by different institutions (Department of International Relations in Dhaka University, NagorikUddyog, Ain O Salish Kendra and the Asian Institute for Human Rights) that brought together young activists, professionals and students keen on building a culture of human rights in Bangladesh helped express the need for the creation of a forum that would give space to the creative energies of this resource pool.

Thus the idea of CHRS took a formal shape in 2012. CHRS seeks to bring together people from different professions and affiliations on a common platform of human rights education. Such people may be artists, activists, community leaders, academics, students and different professionals.


CHRS aims

  1. To enhance the capacity of activists and academics in human rights work;
  2. To promote research and develop education materials on human rights;
  3. To facilitate reflection on values and attitudes required for human rights work;
  4. To facilitate increased solidarity and linkages among those working for human rights;
  5. To promote non-violent ways of transforming conflict.



  • Human rights education
  • Human rights promotion through community media
  • Fostering volunteerism in society
  • Human rights exchange program.


So far, CHRS has undertaken a number of activities, such as;

  • Workshop on strategies for monitoring economic, social and 57 cultural rights: experience sharing in best practices, 16-19 April 2012 at BACE Training Center, Sonargaon, Narayanganj, Bangladesh. The workshop was organized in collaboration with Ain O Salish Kendra and Asian Institute for Human Rights.
  • Workshop on ‘Applying Human Rights Approach in Developing Programs for Community Radio’, June 2012, BACE Training Center, Sonargaon, Narayanganj.
  • 2nd Annual Human Rights Study Session, Bangladesh, 6–18 October 2012. The study session was organized in collaboration with Department of International Relations – University of Dhaka and the Asian Institute for Human Rights.
  • Publishing a Handbook on ‘Monitoring Human Rights Violations’ in collaboration with Asian Institute for Human Rights. The Handbook, which has been produced with the hope of providing assistance to activists in doing human rights’ monitoring, was launched at the certificate-giving ceremony of the 2nd Annual Study Session on Human Rights.
  • Workshop on community media with students from the University of Jahangirnagar: CHRS conducted a one-day workshop with students on community media and human rights.
  • Survey on Human Rights Education Programs in Bangladesh: During 2012, CHRS collaborated with the Asian Institute for Human Rights to conduct a survey on human rights education programs in Bangladesh. The objective of the survey was to understand the nature of existing human rights education work in Bangladesh and thereafter facilitate a dialogue on how human rights education work could be further strengthened.
  • Organizing a film show on human rights on the occasion of the Human Rights Day on 10  December. The film show entitled, ‘My Voice Counts’ was held in the University of Dhaka.
  • Programs and Plans in 2013-2014
    • Planning and organizing the annual study session on human rights in collaboration with Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka and Asian Institute for Human Rights
    • Organizing study circles on different issues of social concern to initiate a process of reflection and action among youth and students
    • Promoting human rights education in schools: CHRS plans to work with identified schools to integrate human rights education in the school curriculum
    • Assisting community media to adopt the human rights approach in developing programs on issues of social concern
    • Publishing the Bangla edition of the Handbook on Monitoring Human Rights Violations.



  • Monitoring Human Rights Violations: A Handbook (2012)

Other Information

CHRS is part of the regional alliance named South Asian Feminist
Alliances (SAFA) which focuses on women’s economic, social, cultural rights in South Asian countries.


Center for Human Rights Studies (CHRS)
Multiplan Lagoon (4th Floor), 42/3, New Eskaton

(Hatir Jheel)

Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

ph +(88 02) 9360759
e-mail: infochrs[a]gmail.com; chrs[a]chrs-bd.org



Centre for Services and Information on Disability


Year Established: 1997

Short Historical Background

Up to the end of 19th century, disability was viewed from medical and spiritual perspectives. It was believed that disability occurred as the result of sin. A person with a disability was being treated as a victim of curse and/or a person with bad fate. Appropriate information relating to disability was vastly lacking, so people at all levels were not aware of issues relating to disability. The rights of persons with disabilities were not recognized and there was no legislative protection of their rights. They were living with deprivation, neglect, discrimination, which resulted in their isolation and exclusion from mainstream society. By considering disability as a welfare issue, the government totally excluded persons with disabilities from any development initiative, plan and activities. Very few non-governmental organizations (NGOs) were working with persons with disabilities; and they emphasized the medical perspective rather giving importance on their rights and entitlements.


Experiencing the above situation in personal life, Khandaker Jahurul Alam along with two persons with disabilities and two like-minded social workers formed the Centre for Services and Information on Disability (CSID) as a non-profit voluntary organization in December 1997.  They aimed to mainstream disability issues by addressing the problems and issues of persons with disabilities. Khandaker Jahurul Alam, himself a person with physical disability, is the present Executive Director of CSID.


CSID aims to ensure the education, employment and social rights of all disadvantaged people including Persons with Disabilities.


CSID implements the following programs:

  • Information and Resource-sharing and Networking including promotion of access to information using digital technology and accessible formats for disadvantaged people including persons with disabilities;
  • Conducting research/study on Disability and Development Issues and dissemination of the research results;          
  • Community-based support services for the development of disadvantaged and marginalized people including persons with disabilities;
  • Promotion of inclusive education;
  • Promotion of livelihood opportunities for marginalized including persons with disabilities;
  • National and local-level advocacy.


CSID undertakes the following activities:


  • Dissemination and sharing of resources on information on disability and other development issues;
  • Conducting studies  and research;
  • Organizing community-based support services to children and adult persons with disabilities;
  • Improving the education and health of deaf blind people in Bangladesh;
  • Promoting the education and social rights and dignity of children with disabilities;
  • Facilitating the vocational skills development and decent work placement of persons with disabilities;
  • Promoting inclusive protection and empowerment for children with disabilities;
  • Influencing the government through constructive criticism and suggestion on allocation of  adequate funds  in the national budget for children, with particular focus on poor and vulnerable children;
  • Using inclusive approach to empowering working children;
  • Providing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training  to youth with disabilities and ensure their participation in global competitions;
  • Advocating for ensuring the rights of children.

Special concerns

National advocacy to promote the rights of children including the children with disabilities


  1. Study on Budget Analysis by the Children ? 2016 (in partnership with Save the Children)
  2. Process Document for Study: Initiative on Child-led Budget Analysis and  Advocacy - 2016 (in partnership with Save the Children)
  3. Employment Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh: A Study in  the Ready Made Garment and Leather Industry - 2016 (in partnership with GIZ, Bangladesh and CBM Bangladesh)
  4. National Budget Analysis and Expenditure Tracking  on Child Labour - 2015 (in partnership with World Vision)
  5. Mapping, Assessment and Review the Laws and Policies on Child Labour - 2015 (in partnership with World Vision)
  6. "Visualising Invisible” - A Baseline Study on Situation of  Home-Based Workers - 2013 (in partnership with HomeNet South Asia)
  7. National Budget Tracking in Child related Ministries  - 2012  (in partnership with Save the Children)
  8. "Tales of Darkness” - A Baseline Study on Situation of Child Labour and Potential to be[come] Child Labour among Children with Disabilities -  2009 (in partnership with Save the Children)
  9. Directory On “Training Opportunities, Programmes and Resource Persons Contact List in Education Equity” - 2007 (in partnership with RDRS Bangladesh )
  10. National Database on Various Government Policies, Strategies, Laws, Programmes and Services with Regards to Education of Children with Disabilities from Equity Point of View - 2006  (in partnership with RDRS Bangladesh)
  11. "Disability Mapping in Bangladesh" - 2004, World Bank (ISCD as partner institution)
  12. “Together In Education” - Promoting Education of Children with Disabilities through BRAC Non-formal Education Approach - 2004 (in partnership with BRAC)
  13. The Situation and Prospect of the use of Computer for Persons with Visual Impairment - 2003  (in partnership with Peace Corps- Fredskorpset, Norway)
  14. Good Practice on Inclusive Education in Bangladesh - 2003 (in partnership with UNICEF Regional Office South Asia)
  15. Educating Children in difficult circumstances - Children with Disabilities - 2002 (in partnership with Department of Primary and Mass Education, Government of Bangladesh under ESTEEM project)  
  16. Situation Analysis of Women and Adolescent Girls with Disabilities of Bangladesh  - 2002 (in partnership with Grameen Trust of Grameen Bank)
  17. Existing situation and opportunities of Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh ? 2002 (in partnership with ActionAid Bangladesh)
  18. Possibilities of integrating Street Children with Disabilities in to mainstream development services - 2000 (in partnership with Save the Children Sweden)
  19. Situation Analysis and need assessment of Street Children with Disabilities of Dhaka City - 1999  (in partnership with Save the Children Sweden)
  20.  Situation of Persons with Disability at the time of Natural Disaster -1999 (in partnership with ActionAid Bangladesh).


Centre for Services and Information on Disability
House # 676, Road #13, Baitul Aman Housing Society
Adabor, Dhaka  1207, Bangladesh
ph +(88-2) 55010240, 55010239, 8190292
e-mail:  csid[a]bdmail.net, ed.csid[a]yahoo.com



Community Development Library (CDL)


 Year Established:1980


 Short Historical Background


The Community Development Library (CDL), a non-governmental development organization, came into being in 1980 with the mission of delivering development information to activists and organizations who are committed to the promotion of sustainable development, gender equity, social justice, human rights and community education.




CDL aims

  • To provide in-depth material and information on areas of key concern, particularly on environment, education, health, women, children, human rights, peace and ethnic minorities To educate, inspire and empower underprivileged people, including people with disability, to take part in the process of social development and also to benefit themselves;
  • To raise mass awareness on human rights, social equality and justice for all citizens including religious and ethnic minority groups, gender balance, disaster mitigation and preparedness, health, environment, etc. through publications, workshops, seminars, study circle and networking activitiesTo promote development initiatives of different grassroots groups and organizations through advisory service, training and logistic support and introducing those initiatives to the larger audience through publication/videos;
  •  To highlight the positive aspects of development endeavors by documenting and disseminating case studies of successful projectsTo lobby and campaign on issues which have direct and indirect impact on the lives of the people, specially those who are under-privileged and suffer various levels of discrimination;
  •  To establish and strengthen development information network among existing networks, NGOs and other groups;
  • To bridge the communication gap that exists between the policymakers, social development activists, program implementers and the grass-roots people by providing information on ideas and experiences of innovative and sustainable development efforts;
  •  To provide audio-visual services and training on information centered topics to non-governmental organization workers and other beneficiaries.




  • Rural Information Resource Center (RIRC) - CDL has been maintaining 24 Rural Information Resource Centres (RIRCs) in various regions of Bangladesh. These RIRCs have been catering to the information needs of people from all walks of life. They have also been carrying out multifarious information, awareness raising, advocacy and policy lobbying initiatives in close collaboration with other development organizations working in the program areas.
  • Central Library, Documentation & Information Center (CELDIC) – located in Dhaka, the library is one of the major programs of CDL that collects and disseminates development information. It has developed a knowledge network to facilitate the sustainable, effective, appropriate and affordable exchange of information at local, national, regional and global levels. It has 15,000 valuable books and Research Reports on various development issues and subscribes 12 dailies, 210 titles of journals, magazines, newsletter, bulletin and other publications published by different institutions, national and international organizations in a regular basis. CELDIC shares development information with the people through different means which includes burning social, national and global issues through its regular programs e.g. study circles, book fair, seminars, workshops, networking meeting, day observations, current awareness services and selective dissemination of Information.
  • Development Resource Promotion Centre – this is an outlet for publications and literature (both in-house and from other institutions). The sales are done through both Dhaka central office and the RIRCs. The Center aims to provide one-stop service for the source of development books, journals, reports, manuals, directories, posters and any other kind of development publications as well as to promote writers and publishers of focusing on development issues.
  • Development Communication and Information Service - CDL publishes current news, bulletin, poster, translated development information, compiled development literature, etc. Although CDL does not regard itself as a research organization, it often carries out information gathering and analysis as a part of its activities. CDL conducts research cum information gathering on various development- related issues and themes. CDL’s research initiatives are primarily focused on exploring the potential of information in social and national development including the gainful use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for empowering the poor and vulnerable people.
  • Urban Information Resource Centre (Chetana Bikash Kendra) - launched in 1986 with a vision to enhance the accessibility to education facilities of urban poor children and to integrate child literacy with environmental and vocational training so that education becomes meaningful in their lives. This program provides free non-formal and formal educational opportunities for the street and slum children and youths who cannot attend regular schooling due to shortage of resources and low motivation of their parents.


Other programs


  • Women’s Forum – this initiative has the aim of informing women communities especially the underprivileged women, about their socio-economic rights and responsibilities, the way they can organize and empower themselves and strive for ensuring their social rights. All the RIRCs of CDL have Women’s Forum.
  • Children’s Corner - every RIRC has a Children’s Corner that contains different children-related materials for use by children.
  • Youth Forum - RIRCs have twenty-four Youth Forums all over the country that engage in various information, social awareness raising and development activities that benefit a large number of people.



Community Development Library (CDL)
House-67/B, Road 9A,
Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209,
ph (880-2) 8113769, 8110495, 9130365
fax (880-2) 8110254

e-mail: cdl[a]bol-online.com; info[a]cdl.com 





Drik Picture Library

Year Established: 1989

Short Historical Background

The Drik Picture Library was started in 1989 driven by a need to change the identity of Bangladesh as an icon of poverty and also to challenge the western hegemony in photography. Shahidul Alam, founder and Managing Director, a pugnacious critic and activist, wanted change desperately - a change in how Bangladesh’s story was being told and controlled by the western media, a change and opportunities for his marginalized people. The story, he strongly believed had to be told by Bangladesh’s own people who understood the issues and felt the pain and suffering of their people.

In 1993, Drik scored big by bringing the first World Press photo exhibition to Bangladesh. In a pioneering exercise titled “Out of Focus,” a group of children from working class families of Mirpur were trained in 1994 by Alam with pinhole cameras to take photographs and tell the story of Bangladesh as they saw it. 1998 saw the advent of the Pathshala photographic school. The curriculum set for the academy was home grown with practical experiences, and did not adopt the European or western photography education. In 2005 DrikNews was set up as an independent news source. DrikNEWS covers news photography and investigative reporting by disseminating both locally and internationally through the web. Majority World, Drik’s online distribution portal, came into being in 2007. It is a unique online photo-library, whose mission is to support, develop and promote indigenous photographers from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The portal www.majorityworld.com gives 24/7 access to quality images and opportunities to commission work from leading photographers and agencies from these countries. In 2011, Drik started the Rural Visual Journalism Network (RVJN) that has currently trained thirty journalists using the new technology and uses it imaginatively to rewrite old issues faced by media and give voice to rural citizens of Bangladesh. The Network focuses on the disadvantaged representation of women and children in the media sector and generating employment for the district correspondence through sales of the multimedia stories.


Drik’s vision is to bring positive change through the professional and effective use of multimedia communication. Its major areas of expertise are advocacy and awareness campaigns, production of communicating material and training. Drik’s services are uniquely tailored to meet a client’s project objectives, budgets and goals.

Programs and Activities

Drik implements a number of projects. Some of the ongoing projects are presented below.


1. Photography exhibition


Chobi Mela, the first festival of photography in Asia, is one of the most exciting ventures that Bangladesh has undertaken. The first Chobi Mela - International Festival of Photography was held during the December 1999-January 2000 period and has become over the span of twelve years the most demographically inclusive photo festival in the world.


Under the Crossfire’ Audience Engagement Project, Drik utilizes photographic intervention as an advocacy tool to inform and strengthen grassroots communities and gather support to end state sponsored extra-judicial killings in Bangladesh. Following a successful showing at the Queens Museum of Art New York in April 2012, the exhibition travelled to Brisbane, Australia in November 2012.


The exhibitions provided platforms to address such topics having both regional and global relevance such as:

  • The potential impact of stories and photographs on civic participation seeking redress for human rights violations, along with an analysis of the aesthetic strategies;
  • The dangers of abuse in the creation of rule-of-law enforcers without clear lines of accountability;
  • The effects of intimidation on media and cultural spheres on the development of democracy and human rights;
  • The role of international solidarity and diaspora populations in addressing limitations of exercising freedom of expression »» How arms trade and ‘training’ of law enforcement personnel by foreign government are in clear violation of international law.


2. Bangladesh human rights website


The Banglarights was established in 2001 as an online resource center on human rights issues featuring reports on the human rights situation in Bangladesh. Though not viewed favorably by the
government, Drik tenaciously holds on to this independent platform for media professionals and activists.


3. Capacity Building Training
Drik holds training for journalists to provide them with a sound understanding of the elements of human rights laws, reporting and other relevant skills that would enable them to raise awareness and draw attention of the public to human rights issues in the country.
Subsumed in this goal is the wish that the participants would be motivated to contribute regularly to the Banglarights (http://banglarights.net/) and Driknews (www.driknews.net) websites.


Drik’s Banglarights website contains materials on human rights produced by Bangladeshi journalists such as the following photo stories:


  • The Construction Workers - Rakib Ahmed - this is a photo story about migrant workers in construction sites in the cities of Bangladesh. The photos aim to make the government correctly implement its human rights policies so that the construction workers can lead a decent life with dignity.
  • Violation of health rights: needs progressive realisation right now - Prito Reza - this is a photo story that highlights the problem of realizing the right to health especially for the poor who cannot afford health care.
  • A Deadly Game - Monirul Alam – this is a photo story portraying in humane way the situation of street drug users. It aims to make the society see the actual condition of the drug users and torespect their human rights.
  • Human Trafficking: A Modern Slavery - Khairul Kuader - this is a photo story about sex trafficking of Bangladeshi women to India and Pakistan. It also tells of the problem of determining whetherthe women are being trafficked or migrating for work. And, unfortunately, the truth comes out only at the destination point.
  • Felani is not the end... - A M Ahad - this is a photo story about Felani, a fifteen year-old Bengali girl who died at the India- Bangladesh International Border, a victim of impunity of the Indian Border Security Forces (BSF).
  • The Birth Pangs of a Nation (2011) - a book and a documentary film that celebrate forty years of Bangladesh’s turbulent history. Through images by the finest photojournalists in the world and personal interviews of photographers, freedom fighters, refugees and care givers, they map the birth of the nation and record the pain and sacrifice of the ordinary Bangladeshi, in what was one of the most massive human displacements in recent times. It received the Asia Publishing Award in the ‘Best Insights into Asian Societies (Non-Fiction) Category’ at a gala award ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on November 30, 2012.


Drik Library
House 58, Road 15 A
Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209,
ph (880 2) 8112954, 9120125, 8123412
fax (880 2) 9115044
e-mail: office[a]drik.net






Year Established: 1994

Short Historical Background

In 1994, a group of human rights activists initiated discussions and underscored the need to uphold the civil and political rights of the people of Bangladesh along with social, cultural and economic rights. Eventually, a decision was arrived at to form an organization in order to advance such rights. On 10 October 1994, Odhikar (a Bangla word that means ‘rights’) came into aiming to create a wider monitoring and awareness-raising system on the abuse of civil and political rights. The principal objectives of the organization are to raise the awareness of human rights issues and their various abuses, and also to create a vibrant democratic system through election monitoring. The organization also performs policy advocacy to address the current human rights situation. Odhikar has no field or branch offices. Instead, it has trained about five hundred people all over the country to become human rights defenders, and who are subsequently relied upon for information outside Dhaka. These activities help contribute to eventual positive steps towards the creation of transparency and accountability in the responsible sectors of the government with an aim to improving its human rights record and to facilitating an active democracy with the participation of people from all sections of society.


Odhikar always emphasizes the active participation of the grassroots community. It realizes that empowerment is the precondition to establish human rights, which is based on recognition and faith in people’s own power and resources. With this in mind, Odhikar is working with the vision of “society where full enjoyment of human rights by every human being will be ensured”.


Odhikar has been able to establish itself as a leading human rights organization in the country. It has developed a strong network of partners and human rights defenders not only all over Bangladesh, but also in the region. It has obtained Special Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.


Odhikar aims

  1. To promote human rights through the introduction of participatory democracy and good governance
  2. To advocate and lobby for the incorporation and ratification of various international instruments by the government and also for enactment of human rights-friendly laws and necessary amendments;
  3. To fight impunity and promote justice and prevention of torture at the national level and, through affiliated networks, at the regional and international levels;
  4. To undertake documentation, fact-finding, monitoring and research on human rights abuses, including enforced disappearances, custodial death, violence against women, torture, prison situation, violation of freedom of expression, political repression, and issues relating to national and local government elections;
  5. To foster mass awareness on rights and duties;
  6. To mobilize and network between the activities of its network members and enhance institutional capabilities of groups, organizations and agencies on human rights issues;
  7. To advocate, lobby and campaign for people’s participation in governance and also for the introduction of participatory democracy in order to ensure good governance;
  8. To monitor electoral violence and observe national and local government elections for a free and fair electoral process and to ensure voter’s rights.


Odhikar implements these programs:

  • Campaign for anti-torture law and for the ratification of Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture
  • Documentation and advocacy for the accession to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
  • Research and advocacy for the elimination of violence against women.



Odhikar undertakes the following activities:

  • Documentation and fact-finding of human rights violations
  • Campaign for criminalizing torture
  • Campaign against enforced disappearances
  • Monitoring places of detention
  • Election monitoring
  • Human rights defenders training
  • Advocacy and networking on human rights issues
  • Research and publication
  • Organizing seminars, workshops on different issues relating to human rights
  • Lobbying with policymakers
  • Media campaign.



  • Annual Human Rights Report (since 2003)
  • “Trigger Happy” - Excessive Use of Force by Indian Troops at the Bangladesh Border – joint publication by Human Rights Watch, Odhikar and MASUM (2010)
  • In The Readymade Garments Industry In Bangladesh Perspective 2008
  • Project on “Investigation, Research and Publication of Human Rights Violations”
  • Odhikar Reports - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
  • Campaign for the International Criminal Court in Bangladesh (2005)
  • Criminal Responsibility for Torture: A South Asian Perspective (2004)
  • Human Rights and Police Custody (2004)
  • Media, Democracy and Human Rights (2003)
  • Freedom of Religion in Bangladesh (2003)
  • Murder, Mayhem, Land and the Style: A Presentation on land Disputes involving Bangalis and Tribals in Bangladesh (April 2001)
  • Women and Children in Disadvantaged Situations (April 2001)
  • Abuse Of Section 54 of the Code Of Criminal Procedure (July 2001)


House 35 (3rd floor), Road 117
Gulshan, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
ph (88-02) 9888587
mobile number: +8801749293789
fax: 88-02-9886208
e-mail: odhikar.bd[a]gmail.com, odhikar.documentation[a]gmail.com




The South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies


Year Established: 2007

Short Historical Background:

The South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS) [a new name is being proposed “UNESCO Madanjeet Singh South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies]” aims to be a regional centre of excellence by conducting research and offering post-graduate education in South Asian law and human rights. Its mission is to further the potential of South Asia in legal education, research and scholarship and to impart knowledge and the skills that are necessary to confront the new challenges of this era.


It is sponsored by the South Asia Foundation (SAF), which is founded by UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh. SAF has been recognized as an Apex Body of South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC). SAF Bangladesh Chapter is headed by Eminent Jurist Dr. Kamal Hossain.


SAILS aims


  1. To become a center of excellence for education and research in South Asian Law and Human Rights for promoting interconnection and understanding through exchange and collaboration;
  2. To impart legal education with a view to sensitizing on crucial societal issues;
  3. To offer post-graduate degrees and diplomas on emerging issues of the South Asian region like Development Studies, Climate Change, Energy Regulation, etc.;
  4. To undertake and support research and advocacy activities on emerging issues in the region;
  5. To organize international and regional conferences, seminars, workshops, training programs and symposiums on contemporary issues of importance;
  6. To publish books, journals, newsletters, and monographs;
  7. To work as a platform for academics, researchers, practitioners and activists of related field.



SAILS undertakes several activities including the following:


  • Research projects and seminars and workshops on contemporary legal and human rights issues. It has undertaken studies and published three study reports on the Personal Laws of Bangladesh in 2011.
  • Training programs on Legal Research, Teaching Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Clinical Legal Education, etc.
  • Hosting of the South Asian Legal System Students’ Exchange Program, under which students from SAARC countries are hosted over one to two weeks to facilitate them to learn about legal and human rights issues in Bangladesh.
  • Internship and mentorship programs for students of law and related disciplines.


SAILS has initiated a Human Rights Law Clinic (HRLC) to provide a platform for training, mentoring and practice for Student- Volunteers of Law, Human Rights and allied disciplines. The areas of focus are analysis, research and writing, pro bono human rights works and legal services, legal and judicial activism, among other issues.



SAILS has undertaken three separate studies on personal laws of Bangladesh, pertaining to the personal laws of Muslims, Hindus and Christians.
These studies, undertaken with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Dhaka, were part of a project called Combating Gender Injustices (CGI). The studies were formally released at a launching ceremony held at SAILS’ conference room in Dhaka on 10 April 2012.
Title of the study reports:

  • Civil Laws Governing Christians in Bangladesh - A Proposal for Reform (Faustina Pereira, 2011).
  • Combating Gender Injustice - Hindu Law in Bangladesh (Shahnaz Huda, 2011).
  • Muslim Women’s Rights under Bangladesh Law: Provisions, Policies and Practices related to Custody and Guardianship (Nowrin Tamanna, Muhammad Amirul Haq and Sara Hossain, 2011).


Other Information

SAILS is registered in Bangladesh as a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It has an agreement with BRAC University for purposes of conferment of degrees as well as academic cooperation in other related matters. It has developed networks with related academics and professional institutions in the region and beyond.


South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal
and Human Rights Studies (SAILS)
House No. 55 (Ground Floor), Road No. 5
Dhanmondi Residential Area
Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
ph (88-2) 9613603
mobile: 88 01711 854771
e-mail: info[a]sails-law.org; uttam[a]sails-law.org








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